Thursday, August 1, 2024




That's my gal. I love her so very much.



Oh hell no. 😡


The Gypsy finally left. OMG she didn't go quietly either. Kicking and screaming the whole way out the door but not until first stealing the two spare rolls of toilet paper from under the downstairs bathroom sink. This is why I have extra toilet paper in my locked room also. Fucking Gypsies. They'll steal anything. WHY DO PEOPLE HORD TOILET PAPER! She came to Vegas for four days to steal toilet paper. GYPSIES! 


Nearing the last days of summer. Thank God. 

I'm told that swearing and sex scenes are for movies not books. True you think?



Yay! The gypsy leaves tomorrow. The magpie. The whore. How do women live like that? Just no regard for anyone. Thinks the world revolves around her. Everyone's here to pick up after her. Her world. Does as she pleases. No bitch. Just. No. 

On the plus side, I got a character out of it for my book. 


The Gypsie woman that's here is a total whore. She has strange men coming in and out of the house, in and out of her bedroom, her, and none of her men close the front door to the house let alone lock it. I cannot wait for this slut to get the fuck out of this house. I don't care if you're a hooker but don't bring that shit home with you especially when other people live in the same house and share a bathroom. Slut. 



I'll be so happy when the Gypsie woman gets the fuck off the couch and out of this house.

People who spend their lives doing nothing but sitting on the couch, talking on the phone, and watching TV irritate me to no end. What a waste of life. You might as well be dead. I didn't know 2024 Gypsies were so boring and lazy. 



A couch gypsy has taken over the sofa in the living room. She literally plants her ass on the sofa from 10am-10pm. Crazy. How do people live this way? She's single fellas! 😂


Trump staffers disrespecting Arlington National Cemetery rules. The hell you say.😒 I hate Trump so much. I hate him, his crew, and all those MAGA assholes who are nothing less than white nationalist poor man's nazi wannabe's.  



If you could see my laptop home screen right now, it's a total mess. On the left side of my screen, I have my folders and images in a somewhat orderly fashion and then on the right side (middle to right side) it looks like my bedroom at 3am when I'm 3/4 into a bottle of cheap wine reminiscing all my regrets. 

I'm trying to clean up my life. Housekeeping. It's been a while. I'm trying to be more serious with my writing. Aside from the book I'm furiously working on I have my "serious" writing blog I'll pass along to unsuspecting publishers and demand they read it in my Midwest passive aggressive way. Read it! 

I find myself scratching my chin more. What is that? Is that some menopausal thing? Face hair? 

Do we follow each other on Twitter? I refuse to call it X, shut up. You know the images I post on there are just because I'm a dope with my cell phone camera. I don't consider myself a photographer. At all. When people ask if they can purchase an image, I'm like why don't you just download it like everyone else? I draw, or I used to before my stroke. When I retire, I'll draw again when I have all the time in the world to re-teach my broken brain how to do that - and I write. That's all. 

In regard to the November election here in the U.S. all I can say is pick happiness. Vote for the people who will make living in America enjoyable. Pick intelligence and compassion. I mean of course Harris and Walz. Will they be tough on Putin and Kim Jong Un? God, I hope so. Trump and Vance are literally the stupid party. Ask Trump how many states are in the U.S. Go ahead. Ask him. Voting for Trump and Vance is pretty much flat-earther nonsense. It's so exhausting how dumb they are. 


Back to my book.

Have a great night all.



When you have to get away from the madness for a little while. 

Be with people who think like you and appreciate the same things as you - like a peaceful morning. 



I don't understand cruelty towards animals. I just don't - but I want to. I want to learn what makes people hurt animals, because hurting animals is the gateway to hurting humans. Every serial murderer has one thing in common, they started with hurting dogs, cats, and other smaller animals.

The beginning of my book starts with a familiar disturbing psychology I experienced firsthand, though I used a young man to narrate it in a way a young man with mental illness would. My father's first wife had severe mental issues that went undiagnosed, probably not yet fully discovered in the 70's and 80's. Even after childhood therapy, the best therapy I ever received was writing about it in my book. Three cats died in her "care". I'm surprised my brothers, and I made it past ten years of age. That's why I'm so vigilant towards animal abuse awareness - the little girl in me couldn't stop the madness.

Don't just be angry and shocked, do something. Help them. Please.




Pop quiz! 

Two images. One on top of the other. Which image shows love, pride, respect, and joy?


