Thursday, December 12, 2013

Being discreet

Yesterday morning I saw Rick's phone number on my cell phone. I have a morbid curiosity to call it, but won't. Seeing his number threw me off for half the day. He's been gone for almost 3 weeks now but I can't bring myself to delete his number. Not yet anyway. Probably not for a while. 

And I've grown tired finding nicknames to call friends to keep their identities discreet, so I've just decided on using terms like "we" and "us" and "my friend/s" instead, and even though friends tell me I don't have to hide their identities, I'm going to anyway. I'm generally a discreet person in all my activities even after the fact. I have no idea who reads this thing. No that's not true. I could find out if I really wanted to but Google and I aren't speaking right now. The advert issue. Lovers quarrel. Meh. You know how it is. 

A couple I met once, followed me around online for a year afterwards, friend requesting me on Linked In, Twitter, Facebook, all places where I have accounts but never use. Those accounts were inactive within hours after I created them. Still, I get email notifications to this day from those accounts saying; "so-and-so" is still waiting to be approved as your friend.

Well, you're going to be waiting a long time. I don't use those accounts. 

Those emails notifications are always followed up by, "re-activate your account with us".


On one hand, I get why people want to know who your friends are, because it also lets them know if they want to associate with you or not, especially in Hollywood, largely in the entertainment world, even more so if your friends are successful in it.

Any time I meet a new person, I generally do a little recon to see if I want to pursue an acquaintanceship with them. I think we all do. You have to. 

Future work prospects do it, potential lovers definitely do it, and the general populace as a whole.

Nothing is a bigger turn off than the obvious, "Will this person make me money?" agenda. What are you, my pimp? Get lost.

I'm pretty straight forward. Diplomatic, usually, and straight forward. On a few occasions I've come right out and asked people (when they randomly contact me) what it is they want. If it's something I'm interested in, great. If it's not, I'll tell you. Lets not waste each other's time. Agreed?


Accusing the LGBT of wrecking the world, again, for the 10th time this year, is just boring. 

I love how fast individuals get clustered and then blame-chain-related to everyone outside of the accuser's scope as being guilty of wrecking the world.

Next time you want to stomp on peoples' rights, send your hate, here.

Personally, I'm allowed to wreck the world once a year. God and I have an understanding!


Since I don't know what I'm going to do about the adverts on my blog page, I think I'll end all my blogs with spoofy adverts using products I actually use around my house.

If you follow my blog (thank you!) and likewise you then know lately almost every blog ends with me spoofy promoting LLBEAN product because I'm entirely grateful to these guys

It's been an emotional and sensitive week apparently for some people. 

And all I can say is,


You can be angry, bitter, hostile, but if you're skin is really that thin...

Than I suggest you get this coat from LLBEAN!
It withstands temperatures up to -20 degrees below zero!

This uber warm beautiful fleece bathrobe also from LLBEAN!
And hey! While I'm thinking about it, is your natural disaster kit complete?

Well my friends, it's not complete if you don't have one of these, weather radio (whatever this thing is called!)

Every natural disaster kit should have one! It's an AM/FM radio, flashlight, hand turbine, glow in the dark, not at all sure what the mini USB DC input is for but I'm sure if I actually took it out of the box there's instructions inside to tell me!

Add this LLBEAN (weather radio ?) to your earthquake kit today!

I specifically sat in this chair to shoot this product because I've never sat in this chair. 5 new dining room chairs for a year and I've yet to sit in 3 of them (now 2 of them!)

In closing,

I met this amazing guy 20 years ago when we were little punks. He's very dear to me. Beloved. We both moved to L.A. around the same time, perhaps a year or two apart. We're very close friends and on occasion we also date; yes off and on during the past 20 years of friendship we also date sometimes. It's beautiful when things just happen.

He's a cameraman/crane owner/operator, 2 shops, "a million" cameras, I'm awestruck with his work (big screen, small screen, soundstage or on location, documentaries, band videos, commercials) and I'm invariably more interested in the work by him and the crew, than what's being shot. Maybe because as a young girl I was more interested in mechanics, science and engineering, being more interested in Legos and Erector Sets than playing house or with dolls.

My dad still thinks I'm a lesbian. He really does! It's awesome. I want to bring home the woman who does my hair! She's a 200 pound lesbian (dyke, I think she prefers) of Hispanic descent with a blue mohawk. She's the best!

For all that,

To me,

This is visually, creatively impressive. Inspirational. Everything is built from the ground up starting with the scaffolds.

My friend's crew on set at an equestrian showground.

He and his crew are about $200 an hour per person. 10 hours guaranteed but they usually work 14 hour days per gig! Crazy. And these guys work nonstop 9 months a year. God bless Hollywood!

Did you ever visit me at Casa Chatsworth? I had a housemate then you might recall who was a set builder (he also built American Ninja Warrior) all across the country. In CA the set was built and shot in Venice Beach. One beautiful giant Erector Set.

I know, you guys are looking at the guy running the course. But look at the set!

I don't know where 2014 is taking me but, I miss making things with my hands. I miss my hands! I want my hands back! I'm told there's nonsurgical procedures I can try that might make a good amount of the pain in my hands easier to manage.

Aleve, all day strong, my ass.

I'm considering the procedure...  

After seeing Rick's number in my cell phone I went through my drawings I keep on memory stick. The drawings themselves are in a temp controlled storage unit. The pain in my hands had gotten so bad I quit my last drawing after I outlined her, and concentrated more on writing.


Life is too short to not finish what you started!

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