Wednesday, February 7, 2024





Trump is a moron who does not stand a chance of winning. The only people who like him are stupid white men and Karens. PS that's not enough votes. It's not enough votes. What a buffoon. 



Nepotism might work if you own a Chick-Fil-A but not if you're running a country or trying to. 


Every time I think "you know, I'd really like to get into another relationship" there's some slob renting a room next to me who makes me flee hard from men all over again. He's so rude and utterly gross. 

I'm looking at full rentals in MN because I'm quickly reminded what I pay for a room and bath in CA, I can rent an entire condo in MN. $2,500 gets you a room in CA. It gets you house in MN. 

I've been on this antibiotic for the past two days for my gums. Hopefully the swelling in my cheek will go down. Because my wisdom teeth didn't grow in until my 40's they were never pulled. Oral surgeons don't pull wisdom teeth after 40 unless there's a problem. So in 2021, when there was a problem, I had to have emergency oral surgery, and now I'm having oral surgery AGAIN. What did they do before dentists and oral surgeons? Must google.

I love all the back-peddling Republicans are doing now.😒 No, dicks, you guys acted all pro Putin on-fucking-camera. Republicans really do want to hand this country over to Russia. Once of these days someone seriously needs to explain to the Republican party what cameras do. Watching Trump trying to swim his way out of his self-made sinkhole is miserable. He just does NOT know when to stop digging himself deeper. At first it was funny because he so deserved being judicially beat down, then it was concerning because he probably does have early Alzheimer's, now it's just miserable. He's that little boy who pulls hair and sets fires because he has no clue how to be a part of society - no clue at all.  
And just so you know, when Newsom runs for president, and he will, the only chance in hell the Republicans have is for them to get on their knees and beg Paul Ryan to run again, this time as president. Now THAT would be a hell of a race. One hell of a mighty fine race. The thing is, and this is a very big thing, Newsom is a gentleman politician. Meaning he's an intellectual politician. Trump just yells, screams, and jumps up and down like a baboon because that's all he can do. That's what his generation of white men do now. Biden is a gentleman politician also, but he's so fucking OLD. Can we please have a little youthful virility in the WH. SO, when Newsom runs for president, if the Republicans want a snowball's chance in hell of ever beating him, y'all better start licking Paul Ryan's nuts. Paul Ryan is a gentleman politician also. It takes an intellectual to beat an intellectual. Unless of course he chooses that nutjob Nikki Haley as his running mate then don't bother, he'll have a high chance of losing. 



The misery of it all. It seems I have to have another oral surgery. The pain on the right side of my mouth since yesterday is the same pain I had on the left side of my mouth in October 2021 when I had to have oral surgery. Human beings are fragile ridiculous things. 

I'm just trying to get better. Healthy. But the world is against me it seems. 

I had the most crazy dream. I dreamt I was in a new house with my potential boyfriend who was roommates with Alice Cooper. And when Cooper hit on me, grabbed my boobs and kissed my neck, my potential boyfriend shooed Cooper away. I've never even met Alice Cooper or was a huge fan of his music. No idea why I would be dreaming about him.

In my desire to move back to MN, my way, I'm emailing my brother about the final inheritance check and he can't give me any answers about the sum. It's all such a blur. And it never ends. Stroke, oral surgery, diabetes, heart problems, autoimmune disease, and now oral surgery again. I'm tired. 

There's a guy who rents the room next to mine - and he's such a pig. Men are gross. Correction, American men are gross. 



Nikki Haley is the Ross Perot of presidential elections. Once again America is left with no one. Literally no one. I would campaign a Newsom/Buttigieg run but I know (I know) gotta give the old man another turn. Why? Who knows. Get it together mister Newsom. Get ready. 

2024 Republicans (and I address them this way because being a Republican today is like being a Scientologist - cult) 2024 Republicans want to hand America over to Putin. I have no idea why and believe me I've thought about it over and over. What advantage would Republicans have by doing this? 

I'm a Reagan era conservative. 

I love this updated version of his Fight speech,



I wish I knew how to make myself more useful. My hands and about 70% of my brain are all I have left, and strangely my looks. From the waist down however, I'm happy just to be able to cross the street on my own. I get re-evaluated next month by my physical therapist. I refuse to use a walker or a wheelchair, so something has to happen with my legs, and now I also fear for my back. It takes everything I have as a human being to make myself walk - and I'm just exhausted after 2.6 miles. I'm utterly useless after my walk. All I can do is sleep. That's my daily rub, 2.6 miles but then I'm done for the day. I remember after my stroke when all I could do was shower/wash my hair, and that was it, I was done for the day. Just taking a shower used up all the energy I had for the day.

