Monday, March 28, 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016

Ricky Gervais

Makes me laugh so hard. Love this guy.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

People of France

I have so much respect for your country. Tuesday's terror attack in Brussels, broke my heart. The continued outpouring of love, support, and kindness from France, towards Brussels, is wholly inspirational.

And where was America's President?

Well apparently...

Monday, March 21, 2016

Yeah ok "Boaty"

Your government is about to christen a $300 million research vessel "Boaty McBoatface".

You're not allowed an opinion on this matter.


Thats not true. I would totally ride a moped in public. That's a terrible comparison.


I thought we were still speaking "Duuuuuuuuuh"

What's funnier...

Her ridiculous attempt at beach comedy? OR the fact in doing so she spelled a simple four letter word incorrectly. OR that in misspelling a simple four letter word she then turned her joke into being about slavery. Ok that last one isn't funny as much as it is racist... especially how she termed it.


Don't quit your day job. Other jobs require at least third grade reading and writing skills.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

It's all about her now

"You're a funny little Capricorn." She tells me. "You're a land spirit. A goat. A climber. What are you doing at the ocean? You can't even swim."

Not true, my dear. I can. Barely. When jet-skiing someone throws a life-coat on me and I'm still alive to blog about it. For now anyway. 

SeaWorld can no longer afford breeding/holding whales against their will in captivity. BLACKFISH, CNNfilms, WILDLIFE PROTECTION groups. Conscientious supporters. Success!!

I've decisively reached a stage of semi early retirement. For my own well being. I've become emotionally exhausted in the past year. Mentally exhausted. I'll let the younger, angrier, stronger groups of philosophical unrest, proceed to either better or worsen this country. Entirely up to them. 

Pick your battles.

The elders in my family were/are generous with holiday money. Like clockwork. Christmas. Birthdays. Etc. After a certain age, I just felt too old to be receiving "holiday money". I could be 60 years old, and if my older relatives were still alive, they would still be mailing birthday money to me. Not to sound ungrateful, but...

I told my dad, as gently/appreciative as I could, "Spend the money on yourself. You deserve it. And if you refuse to spend the money on yourself, pick a charity and give it to them." 

And so he did. Dad picked a charity. This charity...

Dad started giving the money to her, and kids like her, year after year. 

My dad died last year, and so now it's my turn to give the money to her, and kids like her. I always wondered though, I think about her, and I wonder if that little girl made it. But I don't have the heart to find out.

My friends were/are a little harder to convince this is how I want my holidays spent. Whatever money you want to spend on me, thank you, thank you for loving me, but please give the money to her, to ASPCA, to Planned Parenthood, to Wildlife Preservation...

Remember all the flowers, candles, stuffed animals and gifts mourners left Princess Diana, all that could have gone to charity...

I understand people want to show their love and affection, but she was a renown world humanitarian...

I think about death, a lot. Not in a depressed suicidal way. People my age think about death. How I want to die. How I want to be remembered. Where do I want to die. Where should my ashes go. What do I want to accomplish before I die. I think about these things. A lot. 

When my childhood friend Rick, died of a brain tumor, he was barely 40 years old. He was in my oldest brother's graduating class. We were all very close. I remember talking to my brother about it. Rick was so young! And my brother responded by being so... Blasé... It just made me mad.

So now...

It's your turn, young America. 

I'm going to the beach. Listen to some waves. Meditate. Check out hot surfers. I mean, meditate. Ohm.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Little victory

I'll happily take it. My animosity towards Sea World, especially for the past year, even more so after seeing Blackfish, can rest a little easier. Sea World, will no longer breed or continue to keep whales in captivity as part of their money making scam. After they kill the present whales forced in Sea World, captivity die, Sea World, publicly stated that will be the end of forcing whales to be part of their "theme park".

No more whales.

Thank you Wild Life Protection groups, and their supporters.

One step at a time.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Thursday, March 17, 2016

St. Patrick's moral compass

He said my moral compass was purchased at the .99 cent store. Wrong. This little gem we free. As was this morning's live feed of (some woman's) close up vagina, immediately followed by this St. Pats foodie ad/picture

I'm not sure if it's vagina, or corned beef, I might see differently today, but let's find out.

Happy Green!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Hollywood Asians. Be honest.

Its not the Oscars, "apology" you're upset about. It's that the Asian "joke" was told by a black "comic" to begin with.

Kardash biz bone

If Kim Kardashian, has any business sense, if she's not doing it already, (now) would be the perfect time to make the "black bar" bikini. Summer is almost here.

Love it when shade turns to profit.

Spoken like a true Asian;)

Monday, March 14, 2016


Could NOT remember this guy's name until now!! Drove me crazy!! Few weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting this guy but could not remember his name until now. Means nothing to you, but geez, what a release!!!


Actors, actor types, writers, fame, Hollywood, these days I avoid each one at all cost. I live at the beach --got away from "city" everything.

