Saturday, April 23, 2016

Saturday morning Muffet

All the swelling has gone down. Doing much better today

Growing up in the land of 10.000 Lakes, and all the years hiking/camping, I've been bitten by many different things. Aside from tetanus shots and Red Cross first aid (of which I'm certified) there's really nothing I/you can do but call 911 in an emergency. I've never carried a hypodermic with me when camping, I never needed to really. I know what nests, eggs, excrement, and shed skin look like. Not useful for dating, but good to know when on a hike.

A brown spider crawled into my bed while I was sleeping. I must have rolled over and it thought I was attacking it, so it bit me. I didn't have any symptoms within 24 hours, aside from venom (which I'm familiar with) so I just cleaned my leg, used insect bite ointment (which I already had), and let the venom drain out, which it did.

Ticks. Those are the worst! I'll never forget the first time I rolled up my pant legs as a little kid, walked into Battle Creek to look at tadpoles, walked out with about five ticks buried into my skin. Blood suckers! Agh! Disgusting.

I'm not a doctor, but...

If you've never experienced brown (or black spider bites) go to the doctors and/or emergency room at the first sign of neasua, dizziness, vomiting, or blood.

And while you're at the doctor's get a tetanus shot. You're never too old to booster your health.

Looks like another Netflix movie night...

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