Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy Near Bar!

On the 1st, I wished 5 people a "Happy Near Bar!!"

My smart phone is a genius.

Dad said he wants to have "a talk" with me.


Last time dad said that, we had the god damn talk. As in he wants me to stop saying "god damn" in my blogs. I always find it interesting what things offend dad. I want to learn his method at picking battles. I think he got it down to science after I yelled at him, "You had no right to chop off my penis and force me to live as a girl! That was my decision to make! Not yours!" at my cousin's wedding.

Don't worry. I was born with just a vagina. It's fabulous. I'm rather proud of it and show it off frequently. Whether you want to see it or not.

Keeping in topic however, it seems she-males are hot right now.

Must find a she-male.

(It's my Near Bar resolution!)

Dad writes a blog too. He won't let me read it though. He won't even tell me the http address. I'm offended. He started writing it when he learned he has cancer again. Still fighting the good fight. Dad asks why I don't write about J. anymore. No idea who he's talking about?


How did you learn about (this) blog again?

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