Saturday, April 2, 2022




Ronald Reagan, who most of the time talked like the uncle you had to listen to because you're in his will, STILL managed to:


The only reason Jen Psaki doesn't want Americans going to Ukraine to help protect Ukraine from the Russian invasion is because if Americans should die in Ukraine like former U.S. marine WILLIE JOSEPH CANCEL (age 22) then it would rage into a political hellfire for Biden. So to that, Jen Psaki can go fuck herself. I so hate this woman. I'd like to see Britney Spears backhand bitch slap the F out of Jen Psaki. If the Biden administration won't do ALL 100% to aid Ukraine with ending this war, others, braver, will. And any republican NOT TRUMP will be the next president. 

As far as I know Zelenskyy isn't asking for Americans, he's asking America for the weapons to end the war. GIVE IT TO HIM. 

It's amazing to me how Ronald Reagan, may he rest in peace, saw the importance of ending Russian communism in (countries like) Ukraine, and Biden for whatever reason wants to see this undone. And here's Pete Buttigieg, a moderate, wasn't our guy because why? Oh right. He was too young.😐

America, lets aim for the 45-55 presidential age bracket next time, yes?

* I know. I know. It was between the old man who couldn't pronounce Armenia, and the old man who thought Armenia was a housekeeper in his Las Vegas hotel.



Adding back the Cocaine!

I take back all the horrible things I said about him.😏



The homeowner decided 8pm is the appropriate time to do interior home construction. One of the guys earlier de-stroyed the bathroom. 


Wrecked it

Put up the yellow tape. It is ova'.



I don’t think her lawyer was retained with money.😏


PST, the free-iest entertainment on the web. As in I don't make money from it, I don't sell advertising on it, and neither does anyone else. 


Preach, Preacher! 



Roller girls are hot ‘cuz… 

Cue the music!





I'm so proud of Johnny Depp standing up for himself. Men over 50 were hard wired at a young age to not express their feelings when it comes to women because it somehow makes them less of a man. Which in turn also makes them targets especially now when shitty women use the tail end of the #metoo movement to railroad some poor guy into giving them millions, and god forbid if he stands up for himself. So I applaud Johnny Depp in (what I'm calling) the #nomore movement. Innocent men are done being taken advantage of, used, and extorted out of millions. It's not like Amber Heard asked Johnny for abortion money, this bitch took millions. MILLIONS. And does anyone really think she donated that 7 million dollars as she claims?


Hey TMZ find out where Amber Heard supposedly donated that 7 million dollars. Uncover more of her lies!


I would love to see Britney Spears backhand bitch slap the F out of Amber Heard.

Is that weird?😏


When your best gal pal Angelina Jolie tells you, "That girl is no good. Stay away from her." You stay the F away from her!

When your wife Lisa Bonet tells you, "That girl is no good. Do not socialize outside of work with her." You do not socialize outside of work with her Jason!

Gotta love a makeup company that immediately steps up and says nope you certainly did not use our makeup kit. It wasn't circulated to the public until two years later.



So the makeup kit Amber Heard testified in court as the makeup used to cover up “bruises” on her face wasn’t even being sold yet. Not yet on the shelf. 

Uh-huh is anyone shocked she lied? 



Don’t ya just want to slap the shitty smug off her face. 


Yes I do


Yes exactly thank you. You had your silly little time in the sun Hollywood ladies. Now shut the fuck up. Too many Kardashians spoils the broth. 

And by too many, 1 is too many.




If you think a Snickers candy bar looks like a veiny chocolate dick, that says more about you than the candy bar.🫣



Preach, Preacher! From the highest hilltop! 


Yes! He's running away to the bathroom to get the fuck away from you, psycho!


Anytime a woman says, "I was raped. Fondled. Harassed. Beaten. Abused. Stalked. Kidnapped. (Etc.)" the only response to such accusations consists of two words. Prove it. Prove you were any of these things. Until you prove it, I'm not going to pity you, feel bad for you, hate your accuser, PROVE IT.

This whole, "women are right men are wrong" toxic female bullshit needs to END. Fuck you bitch. I'm not automatically on your side. Being born with a vagina does not make you special or automatically right. PROVE IT. 