Tim Walz's son cried with pride and love for his father at the DNC. He's 17 years old and the Republicans attacked him. I have long seen what the problem is - 2024 Republicans don't know what love and joy are. They don't know what happiness, or pride, or respect for another person is, let alone another person in their own family. You can see Tim Walz is a good man. The things he fights for are anything but self-serving. He doesn't do something to see what he can get out of it, and he doesn't do something to excuse abusive behavior towards others. He does things because it's the right thing to do. Tim Walz has core love, core value for his loved ones, and a core belief that people deserve to be happy and have the tools to succeed in life regardless of if he ever meets them. That's a good man.

2024 Republicans are angry at everything and everyone because their delusional belief they are better than everyone else, more deserving, and owed, has dragged them down into a pool of misery, and they're angry about that also - but not at themselves, oh no, they're angry at you. 

Around 2016 I blogged a question for young people - are you happy? Do you enjoy life? Do have joy in your life? Clearly the answer was no.

Love makes me happy. Sincerity, kindness, and love make me happy. I know somewhere out there is a man who also knows happiness, that I can be happy with. We can be happy together. Interesting thing, I don't think people know love anymore. They don't know what love for a friend is, love for a lover, or love for others simply just to love fellow humankind, or animal kind. I'm sad for those people. I'm sad for people who are unable to grasp the one incredible free thing in this world, love, and share it with other people. What happened to you? How did life break you so horribly? Because even in war I'm sure the Ukrainians still know what love is. So why is the guy sitting comfortably in his living chair so hateful? 



Agreed 💯

(3:11pm )

Oh thank god, crazy Samara and her dude leave tomorrow morning. Batshit crazy couple. Well actually just her. She's the crazy one. 

I've been writing a lot lately. Disappointed that my characters are mostly men. I have two female characters; one is based on a longtime friend of mine who I adore, and the other is the accumulation of women who irritate me to no end.   


Crazy "Samara" left a passive aggressive note by the stove. I left one in return. 😏 

Look, it's an old house. The rent is cheaper compared to other rentals because you're left on your own - in an old worn down house. It would be haunted even but there's too many fleshies in and out of here on a regular basis the ghosts don't want to make an investment.

So I says... And I didn't say "cunt" once.


OMG seriously bro, is "Samara" the best you could do? She's crazy. All she does is complain. I hope you're at least getting decent blowjobs out of it.


You won, Vanessa. You won.

He went from this...

To this. Yikes. What happened to her face? That's why she's walking BEHIND him.


I rent a room in a house. I rent month to month. The other three bedrooms are airbnb bedrooms. My current airbnb housemates in the bedroom to the right of me who checked in yesterday are weird AF and creepy. They're a young couple, he's a black kid, she's a -- no idea because she keeps her dark hair over her face like Samara in The Ring, and they refuse to have any lights on in the house after dark. They prefer using their cell phone flashlights rather than turning on any lights. WTF? And Samara likes to shred the toilet paper and paper towels and then throw the shredding in the trash. Wasteful. I have my own toilet paper and paper towels but there are two other airbnb rooms, one of which also shares the bathrooms with us who may not have his own stuff. Am I missing something here? How are kids being raised these days? 


Normally I find this guy's tweets funny but this time I'm going to have wax info by using a song from my childhood. It's brought to you by Schoolhouse Rock. The song is called I'm Just A Bill. By Jack Sheldon.

Blame is easy, but before the bill even gets to the president it passes a lot of hands, boys and girls, hands that belong to government officials who were elected by the people. So, who's really to blame?

 Sing it Bill!

You sure gotta climb a lot of steps to get to this Capitol Building here in Washington.
But I wonder who that sad little scrap of paper is?

I'm just a bill.
Yes, I'm only a bill.
And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill.
Well, it's a long, long journey
To the capital city.
It's a long, long wait
While I'm sitting in committee,
But I know I'll be a law some day
At least I hope and pray that I will
But today I am still just a bill.
Gee, Bill,
You certainly have a lot of patience and courage.
Well, I got this far.
When I started I wasn't even a bill
I was just an idea
Some folks back home decided they wanted a law passed
So they called their local Congressman, and he said
You're right, there oughta be a law.
Then he sat down
And wrote me out and introduced me to Congress.
And I became a bill, and I'll remain a bill
Until they decide to make me a law.
I'm just a bill
Yes I'm only a bill,
And I got as far as Capitol Hill.
Well, now I'm stuck in committee
And I'll sit here and wait
While a few key Congressmen discuss and debate
Whether they should let me be a law.
How I hope and pray that they will,
But today I am still just a bill.
Listen to those Congressmen arguing!
Is all that discussion and debate about you.
Yeah, I'm one of the lucky ones.
Most bills never even get this far.
I hope they decide to report on me favorably
Otherwise I may die.
Yeah, die in committee.
Ooh, but it looks like I'm gonna live!
Now I go to the House of Representatives
And they vote on me.
If they vote yes, what happens?
Then I go to the Senate and the whole thing starts
All over again.
Oh no!
Oh yes!
I'm just a bill
Yes, I'm only a bill
And if they vote for me on Capitol Hill
Well, then I'm off to the White House
Where I'll wait in a line
With a lot of other bills
For the president to sign
And if he signs me, then I'll be a law.
How I hope and pray that he will,
But today I am still just a bill.
You mean even if the whole Congress says you
Should be a law, the president can still say no?
Yes, that's called a veto.
If the president vetoes me,
I have to go back to Congress
And they vote on me again
And by that time you're so old ...
By that time it's very unlikely that you'll become a law.
It's not easy to become a law, is it?
But how I hope and pray that I will,
But today I am still just a bill.
He signed you, Bill
Now you're a law!
Oh yes!!!



