Monday, December 7, 2015

You better watch out. You better not cry.

Mental illness. 

Koreans are crazy. We know "exactly" 571 different ways to murder you with a pair of tweezers, and that's just from the waist down. Reason #1 why you don't see Korean Americans with each other. We're not dumb. We know. We're Americans, yes, but that crazy Korean, genetic stamp is encoded in our DNA. At any given minute a Korean, could get all "loo-loo-loo-loo!!!" and for no particular reason begin strutting like a gorilla, in the mist, with Sigourney Weaver, twerking our big weird rubber butts. Wait. Do gorillas have (thee) rubber butts, or is that orangutans? What's the difference between gorillas and orangutans? Besides those epic rubber butts I mean?

Wait. What was I talking about?   

Right. Mental illness. 

There's philosophy, and then there's law. Philosophy is what I do, here, now, on my phone, naked from the waist down in my living room. 

Mental illness and law, are like Aramis and his smoking hot ex wife. I love that girl. I really do! I understand mental illness and law are defined by two separate definitions. And though they may be incredible together 50% of the time, it's just not enough to make a happy intertwined successful marriage. Friends, yes. Marriage, no.

-- I'm getting a text message from Aramis within 2 minutes after posting this blog asking me which one is "mental illness", him or his ex-wife.

I hate guns. Not because as a little girl I was shot with one, but because I, me, personally have no use for guns in my life. I camp and hike in remote wilderness, in all four seasons, from 105 degrees to -5 degrees, and have never used a gun. I live in Los Angeles, lived in New York, and have never used a gun. I've shot guns, at targets, when I was younger, but since I have no use for guns, I don't bother shooting at targets anymore. I don't want guns in my home. I don't want to be in your home if you have guns. I don't think guns are sexy or cool or even interesting. But that's me. Good thing I have Killer Korean ninja tweezer skills! 

Now having said that...

Type and use of guns (in my opinion) need to be regulated by law. Not panic. Law. What separates mental illness and insanity, from law, is knowing the difference between basic right and wrong. Terrorists know the difference between right and wrong. They know it's wrong to murder people. They just don't care. When you attempt to justify murdering people in the name of religion, you've pardoned yourself, admitting you know it's wrong. It's the people who don't know why they committed murder, you have to question if they're not a little, "loo-loo-loo-loo!!!"

Initially, the heated debate over whether or not what happened in San Bernardino, was terrorism... Well boys and girls... MY FAVORITE discussion happened not long ago on a local L.A. news channel.

While listening to 30 year old news anchors and guest specialists, discuss the tragedy in San Bernardino, one female Anchor, hand to god, was (this close!) to sarcastically kick-backing a juvenile, "Duuuuuuuuhhh!!!" to later reports calling it an act of terrorism. 

It was brilliant. The only way that news segment could have been any better is if that female news anchor added, "Duuuuuuuuhhh, jerkface!!!"

Moving on...

I finally checked out DARK STAR, H.R. Giger's World, on Netflix.

I wish I could have met GIGER. He's one of the few people on this planet I would have truly felt honored to have met.

It's interesting how you can relate to someone you've never met, never will meet, and yet have absolutely nothing in common with those around you every day. Thank (preservation of sanity) for the arts.

Two things...

1. When making the eggs in the Alien movies, the original sculpture for the baby Aliens breaking through the slit in the eggs (supposedly) resembled a vagina. To not upset the Catholics, the egg "slits" were then re-sculpted into crosses. Ha. Giger's brilliant sense of humor.

2. I love Giger's reflection of life just before he died. I agree, when you die, you die. No after life. Thank god. I too would hate to have to go through this bullshit all over again.

My dad did his best to make my childhood a safe little pastel painting. And for that I'm grateful. I never knew crime, real sickness, hunger, or wanting for anything. I assumed everyone lived this way. It was what I was lead to believe. But in time, my young little brain knew that wasn't true. 

Giger's work intrigued me. His art prints were my first "Playboys". I had to know, and personally experience, what inspired such brilliance. 


I wish I hadn't.

The grass is always greener. Isn't it.

Muggi (III) is Giger's cat, who makes several appearances in the film. 

Behind every brilliant artist is a cat or dog. 

A week ago...

I made an appointment at the Hollywood DMV on Cole. I was dreading all week having to go. Hollywood, and DMV, are two places you don't want to be at the same time, but the appointment wait-list for the other DMVs near me was so long, my license would have expired by then. 

My appointment was for 1:15pm. By 1:30 I was done. Holy shit. My business with the DMV was over in 15 minutes. Wow. Everyone was fast, friendly, and efficient. Beautiful. Thank you!


What world do I live in, when the DMV is where I have the best business experience for the entire week?

I have to go to the post office later this week to mail some holiday stuff back home to MN. If my dealings there are as smooth as the DMV, well then, I'm buying Powerball lotto tickets! 

And then there's hockey...

The Kings are on another win streak. Yay!

Fleury vs Quick, are among my favorite goalie games to watch.  Kings are playing Pittsburgh, again Friday. See (you) at the pub! 

Fortress Of Solitude!

I was thinking the Wedgewood Columbia, sage green, tea set; or perhaps a victorious vintage auctioned tea set from Barnebys, just to say, "I won this American Silverplate  tea set in a Barnebys auction." I've never bid in an auction before. Could be fun. I can do it online in my pajamas without having to buy a hat and matching gloves. Because if you've ever seen those women bidding auction  items in person, they're always wearing hats and matching gloves. Although that too could be fun. 

This is the part of my blog where I talk about tea, much like Bukowski wrote about horse racing. No one cares. 


I'm not interested in a tea set obviously English, or Asian, no offense. It's just been done. Everyone has an Asian tea set, and unless it's an heirloom, sweetheart, it's (so) avant-garde!

Ever notice I really do sound like an old queer sometimes!


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