I would LOVE to slap that smug shitty look off Amber Heard's face. NO ONE even knew who she was before Johnny Depp, and just like a cunt, this is how she rewards him. 

She only got that role in Aquaman because of Johnny Depp, and if you told me she sucked a bunch of dicks to get any acting job I would totally believe you.

Hollywood women need to take a back seat and shut the fuck up for a while. I'm sick of hearing their gas. Real women of the world are going through a bunch of shit, we don't need your delusional self important aggrandizing pity party. Go fuck yourself.

I hope Johnny Depp is awarded every fucking penny. Fuck that bitch. I've had it with these Hollywood bitches.    


Still applies! 

Hear, you stupid cunt.

Seriously, can I have a day off from entitled stupid white cunts? 



Amber Heard is a gold digger. GOLD DIGGER. Give Johnny back his money! Every last cent. Some women just trying to survive. This ho gives hoes a bad name. 



Busy. Just busy.

Although this kitty is hustling much harder than me. 

Oh nothing special

Just busy with life

And socks

My doctor wants me to wear compression socks eight hours a day. Additionally a knee brace. My left knee is about to give out permanently. I stand and walk a lot. A lot! All my life. I quit working front of the house in restaurants to spare my legs in old age. Too late. Back when I used to run I never wore compression socks because you’re young and you think you’re made of unbreakable metal and that you’ll live forever. Then one day life makes certain you realize just how untrue that is. With the exception of a certain crowd in the 70’s no generation willingly volunteered to tear up their bodies with consumption and devil may care quite like American Gen X’ers. Whitesnake forever!! 

Then again

Las Vegas

How are a great number of y’all still alive? 







There’s more smoke congested gambling bars than health food stores, gyms, and vitamins shops combined. Hmm. Oh. I see. I see what you Mormons did there. Well played. Only. Not so much because what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!  

A comet, a ball of fire, the temperature of the sun could barrel down onto earth and wipe out the entire planet… all but for the morbidly obese with cigarettes dangling out their mouths, clutching a galon of fried cheese curds under one arm flap, and a 24 case of expired White Claw Hard under another. Same arm. I mean they need at least one hand free to litter of course.  


A short stack in Las Vegas includes four pancakes. In Los Angeles it’s two. 

But then again…

This for that.

Marina Del Rey has annoying classic rock songs blasting from their bushes at shopping centers. Las Vegas has more shooting ranges for ages 8 and up than Starbucks. Passive vs passive aggressive. Which one’s which really? When you break it down, who knows?

2018, Las Vegas. "I'll just stay a few years and save money."

2022, Las Vegas. Following a pandemic, stroke, and jaw surgery. "Goddamnit!"

(sigh) Could be worse I guess. It's almost May and...

My relationships with men, believe it or not, has improved in the last 15 years. I’ve got a great platonic man pal in Los Angeles (Aramis) and one here in Las Vegas. I adore them both. Brothers from another mother. That said, I happened upon a tiktok video of some young dude asking why women go to the bathroom after doing the nasty, and I got confused because I thought he meant after going poop and I wondered where the hell she at if she’s not already in the bathroom. Sex. He meant after having sex.     

The other morning I learned what lenticular clouds are. Interesting thing about lenticular clouds, they’re referred to as, described as spaceship-like clouds, round saucers, flying saucers, yet they're still called “clouds”. Just thought, if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, chances are it’s a duck and not an F’ing cloud. No?

I caught these images outside last Monday morning after getting off work.


The doctor changed my diet from the DASH diet to the Mediterranean diet. I was put on the DASH diet immediately following my stroke a year ago. The DASH diet encourages eating more (among other things) fruit. The Mediterranean diet encourages eating more (among other things) vegetables. I was told to stay away from fruit because I do eat a lot of it and it has sugar which is not good for me right now because my A1C (diabetes) number was too high. It was right at the diabetes line. And since I hardly ever eat cookies and candy, fruit and wine over the past 30 years is more likely the culprit. They test me for diabetes all the time but this time... So I’ve been cooking with, and eating more brightly colored foods.

Also, I toasted a full clove of garlic. Holy shit it was amazing on everything. I've roasted garlic, eaten raw garlic, caramelized garlic, but this was the first time I toasted garlic with butter in a pan... and it was amazing. That's garlic on the vegetables.