Hello Los Angeles! Let's forget about politics for a while and just enjoy the weekend together. 


Oh good lord. Who would vote for this POS? JFC Miriam Adelson, do something else with your 27.8 billion dollars other than support the orange Dumpster Don who says shit like...

the civilian Presidential Medal of Freedom is "better" than the Medal of Honor for military valor ... "It's actually much better because everyone [who] gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, they're soldiers," Trump told supporters gathered at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, on Thursday.

"They're either in very bad shape because they've been hit so many times by bullets or they're dead. She gets it, and she's a healthy, beautiful woman, and they're rated equal."

This woman, a civilian, according to the Dumpster, is equal to soldiers who are injured or died on the battlefield. Put the Dumpster Don in the trash where he belongs. Seriously.

This woman is a billionaire simply because she outlived her husband. 

The Dumpster is praising her merely for donating to his campaign, and says she is equal to soldiers who are injured or died on the battlefield. What a fucking asshole, the both of them. Christ. 


Date night movie! Yes, I want to see this in the theater.


Where all my favorite colors come from.


Here go again. If you're a Gen X'er you know the names Jack Russell and Great White (Once Bitten Twice Shy) died last night at the age of 63 reportedly of Lewy Body dementia and multiple system atrophy. 

63. He was only 63. 😞  

Thanks for being part of my youth, sir. And thanks for the music. May you be resting in peace.



I wish there was an easier way to get older. Fact is, there just isn't. No magic pill, no miracle juice, I can sleep for 8 hours, wake up, drink a cup of tea, and go back to sleep another 8 hours. Pre-stroke I was speedy, take on the world. Post stroke I can't handle much stress, hardly at all, clearly. Something happens to a lot of men after 60 where they just get so goddamn angry. Even the ones who have nothing to be angry about, are angry anyway. 

I hate being up this early, but I have to be to get groceries and exercise before 7:30am, that's when it starts pushing 100 degrees out. 

 I had to stop watching the news for a few days. Donald Trump is exactly like this guy who I called a dear friend since we met back in 2016. Trump reminds me of him, he reminds me of Trump, and it's all just so exhausting. The anger, the confusion, the lack of communication, and in regard to Trump it's scary to think there's that many people who can relate to his anger and dementia.  I mean, the guy needs medical attention. White guys, younger fellas, how can you relate to such nonsense of a demented old man? I can't count how many older, single, white men I've encountered in the last 10 years who have severe anger issues and at least mid-level dementia, and the younger people just do whatever these mentally ill old men say. I don't get it. 

I had no idea how mentally fucked Trump was when I voted for him in 2016. Now, in all fairness, had the democrats picked someone, anyone other than Hillary Clinton, I probably would have voted democrat but man, that cunt was so hate-able. SHE, all her, made herself look like a selfish self-aggrandizing cunt. That's the only reason why I voted for Trump. A woman in politics cannot be too hard or too soft. 100% unfair I totally agree but it is what it is. Politics was never meant for the feminine wiles of our sex. Yea, I said it. To be president you have to be willing to murder people. You have to be willing to order soldiers into potential combat with the very real command to murder people. I don't think women are meant for politics. That said, I'm voting for Kamala Harris/Walz because there's no other choice.  I like Tim Walz. I wish he was running for president.   

But Trump... It's so hard listening to him, seeing him act like an angry buffoon... sadly, that's the hard reality of people, men his age. It's a little too close to home now. So, I limit news stories about him. 

I mean... Look... I don't think he knows how to even hold something like a normal person. BE NORMAL. Jesus Christ, how hard is it to even PRETEND to be normal. Because if he really is this far gone, forget the presidency, put this guy in an institution already!

He's not a Christan. He's already admitted to it. Soooo WHY are the Christian fundamentalists and white supremacy dudes.... ??

"It's called a book, sir. The Bible. Maybe you heard of it."

He's never held anything... Not a baseball... not his children...

