Friday, May 23, 2014

"Cannibalism, it's the only way."

The Arizona Viking Queen and I had a rather serious discussion on how to resolve the world's current overpopulation problem.

There is just - so much. An overwhelming amount of everything here in the U.S. One giant processing machine. Conveyer belts of procreation. 

Her answer - cannibalism.

China has its own "Hunger Games" kind of thing I don't entirely disagree with. China's one child policy. Everyone wanted sons because they are more likely apt to financially take care of mom and dad in their golden years, but what China didn't anticipate was the complication of who all those sons were going to marry and have children with when they grew up. Non Chinese women? Right. Sure.  

Suddenly all those unwanted daughters became China's biggest commodity.

International Hunger Games!!!

I'm starting to like the idea.

"U.S. adopts one child policy."

Maybe then people in the U.S. will stop thinking they own, and have a right to everything and everyone.

Wouldn't hurt some of you to work for it!!  


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