Friday, October 24, 2014

J'aime les livres et les bijoux

I got the flu shot few days ago.


That's how bored I am. Blogging about my flu shot.

I'm just counting the days to get on a plane again.

Stationary is no good for me.

I'm re-reading 'The Catcher In the Rye', studying French, packing and waiting to get on the plane. I don't like packing a bunch of clothes. I prefer buying them when I get there. Wherever "there" is. But thermals in MN is a must-have this time of year.

It's still 6 months away but,

So it seems Saint Germain Des Pres, is the place to be in Paris.

The Cafe De Flore. Les Deux Magots.

I'm Metro savvy. I'll get around ok.

Pickpockets? Challenge accepted!


I'm eager, more than anything, to see if these conflicts among the French are true.


1) French patrons, tourists, students etc., don't like French Americans.

2) French people don't like Canada.

3) Parisians, are very nice


4) French waiters hate everybody! (Which I think is absolutely awesome!)

I'm learning French for the waiters!

Please don't spit in my food. I tip 20%-25% always. Promise. Oh wait. Do you tip in France?

Can't I just, "cette, s'il vous plait." And point on the menu? I know very little about French food. But I'm not going to Paris for the food. I'm sure it'll be fine. Just in case, I'm packing a ton of seaweed. I eat it every day. Kale, seaweed, cucumbers, fish and rice. I'm sure I'll find it.

In the past month I've met about a dozen French people, and they were all very nice.

"Bonjour. Comment allez-vu? Bien, merci. J'mapelle [Simone]. Comment vous appeles vous?" And they were very, very nice and seemed genuinely happy/impressed I was learning Francaise.


Girl with the green hair,

Salute! Allons boire un verre!

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