Those boys don't know a father's love. He's so dead inside.

He's clearly never been held or loved. Hello darkness my old friend. 

Well, maybe she has. A little too often.

He knows. See junior in the background. See the look on his face. He knows.

I was at the grocery store last month and I couldn't reach a can of soup I wanted. I got one can down, but the soup was so popular only a few cans were left waay in back on the top shelf. It was early morning like 6am and the only other person around was this Asian guy. I'm like, "Excuse me. I hate to bother you, but can you please reach a can of soup for me?" He's all, "Sure, no problem." He's an American Asian like me. My age even. He got the soup for me and then pushed the few remaining can to the front. "For the next person." He said with a big, beautiful smile. I smiled back at him and thanked him again. Then we parted ways. And I've been thinking of that nice man ever since. Clearly. I keep hoping I'll run into him again at the market. Only problem is, not sure I can recognize him twice. 😂 

In pure MN speak - Gosh, wouldn't it be neat to fall in old fashion picnic by the river kind of love. 



Sudden withdrawal from social activities
Erratic mood swings
Decreased or poor judgement
Changes in mood or personality

He is in his 70's. Could it be dementia or Alzheimer's? Or is he lucid and gaslighting? I've suspected Alzheimer's before. Either way, sorry to say, I'm not equipped to deal with whatever he's going through. I have to live my own life. I can't kill myself helping him. I can't allow him to stress me out like that. We've long passed the "negative attention is still attention" phase. We're not kids anymore. Sorry fellas, this old girl she ain't what she used to be.😔 Y'all gotta learn to take care of yourselves.


So after my anxiety attack last Saturday, I had to take a day+ to recover and just slept, a bunch, to regenerate. I still have an old stale ache in my chest and back like I got gut-punched but other than that I'm okay. To make healing more pleasant my "friend" who I was so worried about gaslit me via emailing saying I brought the anxiety on myself. I'm like, "So what happened? You just fell off the face of the earth" and he didn't respond to that or feel the need to give me an explanation out of friendship or even mere courtesy. Only that he feels like he's the victim in all this. My anxiety attack made him a victim. Nice. So hey, I won't worry about you anymore. Like Sheldon, one day someone will tell me you died. I've always said people have the right to die in whatever way they feel best. And for many men, it seems, they just want to die alone in a hospital bed. So be it. 

This whole experience did inspire a few new pages in my book, so there's that. There's a character in my book, someone's dad, an absolute miserable misogynist, who was originally based off my feelings for Trump and Vance, but this is better, more personal, more painful, more real.   



JD Vance doesn't want people attacking his wife because of her heritage but he has no problem attacking other peoples' wives for deciding not to have children. Huh. Interesting. 

Additionally, Usha Vance defends her husband's attacks on women for choosing not to have children yet she herself doesn't want to be attacked. The hell you say. 🙄


After being so completely worried about a dear friend I haven't heard from in two weeks I tried his house one more time yesterday. When he didn't answer his phone all day my stress levels went through the roof and I suffered a 15 minute severe anxiety attack I thought was a heart attack. Long story short it was anxiety. We're at that point in our lives, boomers & Gen xers, where we're dying. End of the road. I've already outlived a half dozen of my childhood friends. 

I miss Sheldon. After 25+ years of unshakable friendship, something happened with him one day in 2020 and he decidedly went his own way. Times were strange during COVID. Three years later he died. He didn't want me around anymore to look after him so no one did, and he died, barely 70. 

I can't allow friends to give me anxiety attacks. 15 minutes is a long time to not be able to breath, knowing your body is in severe distress. If you need to go your own way, go. I can't worry about you anymore. Whatever time I have left on this earth I want to spend it with good people who want real love & friendships. Quality time. Quality people. 




According to WIKI, Laura Ingraham (Fox news) has reportedly never been married and is a single mother of three adopted children. Since I'm being heavily criticized by JD Vance for not having children, I HAVE QUESTIONS. None of her kids are from America. Huh. Interesting. Two kids from Russia. Hello, RUSSIA. One kid from Guatemala. Was that before or after Trump's wall? In pure Project 2025 fashion, THEY could criticize the fuck out of this woman. Rich white lady adopting kids is pretty sketch in my opinion. Why didn't she get married first, and why did she travel so far to adopt when there's kids here in America that need to be adopted? See, JD Vance, I can be a shit too.

So anyway, hopefully those kids turned out okay.


