Sunday, December 3, 2023




Greetings from Purgatory. 😏 

It's been a hot minute since I last blogged here, eh? Does anyone still visit? I'm mostly on Twitter these days. TWITTER PAGE 

As per usual I "X" with people across the many waters. France, in particular. There is, however, one fella I tweet with who has a farm stocked with horses, goats, dogs, and ducks, somewhere in the Midwest and it's making me homesick. I was hoping one day to retire to a small MN corn farm of my own but I need to be more realistic now with my medical conditions. 

I was sick for 16 days with a chest cold. Normally people get over one of those in about a week but because of my autoimmune disease it takes twice as long getting over something simple as that. I did get a lot of knitting done however. 

I'm currently knitting a penguin Snuggy for my teddy bear. 

I bought this cute weird pink-mix yarn with which I'm going to teach myself how to crochet. Only, now when I leave the house everyone else is coughing and sick it seems. I can't get sick again. I just can't. I'm going to have to start wearing a face mask I fear. I have a compromised thyroid so things take forever to get rid of. I see the Endocrinologist next week. 

My primary doctor said hormone therapy will make me more comfortable. I hope so. I read the controversy surrounding hormone therapy but that was statistically with women over 60. Like giving people chemo to kill cancer. Lets just hope hormone therapy won't give me breast cancer. That's the big fear, breast cancer. I'm willing risk it. Because this - only being awake for 8 hours and then literally being so exhausted I just fall asleep for 8 hours, only to be awake for another mere 8 hours, to then collapse into exhaustion again, is just as bad as when I jerk awake violently choking and coughing. 

I would like to think I'm young enough still to fight off what ails me. If I can survive 1.5 strokes, I'd like to think I can survive pretty much anything, though my brain doesn't think like it used to. 

I've decided I'm going to buy a cane to help me with balance for longer summer walks. I saw a lady use one the other day and she looked pretty good using it.  

This new year's eve I'm staying in making flippers for my teddy bear's penguin Snuggy. Maybe over the summer I'll make one for myself to match my teddy bear's. 😏

If you're going out tonight please be safe. Happy New Year.   



"How goes the man-hunt?"

Great! I see so many of them from up here!


I'm spending the day in bed eating cold pizza. Just TRY stopping me! I had the most stressful day I've experienced in a lo-ong time. It undoubtedly took a year off my life easily. I'm on borrowed time as it is. Doctors don't speak to me in terms of years or even months. I literally have something going on at least bi-weekly. But goddamn I'm going to make a beautiful corpse. 

How do I get this job?



They let me out of Twitter (X) prison just 12 hours later. This is the new jail system going into 2024 - being locked out of social media. I'm not kidding. Much like the apps on your cell phone...

"Error, check security code."

Re-type it in.

"Error, check security code."

Look at credit card. It's the right security code. Re-enter it in.

"Error, check security code."

I see a little box for "save payment method". I click on it.

"Transaction complete. Go to 'tickets' to see your purchase."

 As I was saying.



Well that didn't take long. On Twitter X you can post a video of monkey in neck shackles attacking a man with a small machete, but you cannot reply with, "Chop the rope from around your neck and then finish your business" because that's too violent - not the poor monkey in shackles. 

 Hello, my name is KARMA. 



"We need your updated mailing address."

Okay, do I give that to you or do it online?

"No, we'll mail you a packet to fill out."

But if I'm not at that mailing address anymore how will I get it?

(dead silence)

Um. Hello?

"If you'd like to make a call please hang up and dial again."

The well oiled gears of modern ingenuity. 😐


My storage unit, "You owe us $80."

Okay. So I go to the storage app, see that I owe $80 and pay it.

A week later, "You owe us $17."

Y'all couldn't have just added that to the $80 the first time? I'm sure the added $17 was for some kind of storage insurance I forgot about but again, y'all couldn't have added it to the total the first time instead of adding it later like some kind of storage resort fee? And just to make sure I paid everything off I look on the app and it reads, "Due 1/1/2024 $80". FFS. The well oiled gears of modern ingenuity, eh?  


As someone who lived through a 6.9 earthquake a 3.5 is like having to scooch your chair closer to the table. 



My cell phone is a POS. I went to Target, forget to pick up a crochet needle, went to maps app to plan out which metro to Michael's, but my POS cell phone decided not to open any apps on my phone. So I went to the metro stop I know of to return to the airbnb, and that's when my phone apps decided to work. I then proceeded to get on the bus to a screaming kid and a mom who just could no give a shit that her kid was screaming. She was a young mom, or maybe not. Under 35 I can't tell how old black women are. But she was perfectly fine letting everyone be miserable to her screaming kid. She also let her boy run up and down the bus isle while it was in motion - secretly hoping he would fall down and hurt himself so she can blame the bus driver I presume. God knows it's everyone else's fault she's a shit mother. That's just how they are. I should know. My brothers mom was a shit mother and it was everyone else's fault she had no clue how to be a human being. Much like this asshole in room #2. 

I'm sure blood pressure is off the rails again.  


Here we go again. Another round of "room #2". This time, though I have not yet seen what this dude looks like, he's a noise maker. He's desperate for attention and so makes a ton of obnoxious noises. He slams doors repeatedly all (goddamn) night long, screams and swears, and brings back females at all hours of the night, and then drives them back to wherever he found them anytime from 1am-5am, slamming doors over and over and fucking over for no reason other than to slam doors. WTF is wrong with people? 

For whatever reason this poor homeowner, who I really like, cannot seem to catch a break renting this room. This is the second guy in a row who has been problems. 

JFC MY NERVES! So much for relaxing!




Here we are. End of the year. My only goal is to get back at least 70% of my once functioning physical self. I have appointments made with all the new doctors but it being the holidays many cannot see me until January - except my physical therapist. My skid row physical therapist. This PT is literally in skid row downtown LA. I'mma find a new PT somewhere (anywhere) else. Nonetheless, I'm morbidly curious and so I'm keeping my appointment with her just for the one time experience at this location. But I'm finding another physical therapist somewhere not where I'll get murdered going to. 

I'm relaxing. Trying to anyway. Even on medication my blood pressure spiked high a few days ago 150/100. It's happened before but it's because of added stress in my life. Dealing with this added problem of Hashimoto's and dealing with my brother who is the executor of his mother's estate, of which I'm one third an inheritor of by technicality, I'm constantly doing breathing exercises, eating all the fruits and vegetables said to lower my BP and heart rate - which has also spiked in recent days.

To help ease the stress going on in my body I started knitting again. I needed a scarf and department stores are ridiculous. I'm not paying $60 for two scarves I can knit myself for under $10. Plus it will give me something to do while I'm relaxing which by the way - relaxing is never relaxing for me. I get ultra bored, tense, and fidgety. I do manage to stay awake for a little longer now that I'm not working. Instead of being awake just long enough to go to work, I manage to stay awake for up to 10 hours a day. I wonder of this is what narcolepsy is like?

Anyway, if you still have Netflix I highly recommend Martin Scorsese's 'Pretend It's a City' sit-down with Fran Lebowitz. I was never a fan of her work in prior years she being a far-far left liberal, but she's gotten just enough grumpy in her old age where I can now relate to her. 

Back to knitting.