Eat more tuna fish they said.



I saw my new primary last week. Still waiting on the cardiologist and neurologist referrals. Dr. Jackson was my last neurologist from the hospital that treated my stroke but sadly (for me) he’s moved on to another hospital. He was amazing. I hope he’s doing great… and getting paid waaayyy more money. He was wonderful.  

LYFT has finally announced “Masks are now optional”. I mean. And you just know there’s going to be drivers who will still insist we/I wear one. I carry a few masks with me all the time because pick your battles. You never know when you might need it. Huh. We said the same things about condoms back in 2001. My how the times they are a’changin’.    

I took the inteovert test. 

The result… 

You're a... Social Introvert!

Being an introvert hasn’t stopped you from leading a rich social life. You can outwardly appear to be an extrovert, so people tend to treat you as such and are often surprised to learn otherwise.

You prefer close relationships with a few people and are capable of balancing a healthy social life with much-needed alone time to recharge. You’re often seen sitting in a cafΓ©, sipping cappuccinos solo.

You don’t usually feel anxious in social situations, but you’ll be ultimately drained by them. Don’t feel bad about taking the time you need to rest and reset. And remember not to overload yourself, you can’t make everyone happy.




I have a legit blog coming but until then… This.

This right here.



Precisely why I am not a fan of “full” makeup.



Back in Vegas for work. Staying with a dear friend few days to save on airbnb during Easter weekend. Then Tuesday I'm back at a familiar airbnb near my work. They offered me the room on a monthly basis but they want $900 just for the room. Too much. Sure the room has a mini fridge and microwave. But $900 a month for just a room & shared bath? Too much. Another airbnb I rented from offered a room much further away from my work for $500 a month but the guy just blows up my phone and I'm not even a tenant. Imagine if I were? Yeah no.

I have to do something. My doctors are all in Los Angeles. And as much as I would love to live there again, the rents are too high, the job market is run by, well, Los Angeles people (enough said) who will no doubt drive LA (further) into the ground. 

No one cares how trendy your shit is, Los Angeles. No one cares. 

I hate Vegas 120 degree summers but for people my age I'm more likely to find a single man who just wants to grow old(er) together here as opposed to LA single men who refuse to grow old or grow up for that matter. But I think superficial Los Angeles is getting some wake up calls. Your superficial humanoid existence is not even bare minimum entertaining anymore to the other locals. In fact, they're just fed up with it. Prediction, expect more rebellion. I don't give a shit what your next purchase is unless it's to do something necessary and/or creative with it. If your next purchase is just to own something in your living room, yawn, boring, you can go fuck (all the way) off! Capitalism needs to be silent in the aftermath of a pandemic, amid war, while so many are still struggling. No one cares about your pretty things. Literally no one. 

Maybe I should just pack up and go to North Dakota to be a farmer's wife. I could probably still rent a two bedroom house there for $800 a month. I much rather deal with snow than heat. *Who said that?!* 

All needs to do is flash my tittes, pictures of my cooking, and my glorious poon online, I'm sure I could find farmer husband #2 in no time. Better than dying from heat stroke, right?





If Putin takes Ukraine you better believe there won't be another democrat in the White House for a LOoooong time.


If you told me Zelenskyy defeated Putin with a roll of duct tape, a pack of gum, and a spork, I would totally believe you at this point. But give him the planes anyway!! 


Everyone in America calls it war. This isn't a "conflict" between Ukraine and Russia, it's war. It's a war started by Russia because Putin thinks he's entitled to Ukraine as part of the old Soviet Union. Kazakhstan, Estonia, Armenia... Putin thinks he's entitled. FUCK THAT GUY.

My married last name I recently changed from is Estonian. My ex was an Estonian Swede born and bred.

Putin thinks he's entitled to undo Gorbachev's decision to pull out communist control over these countries. 

WTF is America waiting for? No seriously? WHAT IS AMERICA WAITING FOR? Give Ukraine the planes!! It's War. This is War. We're at War. I'm sure there's a bunch of 5th graders somewhere who can explain to America how Hitler took over Europe first before getting allies to attack America and incite a global war. Go 5th graders! Explain it to America!

GIVE UKRAINE THE PLANES and a fuck ton more drones. Give Ukraine whatever the fuck they want! Homies don't have a navy (do they?) and they took out a Russian Warship! 




