Saturday, October 3, 2015

"Where does the money go?"

Who cares? It's charity! No one knows where the money goes. It could go to legal fees, administration fees, business lunches...

Everyone wants to think their money is going to "feed a starving puppy" or "cure AIDS" when the reality is your donation could just be buying postage fees.

It's charity.

The whole point of being "charitable" is not caring where exactly the money goes.

Ever watch Penn & Teller's show BULLSHIT! episode on recycling? You, alone, will not help a scientist create a new prosthetic limb for Mr. Johnson, although everyone thinks that's where their cans and bottles are going. BUT if recycling makes you feel good like you're doing your part, then do it! If reading the Bible prevents you from murdering people, by all means read it. But do not donate to charity thinking your money alone is creating a new heart valve made out of styrofoam cups! Chances are your money bought a bunch of fax paper. Maybe a few new staplers.

That's the reality of donating money.

But we do it anyway because... You just never know.

Isn't it better knowing (maybe) you did something good...

Rather than doing absolutely nothing?

That's the last thing I'm going to say about it!!

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