Early this morning, like 7am, coming back from the grocery store, this young (late teen aged) kid in a U-Haul van pulled into the driveway after me. He saw me, grabbed like 8 sacks of groceries and a giant case of water and started walking after me. I punched in the door code and opened the door, and the kid follows me into the house and goes, "Can I just set these here on the kitchen table?" I'm like, "Uh. Sure. Who are these for?" And the kid replies, "My mom. I'm just helping my mom out." Oh. And here I thought I knew everyone currently in the house so I'm like, "Who's your mom?" And the kid said "Jackie (somebody)" and now I'm really confused because I'm the only female currently here. One guy has the room next to me, one guy has the room on the other side of me (or so I thought a guy checked in yesterday) and two dudes have the master bedroom. Like I said earlier in this blog, I'm the only monthly renter here. Everyone else is airbnb. I never really know who's here. I just make sure all the house and garage doors are locked by 10pm and I check them again around midnight. SO, when the kid dropped off the sacks of groceries and the giant case of water at 7am, I thought maybe his mom had checked in yesterday or was checking in later, I don't know. I called the homeowner. Three goddamn hours later and we still can't figure it out as the groceries sat on the kitchen table. Why was the kid driving a U-Haul? If he thought his mom was here, why didn't he want to see her? He just dropped the stuff off and left. LONG STORY SHORT (because I'm skipping over a bunch of crazy ass Laurel and Hardy bullshit) turns out the groceries belonged to the guy in the room next to mine. He said he fell asleep after he ordered the groceries this morning. He said he ordered the groceries off instacart. I'm like, "OH, so the kid's mom works for instacart and he was just helping her out today. But then why didn't he just say he was FROM INSTACART!" Holy shit that was three hours of my goddamn morning. Bro was driving a U-Hual van. You can see my confusion. 

My brain hurts. And I had just gotten it to stop hurting after Laura Ingraham (Fox News) said, "If you know Minnesota well, and I know it well, especially Milwaukee, it's changed." And now MAGATS are saying, "Oh it was just a slip of the tongue." No. No, it's not. Calling someone Steve when his name is Stan, is a slip of the tongue. Making a full-blown accusation in compete sentence form, is 100% talking out of your ass.  

Aaaand then there's the Dumpster Don. Not only did he say his MAGAT crowds are the biggest crowds, the bestest crowds, why they're even bigglier than Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' speech crowd. WTF. Wow. And let's not forget about his "I almost died in a helicopter crash!" story. With whom again? Willie Brown? Govenor Jerry Brown? Jackson Brown? Charlie Brown? Grandpa doesn't know. Was he black, white, a cartoon? Dumpster Don has no idea. And he called a news conference at Mar-A-Lago... for that. It's just so painful. Is Paul Ryan the ONLY white dude republican under 70 in the entire goddamn party?! What's going on here people? 

JD Vance? Seriously? I wouldn't let that clown buy me a bag of sunflower seeds and I LOVE sunflower seeds. 

These MAGAT republicans hurt my brain. What's Jeb Bush doing these days? Fuck. Anyone else. Hello. Can Dick Cheney come out of retirement? 


When President Reagan said, "Let's make America great again" he was referring to the fallout of the 70's. NOT "Mexicans are rapists, thugs, and thieves..." like your orange moron dumpster Don.



Oh sure you're American but are you six bald eagles on your front porch American?


Young first time voters don't give a goddamn what mean old white men have to say unless they have "spank me daddy" issues like Charlie Kirk and JD Vance - for the simple fact that in 15 years Dumpster Don will either be dead or dying fast and these kids won't even be 35.


Brain worms. Amiright.


Trump's MAGATs are not smarter than a fifth grader. Laura Ingraham thinks Milwaukee is in Minnesota, Dumpster Don said last night that his MAGA crowds are bigger than MLK's I HAVE A DREAM speech, and this...

No one is shocked JD Vance stalked Kamala Harris on the tarmac. He's a misogynist if he thinks it comes with VP title. He doesn't give a shit about his wife, why would he care about Harris.

"Fuck you honey, I want to be vice president!"

Maybe that's why Mrs Vance has less public presence. Vance doesn't want to remind the white nationalist voters his wife is Indian. "Fuck you honey, I want to be vice president!"

Yes please thank you! Been saying it since 2017.



I'm just on Twitter now for the burns. 




Ha. I see what you did there. Still accurate. Fuck this dog murderer. 