There's a hiking trail in New Mexico called La Luz. It's an eight-mile trail which would take a moderate walker about three hours to do. It would take me no less than four. If I lose my legs, I'd rather lose them doing that hike - than to a stroke.

There's a part of me that still wants to cook for like meals on wheels, or a veteran's center. I'd also like to work in a library. We'll see. Regarding my 12 knit blankets for winter 2024 donation, I'm on #3. It's a true-blue Linus blanket. I'm happy with the way it's turning out. My favorite one so far. 

A view from the La Luz, New Mexico. Let's!






Happy Valentine's Day! Today is a day I do whatever I want. And since my passion for knitting has returned that is what I am going to do today. I'm going to watch horror movies and knit. How divine. The day could only be better if I had cats and kittens. 

I'm back in the desert. You know, crazy old white people. 

Yesterday I was at the local UPS store and two young Hispanic girls got all snakey with me under their breaths for my being prettier Asian. They kept referring to me as "That Chinese girl." FIRST OF ALL, I'm not Chinese. These girls were so snakey they made their male co-worker wait on me while they disappeared in the back to talk shit. Oh I know. I've worked in customer service jobs. That's what the back is for, talking shit. The kid waiting on me was nice. Normal. Hispanic women are all edgy with me these days. Look, I know it kills some women that I'm Asian AND pretty but I'm not entirely Asian, bitches, and I'm in my 50's. Maybe that's what really kills you. Your men still look at me as a hopeful sex partner in my 50's. Y'all need God! A Newsom/Buttigieg 2028 election win would be second best. 

You know Trump is in deep, right? He's in so deep no one will find his bones until aliens take over the planet War Of The Worlds, style. Back in the day the only difference between Dems and Repubs was the budget. Now, Republicans have gotten so coo coo, they rather have a mentally ill delusional out-patient for a president than, well, anyone else. What the fuck is wrong with you people? If Trump really wanted to go all fuck-all out ATF style, he'll order is minions to drink the kool aid. David Koresh. Randall Weaver of Ruby Ridge. Jim Jones. Marshall Applewhite. 

I'm old. I'm not going to get into a political battle. I'm - eat applesauce every day - old. I'm debating moving back to Minnesota. At least I have family there. Two nephews who inherit. Rent is still cheap there. I much rather have the cold than the heat. And if there really is a Newsom/Buttigieg run, MN is a Democrat state, I would totally help the campaign. 



Has it really only been 1+ days since I last blogged?? Yes I'm still in this godforsaken room but I leave it soon. Thankfully my doctors check my lungs when I see them. Someone with breathing problems like asthma would legit have medical issues staying in this room. It's so humid it makes paper melt. Legit melt. This room is ghetto. I expected it to be small but it's ghetto too. Even my Teddy bear is like, "Bitch, spend more money next time. Spare no expense." 

Saturday is Chinese New Year. Lunar New Year if you want to get fancy. They get crazy in San Francisco this time of year. CRAZY. Not white people crazy, Asian fucking crazy! 

I know as an older woman I have nagging expectations like not catching pneumonia when I stay at someone's Airbnb, and how I would like my physical therapy's office to know HOW to run an actual office with simple tasks like answering the phone and giving the bare minimum information, but my life is almost over, I did my time, I don't complain anywhere near as much as I could because its y'all world now. You young people who rather be social media stars than doctors or dentists. Maybe the rich billionaires will have invented robotic surgeons by then. Who knows? 



I've been back in the city for the past 3+ weeks and I just hate it. Overpriced crazy rude town with crazy rude people. Thankfully I go back to the outskirts soon to where things are natural and beautiful. I rented a room by my doctors. Just horrible. What I can only describe as what renting a broken down super old RV must be like. There's no heat, too humid, zero room, and it's horribly uncomfortable. Glad I "only" paid $2,005 for it. 🙄 But it's right around the corner from my doctor's office which is why I got it. When my full inheritance money comes I'm moving to a much quieter more remote town. How my lungs have withstood all this humidity this month in this cold damp room is beyond me. Maybe growing up in humid Minnesota? No idea but it totally killed my laptop. I'll buy another one when I get to the desert. 

My doctors started me on thyroid hormone treatment last week. It's ok. I was having chest pain and freaked out but I also had bought a few new bras and in all honesty maybe they're too tight? 

I hate blogging on my phone so, see you back in Lancaster. 🙂 Cannot wait!