Thursday, October 8, 2015

Women... friends?

Rush Limbaugh, once said, "Never date a woman who have no women friends."

I couldn't agree more with that fat piece of...

Does he mean real women friends, OR the girls you work with, or the other mens sigs you see only at BBQ's then and only then because you have to, though you secretly wish those bitches would drop dead?

I know (a lot) of women, a lot of seemingly nice women, but count my real women friends, my real friends in total, on one hand.

Most women have a million male "friends" aka men they fuck, aaaaaaand MAYBE three genuine women friends. But for the most part women fool themselves into thinking what appears to be friendship is just a common "use each other".

Pick up a hammer and hit yourself really hard 100 times, that's what reality will feel like when it hits you in the face.

I was in my early 20's when I learned that little lesson. I can't imagine what that hammer feels like when you're in your 30's...  40's?

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