Sunday, February 14, 2016

Lunch with the girls

They just scared the desire for sex right out of you, didn't they? 

Rhetorical question. Don't answer. 

In 8th grade gym class during AKA sex ed., we were shown slides of what aborted fetuses looked like. 


I'm a pro-choice Republican. But as I said in past blogs, I'm a conservative. Not so much a republican by society's definition. 

One observation (this ol' lady) can't help but notice among the Twitter female youths, is their wide range abstract understandings of feminist movements, past and present. 

To me, Judge Judy, is a far wiser, stronger, brilliant "feminist" than (say) self declared feminist Gloria Allred.

I want to see girls, young ladies, and women, be strong on their own two feet, be responsible, earn your success, know that with every reward risks are attached. You're not immune to hard times. Nothing is for "free" simply because you're a woman. 

My beef with Gloria Allred, is the way she represents women makes them look dumb. Gloria Allred, makes women she represents look helpless and useless.

I have a problem with that. A big problem.


When America's female young (18-29, voting age) express how little they care about the subjects of sexual equality, sexual free speech, and sexual liberation (for that too was/is a feminist movement) opting instead public affirmations of, "Orgasms are great, but sometimes I just want to take my bra off and scratch like an ape" as an angsty young feminist movement... is grossly misguided! 

You're not making a feminist statement. You're merely announcing the end of your day. Agreed, at the end of my day I take my bra off and feel relieved also. As do/did billions of women across the globe for generations before you were born. There was/is no problems with women taking off their bras for comfort at the end of their day. 

It's one thing when a young lady expresses scratching her boobs at the end of her day after removing her bra, hi-five I do it too, but it's something else entirely when that expression immediately follows "Orgasms are great, but..."

But what?

What does one have to do with the other?

This is where young women, particularly 18-29 years of age, lack understanding of feminist movements. 

There are many different types of feminists and they don't all agree with one another. But comparing a woman's orgasm to the end of a woman's day...

Well there's no comparison.

One is sexual liberation. The other is uncomfortable underwear.

If women want the equality of men in the work place, in society, in dating, in marriage, etc., it's defeatist criticizing other women who don't share your exact feminist or female politics and priorities. 

But first, my dear young voter ladies, please get a dictionary and look up the word "feminist" before you start making declarations in its name.

(Help me Jane Fonda! Circa 2003, or whenever it was you started flashing your epic boobs all over the place!)

Young ladies who are pro boob-scratching, but anti boob/cleavage flashing, have one agenda and that's the "I hate other women" movement. So not a feminist!

Equally, why are (straight) men applauding women hating other women who enjoy flaunting their sexuality? What are you (straight) men applauding exactly? "Yay I never want to get laid!"


Furthermore, real feminists don't give two fucks what men think about their personal bob scratching time!

I've read "a million" times online how this female loves sucking dick, loves getting dick pics, etc., but then throws down a lawsuit if someone dares sends her a dick pic.


Again, God damnit, Gloria Allred!

You have to pay attention to what's being said on social media. Pay attention! And for the most part it seems as if (people) are. 


I don't know entirely what's going on in these young ladies heads. But understand this, who you vote for, will effect YOU in the four years that follows AS A WOMAN. Marriage. Kids. Love. Money. Tax. Freedom. All of it. 


Maybe I don't know anything. Maybe I haven't lived long enough either. Or maybe I've lived too long. Maybe I'm the last person you should listen to.

But I will tell you this much...

I'm happy. Really happy.

I have amazing friends who I love and cherish. I'm where I want to be in my life and it sure as hell didn't come easy.


My romance/friendship with my long time friend of 20+ years has lasted longer than any marriage I know of including my dad's. Both of them. Combined.

Bearing that in mind...

I don't know who I'm voting for. I'm not voting for Trump. Or Cruz. Or Rubio. Or Clinton.


(Seriously, is this the best America, can do?)

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