Thursday, October 23, 2014

Socks and underwear. In Paris, just socks.

It's been two weeks now. I've had a little time to absorb what's going on at home. Adjust. Try to. Yesterday I asked dad if he would consider smoking pot to help him eat. (Never thought "dad" and "pot" would be used in the same sentence, ever.) He's looking into Asian herbal remedies as an alternative. Plus he's eating again. Thank god. Don't think I want to see my dad smoking marijuana, anyway. Cancer or not, nothing would help me recover from that visual.

I'm doing my best to tone down the pure utter insane panic that rips through my body from the time I wake up, until the time I go to bed. It does him no good. He's taking it all in stride now. Hitting on the nurses (I'm sure!) I'm waiting for him to tell one if them I just got out of prison. Wait for it. He thinks it's flirty to say things that, "She robs banks for a living." And apparently I suck at it. I don't get how but it works and the girls giggle...

Completely forgot about Halloween. Getting a room today actually. On my to-do list. Working in an area Halloween night that will just be crazy. I gave up battling crazy.

Meeting the French tutor this morning. Then shopping winter gear. It's already 30 degrees in MN, at night. And shopping for a compact (European) travel bag. I'm not bringing suitcases to Paris. Whatever I need I'll just get there. One shoulder bag. That's it. Trying to learn how their Metro works. On one of the days there I want to play nerdy Asian tourist. Get a pair if fake glasses, fat wad of tape in between the lenses, and take a million photos.

I watched that YouTube video if the two French girls, sisters I think, one has green hair, and they were saying what NOT to do in Paris. Meaning (for tourists) how not to behave. And their big one was do not blow your nose or sniffle in public. Yes!! Add to that, especially in restaurants!! I see we're going to get along great. A quick nose blow in a Kleenex, fine. But some people just think everyone around them wants to hear you blow your nose, and blow, and blow, while we're all trying to eat. It's so rude.

The YouTube girls were also saying, don't be surprised when we kiss you. We always kiss the girls, twice, so don't be surprised.

Fantastic. The girl with the green hair can kiss me any time.

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