Saturday, December 19, 2015

Cult film? Are you sure?

When people call your project the second worst made movie ever --- why, why, WHY would you make a film about MAKING the second worst made movie ever?

Just accept you drank a little too much and forgot your smartphone access code!!

P.S. I wasn't drunk. Just because it took me over 20 tries before correctly accessing my smartphone security code, that's my "onset Alzheimer's" kicking in. I wasn't drunk. I'm Asian. It's really super stupid hard for us to get drunk --- though it doesn't stop me from trying --- faithfully. I'm no quitter! 

If this turns out to be ranked the third worst movie ever made, are you going to make another movie explaining the third worst movie ever made... Like 'Return Of The Jedi'? Look how many movies have been made since, explaining that one. 

It will be like that... Only without the billions of dollars... Or epic downtown light saber battles...

Or Jake Lloyd, who's like 26 years old now.

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