You’re welcome.πŸ˜‚



I’m so happy to have a job. That way when talking to other people about jobs you don’t have to put up with their shit.😏

You win internet, sir.


Remember when the bad guys were afraid of America? 

I miss those days.


I refuse to say heil Putin! 




People in Beverly Hills who flex Rolex and Bentleys are getting mugged? 


How about that.


Just saw the last Spiderman movie with a friend. How cool was that??(ending of the movie) like yawn yawn yawn... Oh wait what?!... WHAT?!... Yea that was cool. 

Just talked about it with my Lyft driver.😏

So here's my dilemma. I applied for a job in Marina Del Rey the other night not giving it much thought, only, they called me the next day for an interview which I now have Thursday afternoon. I was planning on heading back to Vegas Friday because I have to get back to work and these doctor referrals could take a few weeks to receive. Nonetheless, I have to get back to work and make a paycheck. Conflict, I have a blood test Monday but it's clearly not an emergency or they would have had me walk in to get it this week, or put my name in at a lab. Instead their office scheduled me for it in their office a week later, but I was planning on rescheduling it for a few more weeks after that. Like I said, I have to get back to work. I've been on medical leave for a week now.

I hate being in Vegas. I like my job. I like who I work for. I just hate it's in Vegas. I'm also not sure how a stroke survivor will do in 120 degree heat for 4 months. 


Explain it to me again, how does shooting people in a subway connect with hating peoples politics? I never quite got that connection. "You're all a bunch of sheep!" Then shoots up a subway and that proves your point, how?  

"Mental Illness." Just watch.   


Give Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ tanks! Give them planes! We’re already in war. It’s already begun. War!


She's black. Yay. Can we get back to more important things like the war.


(Tens of other things more important)

50. Being black

And yet we're spending more time applauding people for being born black, than aiding with the war.  

You see our dilemma. 

Meanwhile the people of Ukraine are being murdered in a war unprovoked. 

America loves to say "Never forget 9/11" 





What does Zelenskyy need? Fighter jets? Tanks? Missiles? GIVE IT TO HIM, America!! 

WE CAN MAKE MORE!! America is awesome at making things to kill people with!! 

Give Zelenskyy whatever he needs!! At least he's using it for a good cause!!

This war with Russia and Ukraine will be A HUGE talking point for next election. Every independent like me will vote republican if America doesn't give Zelemskyy everything he's asking for (so long as it's not that orange moron!) 

I would vote for Romney TODAY.  

Do your job, America!


Aramis got a bidet! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸŽ‰

My little Wisconsin boy is growing up so fast! 



Wine (alcohol) has a ton of sugar in it.



Warning signs of prediabetes
  • Blurry vision.
  • Cold hands and feet.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Excessive thirst.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Increase in urinary tract infections.
  • Increased irritability, nervousness or anxiety.
  • Itchy skin.

Good morning Gen X'ers!😡



I hope Depp wins his 50 million dollar lawsuit against Amber Herd. REAL women are all out here just trying to keep their families (and themselves) fed and this greedy bitch just can't stop being greedy.  

Fuck Elon Musk. His announcement of joining Twitter's board made Twitter stocks drop 7%.πŸ˜‚

I'm sick of all these bitches. 

Superlotto is 33 million. You can't win if you don't play, Aramis! 

I should have checked the weekly weather report before going into the valley on the hottest day of the week/end because today's weather... I bought shorts! 



Yes! πŸ˜‚


Oh! And I can't eat white rice. Ever heard of such a thing?! An Asian who can't eat white rice? WTF?! Next you'll tell me I can't drive like shit or have dynamo math skills! 


I personally don't travel to eat. You don't have to go to France to eat French food. I live in (north) America, there are plenty of French chefs here. I always wanted to go to Greece though for the landscapes, architecture, beaches, etc. 

I love tapas. I love small plates. From what I've gathered so far from the internet, it looks like Spanish food is a hybrid of French and Greek food. Amazing herbs and spices. Am I wrong? 

I mean look at that. Yum!



