Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Great job FARGO! In last night's episode two characters used the slang term "gooks". When I was growing up I heard the word "gook" maybe a half dozen times, but it was by people living outside of our county. County, that was a big deal. If you "weren't from around here" we'd call you anything we wanted, and vice versa. And everyone received ONE warning of, "You better get on home now." If you didn't heed that one warning, the outcome was on you. Childhood friends called (other) Asians "gooks" immediately followed up with, "not YOU of course, you know what we mean", and strangely enough I did know what they meant. They were talking about war, and their family members who served in them, who didn't come home, or the ones who did come home, kind of.

I never took it personal. All's fair in love and war.

At least FARGO got the slang right!     

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