Sun. Surf. Volleyball. Bicycle. Boardwalk. Friends. Neighbors. Semi retired, that's all I'm into.


Santa Monica, studios, are (right there) so every now and then you can't help but run into them actors.   *She said while shaking fist at the sky.


Last night, I met this guy and he was the coolest guy ever. 

Of all the Hollywood types, over all the years I've lived in SoCal, John Shea, and Vanna White, are among the two nicest people I've ever met.

Unpretentious Hollywood types are out there. Few and far in between. But they're out there.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Mister Reality TV: eps. White House

Once Trump, put his bid in for the White House, none of you can say you're now surprised of his high ratings. He is Mister Reality TV. Entertainment, Americans, love.

Trump, is every reality TV show rolled into one.

And as much as I "enjoy" reading all the Trump-hate, he is beloved by lower economic under-educated white Americans. There's nothing you can do to change that.

I don't know one person who's voting this election. Neither democrat or republican.

If this is the best America has to offer, than America deserves Trump.


Instead of a blog, PST will be a documentary time capsule of when America, collapsed at the hands of Mister Reality TV.


Prediction: John Lennon, died for less.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Even more unoriginal

Than the 58,943,785,213 other times you previously said it.

Get new material, Jackson.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


I slam attention whore bitches, who slam attention whore bitches.

It's Thursday. It's what I do on Thursdays.

She's Kim Kardashian

And who are you again?

I don't like the Kardash crew, but I dislike those other two hags even more.

Sorry fag-hags, I'm taking the word "hag" back. It applies more to the straight community these days. No need to insult the gay community in the cross-fire.

Monday, March 7, 2016

p.s. YOU (DM) got your ass handed to you

by Flash Gordon.

Not Batman.
Not Superman.

Flash Gordon!

(No relation.)

Challenge accepted

When I cut off all my hair and started letting my natural white color grow out, this was the idea by summer but as we now observe this is becoming more the reality and YOUR comic villainy is no match.

Rogue's boobs will always win.

They're fighting

Who cares why. It's funny. They're comedy fighters. I love listening to him imitate her voice when she yells at him. I try not to laugh.

She knows where I live.

She's listed at $25million

And she's still complaining he earned more. What do you think about that, Flint, Michigan?

Why the fuss?

My long time dear friend makes a ton more money than me, and I'm perfectly fine with that. He does his part. I do mine. I would love to say, "money doesn't matter" in relationships but it does. I don't want to be "the man" who earns more. Some women need to be grateful with the millions they have potential to earn, and not worry about how much more he's making.

If a woman says, "I hate it when a man takes me shopping." She's lying.

And stupid.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Like my collar?

Messing around. The collar snaps in the back. Too tight. I was trying to unsnap it. Pictures first. I got priorities.;)

Thursday, March 3, 2016

No one's moving to Canada

Calm down.

Can't we just give Trump a senate job where he just yells at people all day?


LA Kings 3 - Montreal Canadiens 2. 


THE industry

When he says "I am in the industry" am I supposed to assume... ?

Only in the color red

And then (of course) they offer it to you in every color but red.

C'mon. You know the rules!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


And FARGO. That's right. I forgot. I blogged about that HERE

Oh. Right. And that crazy cunt from Canada, which was why I started blogging "Oh, Canada" every time the Kings kicked Canada's ass, all of them. To the point I got bored blogging "Oh, Canada" due to Canada (pick a team) losing pretty near every hockey game to the Kings.

(Kings play Montreal, tomorrow.)


I know, I shouldn't poke the bear. But it's ok to poke when the bear is old, haggard, used up, it's just happy to be getting any attention at all.


Only happens to black people? Rhetorical question. Shut up. I'm equally tired of hearing how only black people are affected by racism, as I am reading Hollywood Asians (I've never heard of) whining about black people thinking racism only happens to them.


Do I care if Chris Rock, uses Asian kids to make fun of Asians, no. Why? Because I don't care about Chris Rock. He apparently chose to stop being funny/interesting long ago.

The whole #mule (or was it donkey?) thing... Whatever. Martin Luther King Jr's, you ARE NOT.

Fun fact: In the last 10 years (probably more) the only person I can recall making Asian "slurs" are Chris Rock, and myself.

And I'm better at it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

"He's nobody. Just the writer."

I love that line. Writers are nobodies. Nobodies people hate. I couldn't care less if people like me, don't like me. I don't care if we ever meet. We won't. Who cares? Life goes on. 

In a world of multi-billions, for writers, the audience is everyone, or maybe no one. But in a world of multi-billions, there's always an audience. People want to see. Curious. Entertainment. Mental flexing.

All I did was retweeted something from CNN, analytics said over 500 people looked. 

A writing instructor once told our class, "Write every day. Anything. Nonsensical. Doesn't matter. Just write." My drawing teachers said the same thing.

I'm just a writer.

If you don't like what I write, don't read it.

We will never meet.