I'm back in Los Angeles getting lab work done. I had a stroke(plus) a year ago. I say "plus" because I had a stroke, thought I was having a severe migraine, ignored it, then around a week later I experienced excruciating back head pain to the point I was crawling around on the floor trying to get to my cell phone to call 911. It felt like someone shot me point blank in the back of my head. Turns out I was about to have a second massive stroke which the doctors at the ER were able to stop. This all happened mid Covid, I was immediately tested, tested negative, and was isolated in a far off part of the ER wing. Now a year later...

I work part-time in Las Vegas. I still technically live in LA, but I work in Vegas and live there part-time. I hate living in Vegas. I'm an LA girl. Have been since the moment I arrived in 1992. The weather here is second to NONE. Anyway...

My primary doctor is here in LA and she was just awful to the point I'm amazed she hasn't been sued for malpractice. It took her 6 weeks to see me after I had my stroke (6 weeks!), she didn't do anything when I did see her but weigh me and check my blood pressure (which I do at home), she argued (with me) about the prescriptions the neurologists and the hospital prescribed, and then recently she only refilled HALF my stroke meds... What the fuck is wrong with this woman?! I got a new primary doctor. I like her. And I think part of why I like her is because she's about 20 years younger than my last primary doctor and seems more hip and together. The first thing my last primary doctor said me was, "You almost died you know." Which is, I mean why would introduce yourself that way?

Anyway, this new doctor is like in her 20's, the whole office is like in their 20's it seems, and they're sharp, fast, together, I like it. I'm happy. They took a bunch of blood, tested me for everything and the results all came back good except for my A1C was 6.3, and my thyroid level was 4.8. First, I have no idea HOW I can be close to being diabetic, I don't eat sugary things very often. Hardly at all, in fact. I'm not into candy. I like salt. I find most people are either salt or sugar. I'm salt. I was never into trick or treating as a kid because I was never into candy. That said, about once a month (guess when) I did/do like a pint of pistachio ice cream. Being 53 I don't get that craving so much as I have a full on period these days like once every 5 to 6 months. Hooray! Still, I'm prediabetic, which apparently so is most of the world. I eat a lot of fruit and yogurt because the Dash diet includes a lot of fruit and yogurt... but too much fruit is apparently bad. Say whatnow? 

Too much fruit is bad. Because sugar. Huh? I mean. I eat a lot of fruit. Nature's snack and whatnot. SO NOW I'm on the Mediterranean Diet. Bright color foods, lots of olive oil, olives, avocados (wait, I thought those were fatty?), eggs (wait, what about cholesterol?).... I do love purple cabbage so there's that. I don't know Spanish food so this could be a lot of fun. I do love cucumbers... basically "eat more fish, chicken, and vegetables" I was instructed. "Eat clean."

Ok. Sure. I like fish. Not really really into chicken so much. I was a no-meat eater for a few years. Not eating a lot of fruit will be hard but I can do it. Now, the high thyroid levels...

I do get a lot of cardio in. I love to walk. I walk 2-4, sometimes 6 miles a day.

So what am I supposed to do about the thyroid levels? It explains the arrhythmia perhaps?

53 years old is a strange time to be alive. 

Eggs, good or bad?
Fruit, good or bad?
Avocados, good or bad?
How much is too much water?
Is squirt pee?
Who pays for the hotel room?
Are fever blisters a VD?       

We may never know.    



You win internet, miss.


Good morning my fellow Gen X’ers! 

My IG page is just food. It’s what I do. I cook. I eat. 



I'm from the keep your filth behind closed doors, generation. The keep your mouth shut, no one likes a rat, generation. The first rule of fight club is no one talks about fight club, generation. The take care of business, generation.

Oh no, we play... we just don't talk about it. Ever.


Explain it one more time, how is "sex worker" better than "prostitute"... ? 

You bunch of silly bitches cunts dirty whores sluts filthy skanks nope I meant bitches. 


Just got labs back. I’m pre-diabetic with high thyroid levels… but good news my liver is looking especially pretty these days. 


Do more, America!! 

Whatever military weapons Ukraine needs!! Give it to them!!




Yes sir! 



Ketchup is made with the blood of children.

I'm an American Gen X, aka the don't give AF generation, only we secretly do and are now all on prescription meds for one ailment or another real or make believe from holding in our feelings for the past 40 years.