We are a country divided, I'm okay with it. In my manhunt 2024, searching for husband number II if you prefer, I have applied to big brand companies where I might find a suitable match. Yes, husband hunting old school. Way "back in the day" women only went to college to find a husband, not receive an education. And since I'm too old for college I'm husband hunting in the workplace. I have applied to some-28 different companies. All of whom ask for your social media presence. On my twitter (X) page I make no bones about the fact I'm rather proud that a homeboy, though he's not technically a homeboy, I think he's actually from Nebraska not Minnesota, no matter, for what it's worth a current homeboy, Tim Walz, is Harris's VP pick and a good guy. Yeah, I'm proud of that. We Minnesotans are your all-American Midwest norms (normals). The more republicans bash Tim Walz, his good decent soul, and my childhood home state, the more I'm making that party my little fuck hole here on my blog. I'm not a democrat but I'm voting for Harris/Walz and pray for the best. I make no bones about the fact I'm voting for them and if it prevents employers from hiring me, go fuck yourself, I don't want to work for you anyway. That's why I put that info on my Twitter page. We are a country divided. I absolutely will not date, fuck, work for, marry, be friends with, lift a finger, or make effort for anyone voting for that fucking moron Trump. Tell me where you stand.   

I don't like being divisive, but I live in a country (America) where a large number of people have chosen to be stupid, cruel, and hateful. They chose to be this way, and they recruit the weak minded to think like them. They believe themselves entitled, above everyone else, and owed. Until these delusional assholes get what they think they deserve they'll do everything in their power to make the rest of the country miserable.  These people can go suck a bag of dicks.

There's US and then there's THEM. 

It's on like Donkey Kong! 



Manhunt 2024 is back on track. Kicking it old school and applying for jobs where there's strong potential for me to meet a man, husband #2, if you will. I don't drink anymore, not really since my stroke and all the prescriptions I take. Meeting men in bars is out of the question. Meeting men online is a waste of time. Therefore, meeting men at work is my last resort. I have a job interview on the 13th for such a job. 

It took me 55 years to know what I want in man through process of elimination - although love is love, and more than anything I want to fall in love again. I want to be kids again like when I met my husband back in 2003. It was great from day 1. We loved going out, trying new places, going on overnight road trips, the sex was awesome, I was so into my husband. Alas, when it fizzled out I listened to friends and family and "stayed the course" rather than divorcing. If my next marriage lasts another ten years so be it. I'm 55 years old. I would love to be in love again if for only ten years. That's why when I look at JD Vance & Usha, oh boy can I read the writing on the wall. 

Like the way JD Vance tells his wife, "Fuck you I want to be vice president!"

h young love. It's beautiful. And who knows maybe the kids today have a secret to happiness only they know about. Or maybe it's something only politicians know about. Just ask Dumpster Don and his lovely wife Malania.

Oops. I mean, Malania. 

Shit. Malania. 

Goddamn it. Malania.


No. Wait. I can do it. Give me one more chance. MALANIA.



Are we taking bets on how long before JD Vance divorces Usha because his white nationalist party will insist he gets a white wife? Bets?


Oh dear. You ain't built for politics, Usha honey, if you're this disheveled before your idiot husband's first VP debate. By the way, he's going to lose, badly.

Defending your idiot husband's insults on women who choose not to have children is why you're looking haggard. Try a little makeup. Lord knows you need it particularly around the eyes. 


Like I been saying, Minnesotans hunt and own guns. They're also pro choice and Christian. That's the beauty of being an individual with rights.





Oh yeah, you betcha. 




Holy shit someone get grandpa his meds. What in the Taco Bell is he talking about??

"Get off my lawn!" 


Ron Desantis, in an attempt to throw shade on Governor Tim Walz after being named Harris's running mate, said Walz "allowed Minneapolis to be gutted" after the George Floyd protests and riots. I was in Minneapolis in February & March 2024, this year. Gutted, he says. Really? You don't say.

I don't think "gutted" means what DeSantis thinks it means.


Congratulations to Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Now go kick some ass. Make republicans try harder. 


"I'm literally in a rocket launcher!"

"He's on fire!" 


Regardless of who Harris picks as her running mate, of her reportedly now two choices, Walz or Shapiro, he's still going to knock JD Vance's dick in the dirt. Dumpster Don and his lap puppy Vance are the worst choices for the republican party. I'm not thrilled about Harris as my president only because I don't see her as a tough guy against Putin and Kim Jong Un, but a box of cereal would make a better president than Dumpster Don, so all I can do is cross my fingers and hope for the best.

I miss the days when our enemies were afraid of Reagan and both Bush men I and II only because they were hardcore American cowboy Republicans. 

I miss those days.  

No one is afraid of America now, sadly. 

Respect is what you want in the workplace. Fear is what you want from your enemies.    



Lawd, strike me down.

