Saturday, November 28, 2015

Vote for a leader, not a politician!

CNN asked the open question, "Who will you blame when Obama is gone?"

I'd like to respond.

President Obama, seemingly isn't willing to die for anything presidential. This is why he remained a politician rather than a leader once he gained the White House. President Obama, isn't willing to lead for what he claims to believe in, because he isn't willing to die for it. That's obvious. There's no conviction. No leadership. No influence. And nothing for Obama to prevail. And why should he? He doesn't believe. 


For the worst.

He clearly gave up. Our president quit his job  but he didn't leave.

2009 Fort Hood, Texas
2011 Tucson, Arizona
2012 Newtown, Connecticut 
2012 Aurora, Colorado
2013 Washington DC
2014 Fort Hood, Texas
2015 Charleston, South Carolina

Cops vs civilians

Civilians vs cops


Terrorism in France. And again.

Meeting with UN leaders and then turning around and supporting Turkey killing two Russian pilots. 

Where is our leader?? Where is the commander and chief of the free liberated people, to bring calm to the UN??

He's taking sides?? Are you serious??

I blame President Obama, for his lack of action. For his lack of faith. For his lack of leadership skills.

Particularly in his second term Obama just said, "Fuck it" and started scolding people rather than leading them. I can't watch him address the nation anymore. It's excruciatingly painful. 

Martin Luther King Jr, President Kennedy...

They rose their fists to God and declared "If you won't do anything to stop the madness, I will!" Furthermore, looked the nation in the eyes and spoke from their hearts with conviction, and then took action, putting their own lives on the line, repeatedly.  They put their own boots on the ground and took to the streets themselves. And for that, we will never forget them. And sorely miss them. They fought oppression. One battle at a time with heart, truth, and conviction.

Obama, says a few useless blurbs until the next thing happens... Might as well put his speeches on a loop track with a cardboard cutout. 

America's president must restore peace, strength, and dignity to the UN and America.

That's the job of OUR president.

Do your job.

So to answer your question CNN, who will I blame next? Any and every American President who has the audacity to beg for our presidential votes and then do nothing once he becomes president.

Mr President, are you willing to die for your country, because if you're not willing to die for us, no point voting for you.

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