Home sweet home back in LA to get my stroke meds and check up. Hopefully with a new primary doctor getting my prescription refills will be less daunting than my jaw surgery. 



I've been physically struggling. Hard. I'm only on half my post stroke medication because that's all my past primary doctor refilled. My boss connected me with her ex-husband who is a lawyer. If you're going to get off stroke meds you have to do it with the consultation of a neurologist, and do it slowly if at all possible. My body has been dependent on these meds for a year now. You can't just quit. I'm almost positive my old primary doctor is guilty of criminal medical negligence. I'll find out when I talk to my boss's lawyer ex-husband. 

I come back to LA tomorrow and see my new primary doctor Wednesday morning to get the rest of my stroke meds refilled. Pray I make it back to LA alright. I'm already experiencing heart arrhythmia but I also experienced heart arrhythmia when on the meds too. I had a hard time breathing in my mask last night. Yes you still have to wear a mask in Vegas in certain places. If a business asks you to wear a mask, you still have to wear one. 

My lyft driver this morning saw me without a mask on and the first thing he yelled at me through his rolled down car window was, "Do you have a mask? Please put it on!" At least he said please. The fact he didn't ask me to wear a seatbelt or check back to see if I was wearing a seatbelt, I wasn't, is comical as I am more likely to die from not wearing a seatbelt than I am from Covid. Oh. Right. It's not about my safety. It's about his.😏 Also I'm triple vaxxed and the fact I'm still blogging about mask wearing is ridiculous. I'm sorry Lyft driver, I have real world medical issues at the moment. Any time you want to wear a cloth mask over your face just let me know and we'll schedule an hour session where you can wear a mask all you want, of course that hour also comes with cock & ball torture and some high impact whipping, but for you, free of charge.  



Leaving work this morning I saw the craziest thing. Not crazy like Korean horror movie, crazy. Crazy as in Dr. Seuss, "I know it is wet. And the sun is not sunny. But we can have lots of good fun that is funny." -- The light turned green but the car remained in the road. It didn't move. Then the crosswalk sign went on and I walked in front of the car half expecting it to take off and run my over. It did not. It remained in the road. The light turned green again and the cars behind this car was screaming at him to go. But he did not go. He stayed in the road. Minutes later a police car stopped behind him. Did the window tap. Nothing. The driver of this car apparently stopped at the red light and fell asleep. Then an undercover police car showed up. FIRST OF ALL, undercover police cars in Las Vegas look like Knight Rider's KITT!

This is what the undercover cop car looked EXACTLY like with bouncing red light going left and right:

Then another police car showed up. Then another. So the undercover policeman took off in his KITT car. I almost asked him for a ride. 

Thankfully this driver fell asleep after he stopped at an intersection red light. He's in jail now but thankfully he stopped at a red light and then passed out.

But seriously tho... who decided undercover police cars in Vegas should look like KITT?? Crazy. 



Facts. Facts. It's why I changed primary doctors. My ex primary is Russian, a woman, only has Russian patients, everyone in her office is Russian, and they all disagreed with the prescriptions of the 3 male American neurologists who saved my life following my stroke and almost second massive stroke a year ago. (I'm American and Asian.) She said the men were all wrong regarding my medication and time of medication. PS. How can prescribed time of medication be wrong if you disagree with the type of medication? Nutjob. Her office would call me after 9pm FFS. Her office fought with the pharmacy every single goddamn time I needed a refill of prescriptions. And her office literally hung up on me after they just left me a voice mail telling me to call them to schedule an appointment. And then, on her own, without sending me to a neurologist first, this cunt of a "doctor" cut my medication in half out of the blue. FYI in regards to strokes, only a board certified neurologist can determine what type of medication and dosage a patient should receive following a stroke. Only a board certified neurologist. Your primary doctor's job is to continue refilling your prescription as prescribed by the neurologist.

The hierarchy of doctors regarding strokes:


If someone with heart and/or blood pressure problems suddenly dies, IMMEDIATELY look at the primary doctor FIRST to make sure they were doing their jobs. Because anytime a non-specialist goes against the prescription of a specialist and that patient dies, you bet your ass you have a lawsuit! 

I so like Doctor Mike. I so like him.


Me binge watching BRIDGERTON season 2:


Made Korean ramen 🍜 for dinner.