Like I said, I rent a room month to month in a house where the other three bedroom are rented out on airbnb. I'm the only renter off airbnb although I started off as an airbnb renter. For the past four days two young black men have been renting the room to the left of me - and what a nightmare they have been. They're absolutely filthy in the bathroom. I don't know if they just have a messed-up diet or what, but they destroy the shared toilet every time they use it and they won't clean it after themselves. Luckily there's s second toilet downstairs that we keep secret as possible in case the upstairs shared one gets destroyed, like now. Add to that, they are flushing whole rolls of wadded up toilet paper and clogging the toilet. They've done it twice now and won't plunge. I had to do it. Add to that, the housekeeper noticed blankets and sheets missing from the dryer which they said they took out of the dryer, but they don't know what happened to the blankets and sheets afterwards. Add to that, they fill the sink with super short curly hairs. Fucking ewe. Add to that, I don't know what the hell they're doing with acetone, but they stink up the entire house with it, that is, until tonight when I put my goddamn foot down at 10:30pm. I threw open my window to air out the stench of acetone and then they went outside and started banging on something (like a lighter being banged on one of the plastic patio chairs) repeatedly over and over. My window overlooks the patio. I am legit on edge right now. They've only been here four goddamn days! Four days! I want to talk to their mothers.    

They leave tomorrow thank god.    


I'm not posting a pic of the pole vaulter dude whose dick got stuck on the crossbar. I saw it once. Once was enough. 


Oh. My. God. Becky. 



If you're lookin' for trouble. You came to the right place.


Indeed. Capricorns ♑ are the universe's original goat. Honey, we got lots to say. 


Trump's republicans are NOT republicans, or Christians, or conservatives, or have any family values, or law abiding, or decent... The orange Dumpster Don does not have one good quality about it him.

Why the younger generation of women who actually want a family choose not to have one. 


Maybe the wife put a hit out on her husband. Something a wife might do if her rapey-party loving husband chose the party over her. Just saying. 

I love a good conspiracy.



2024 Republican rebuttal for everything: 

"Nu-uh! I know you are but what am I!" 


Kimberly Guilfoyle and the Republican party are all kinds of rapey. 

I don't like being divisive, but I live in a country (America) where a large number of people have chosen to be stupid, cruel, and hateful. They chose to be this way, and they recruit the weak minded to think like them. They believe themselves entitled, above everyone else, and owed. Until these delusional assholes get what they think they deserve they'll do everything in their power to make the rest of the country miserable.  These people can go suck a bag of dicks.

There's US and then there's THEM. 

It's on like Donkey Kong! 


I pretty much let potential employers/friends/boyfriend know that if you vote for Trump I don't want to have anything to do with you. Aside from the fact I don't want that orange dumpster fire as my president, he's a vile human and a pathetic excuse for a man. He has zero political policies, his only agenda is being a nazi King, and he behaves like that fucked up grandfather who's not allowed in your house anymore after he "accidentally" brushed his hand up against your 10-year-old daughter twice that one day. The Republican party hates him. His wife hates him. His last administration hates him. Only demented zealots like Kimberly Guilfoyle and his two idiot older sons like him. And don't tell me that insane woman ain't taking drugs. Guilfoyle's looks went to shit mighty fast after hooking up with Junior.

As I mentioned earlier, I rent a room in a house by a homeowner who has several other houses out here. It's $900 a month and I share the house with three other bedrooms that are rented out to Airbnb. There's a dude next to me on the right who is pretty cool, quiet, chill. He's been there a while. The master bedroom is rented out by a girl and possibly her boyfriend, or maybe that was just a friend visiting her. She's what you would expect a younger person to be, loud music, slamming doors, talks loud on her phone. And then there's the guy and possibly his girlfriend to the left of me who are the messiest, filthiest fucking people on earth. In one night, they managed to fill the sink with short curly hairs and something brown smeared across the sink, they don't flush the toilet, and I'm afraid of what they do in the bathtub. Filthy. Just gross. How do you treat someone's house that way? Where is your self-respect? Me and the guy to the right of me have to share a bathroom with these fucking people - well, just the shower actually. There's another 1/2 bath downstairs that we keep clean and quiet. We keep the door shut to that bathroom. It's off to the side of the laundry area. 



That time was actually me. Shit. Sorry. My bad.



Nobody give Lion Habitat Ranch another giraffe FFS. What does Las Vegas need with a goddamn giraffe. Leave giraffes in their natural surroundings which is NOT Las Vegas.

Fucking humans.



It's a windy morning here on the west coast. Sun's not quite up and the lurkers are already out in full force. I'm sitting on the back patio, minding my own business, typing away here, and some asshole with a flashlight shines it right on my face for like 2 minutes as he walks his dog. I attract weirdos. I just do. I always have. Sitting here minding my own business, on my locked gated patio, and some nutjob is just all, "Oooh, a woman typing on her computer! I ain't never done seen one of thems before!"

