Saturday, September 6, 2014

When 818 died

My old phone was an 818 number. This phone is a 310 number. When 818 died so did everything that was on it. Everything. Gone. I had to reinstate my FB page to write people for their number. The photo app for this blog confuses my sleepy little brain.

Google, all the photos shared on this blog are accessible if you understand how a keyboard/pad works. I don't sweat people "sharing" my photos. Hopefully people are smart enough not to get duped online. So why all the  "clicks" and  "locks" regarding the new blog app photo block system. It seems (if nothing else) easier to borrow images when you instantly put all the images in one online auto file.

Hey guys, you no longer have to read my blogs to see my photos. Fuck it, just take the whole file for your convenience! Unles of course I click lock (something?) and sacrifice a virgin, which protects absolutely nothing. At least Images, made people click each photo individually. This phone app is just one public file.

Why can't I just pull content from my phone? Why do I have to first put it in an online public folder?

Christ, even Twitter and FB will let me upload directly from my phone.

C'mon! You're Google! You make pervy eye gear, and buy robots!

Get some duct tape and fix this!!!

P.s. FB page was deleted again once I got my contact info.

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