After scrubbing and cleaning all the patio furniture so I could sit outside and enjoy the cool mornings in August, I forgot about the mosquitos. My arms and hands got bitten up a little yesterday. Ahhh just like growing up in MN. Might have to get some lilac lavender oil for when I sit outside.   


Biden, hostages freed. Awesome. Amazing. 

The Orange Dumpster Don doing what dumpsters do on a hot August day, stinking up the place with his old, deranged babble. Geez grandpa Trump, have another cocktail. Then there's Dumpster's VP lap doggie crediting the hostage release to *re-reads notes* the Dumpster. The Dumpster? Wasn't he off playing golf somewhere? 

Again, really Usha Vance, that was the best you could do, that idiot. Mail order bride Malania was paid for to assist in Dumpster's sexual deviances with pedos for a stay in the country, but you're an American. You have free will and that was your choice? From one Capricorn to another, this is not universal g.o.a.t. behavior. Then again, if Wiki is correct, you're only 38 years old, might take you another 7 or 8 years to come to your senses. Like me, you were probably just ready to be married and that's the dude who came long next. And you had his kids. Goddamn.

The heat is why I paused manhunt 2024. It's just too hot out to be social. Too goddamn hot.

Always on the lookout, yesterday I saw an opening for a job a really want with a big time "motor company", I applied my heart out. Not only do I like this particular "motor company" and grew up with it, but I also want a job where I could meet men, a man, my next husband thank you. Crossing off all my to-dos in one job. Make it happen universe! Please and thank you.



No goddamn filter. Whatever Missing Malania is getting in the prenup it's not enough.

"But you know what? Corey's wife said, 'I'd rather have my husband,'” Trump said.

“Isn’t that good? I know a lot of wives that would not say that — I’m sorry," he continued, as the crowd laughed. "They would not say that."


It's exhausting how stupid the DumpTrump's Republican party is. Exhausting. I was a Republican for the whole of my adult life until DumpTrump. Part me thinks he chose that ridiculous human being JD Vance as his VP because with him as the Dumpster's VP no one would dare kill him. Only, the Dumpster's not that smart. That's just an accidental win for him.

I've gotten to the point where I can't excuse JD Vance's wife anymore. You chose this idiot, and you chose to breed with him. WTF were you thinking, honey? This guy, and his moron running-president, blathers on and on about how impossible it is for Kamala Harris to be bi-racial. Jusus F'ing Christ. 

Lawyer, huh? You're a lawyer. Means you're educated. Sure fooled the fuck out of me. 


Trump and JD Vance are in league with people who do this. Equally stupid.


Intelligent common-sense Republicans hate the Dumpster and his running mate. Many of us went into self-preservation mode and became libertarians. I mean, Libertarians, meh, that's all the old 1980's Republican party wants, less government. Once upon a time boys and girls, that was the only thing separating Republicans from Democrats, we just want less government. We don't need government to hold our hands with every goddamn thing on the planet. And does everything in our lives really need to be taxed? Everything? "It goes to schools, libraries, first responders" etc. Fantastic. Show me an itemized receipt every year like other countries get.  

This Republican party bashes transgender and drag queens yet look like this... 


Yea. Me too.


Unlike the big orange DumpTrump. 


I've blogged about this many, many times. 

If it means your adult child, who you chose to bring into this world, your responsibility, not my responsibility, YOURS, lives with you instead of roaming the streets doing nothing...


When I was a kid, I didn't appreciate my home state of Minnesota. I didn't appreciate the landscape, clean air, clean drinking water, no crime, super chill laid-back not a care in the world atmosphere, none of it. I didn't appreciate then just how wonderful my childhood was. My family was/is a trainwreck, but my surroundings were pretty awesome. My childhood friends who I'm still friends with today also remain pretty awesome. There were always bullies but their numbers were few and far in between. They didn't stay bullies for long after getting their asses kicked a few times. There were always boys, girls, men women, who you knew were kind of "funny" but meh who cares so long as they ain't bothering no one who didn't want to be bothered, we couldn't care less. Consent, know what I mean? Diversity wasn't like big cities but when change came, they either accepted our small farm-town derpy slow ass moving ways or moved. And when the winter came, and those winters were usually incredibly rough for a few months, you could count on your neighbors to help you most of the time without even asking. Not everyone had riding snowplows to shovel their driveways with. Guys would get up before the crack of dawn and just start snowplowing everyone's driveway. Nope, I didn't appreciate my childhood then as I should have. I appreciate it now though. Especially with THEM trying to run this country. DumpTrump's fanbase who hates everything kind and caring towards others and animals. I still leave a big round tin of water at night for the animals. It's 100 degrees out all night long. I can't imagine having all the fur when it gets up to 110 degrees during the day. 

Simple gestures of kindness. That's US.