Saturday, May 1, 2021

MAY 2021: 2 months post stroke and...



Um. No?


When even these guys are like, “You’re a heathen that’s going to die a thousand terrible deaths but we like your IG food blog...”


When plans get cancelled. There’s always a plan B. If anybody needs me I’ll be in a food coma until about 9pm.

I earned it though. I walked to pick it up.


Habanero. I’m done.🔥😜

My IG is a food page. It’s what I do. Hopefully we can get back to making food and hosting parties that are fun. Like before.





I walked 3.8 miles on two wobbly legs three months post stroke than what most Americans do all week.


If only everyone who said they were leaving Los Angeles would ALL just fucking GO already. I'll help you pack! Maybe then I could afford a decent size house one day.

Method to my madness.


Are you American? Are you eligible to vote in this country? No? Then what you’re really saying is your opinion on this political subject doesn’t really matter. 


Sam Way is my new favorite home chef.

[click link]


"Except the guy who's guessing the number lives in China. And the guy who knows the number lives in the Matrix." 👏👍🔥


I'm only glad you're not alive now to see what this country has turned into. On behalf of those of us who remember this country as it was in our youth, thank you.



110/79 post statin. Amazing. As stressed as I've been.


I have new material out. Or rather I have new material, just not out. I keep getting censored. No one cares about consenting adults. They only care about priests raping 10 year old boys. And be sure to put a big name star as the lead actor, and then release the movie over the holidays. Merry fucking Christmas. 


I don’t care, Aramis. You can’t win if you don’t play! 

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Zoom meetings with people over 70 be like:



Dear gay community,


For real? Y'all just threw a number in there to fuck with us didn't you? Well played.


Hey Aramis, there’s a door on your squirrel! 


Blah blah blah blah photo of a hot guy surfing. 🔥❤️🔥


Yesterday I saw a video of a guy fucking a one legged female amputee and I gotta say you kinda don't un-see that kind of thing. We all remember Justin. May he rest in peace. I never thought about how we must have looked until I saw that video.

No pics or videos unfortunately. It was the 90's before cell phones were our everything media.


Now you know where I get my inspiration from. 🔥


I'm sick of being censored. I got censored three times last week over shit I've been doing for years, all things in their proper places, respectfully, content warnings in tow, and I still got censored. Three fucking times.


Europe, Asia, and South America. If you're an artist passionate about what you do, I highly recommend using the internet to promote your works in countries there. And leave America to continue sculpting... whatever the fuck this is. 


Does Pellek actually speak Japanese? When he does anime stuff he's singing in Japanese. Do they just give him lyrics and a Japanese vocal coach? How does that work?

And speaking of Pellek, did you know he did a metal cover version of BTS, Dynamite? 


Ben Deen, the MacD' philospher. I blogged (somewhere in all this mess) about the BTS MacD ten piece nugget meal. It's just two "new" sauces. That's it. Not very Korean. They could have sold sides of kimchi and it would have been more Korean than two new factory sauces. If you want real chili sauce just go to any Asian market and support your local business.

And did you say "Ketchup"?!?! Boy. 


The pandemic is over when mass shootings resume. Thoughtful of the lunatics to wait until after they were vaccinated.



Oh... Oh... What have we here? Eating like a Korean? You make mama proud! ❤



Bringing bushy brow back. All things 70’s but bushy boosh.


Documentary, AMERICAN SWING is disgusting AF.



Zoom calls be like:

THEM: Can you please turn your camera on?

ME: Sure

THEM: Can you please turn your camera on?

ME: Sure

THEM: Can you please turn your camera on?

ME: Sure



My brother text me just now. He's suspended from Facebook. I got suspended from Twitter. I'm back on Twitter, but it truly warms my heart knowing he's still the big brother I knew, admired, and loved when we were kids. It really is the little things.


No. Not him. I know who this is. It's not him. I really like this look however.


I'm awake. I ran today. Not far. Across a large intersection. First time running since my stroke. I had to. A car came barreling down the side street for no apparent reason going three times the speed limit. I had to get out of it's way. My legs are on fire. I wanted to lie down on the sidewalk after that but I made it back to my room. Just took my nightly Statin. We'll see how useful my legs will be in about two hours. I can only take Tylenol now for pain which is useless.

And then I made Twitter mad. I don't even use Twitter but there are some people I want to talk to eventually, so. They suspended my account until I fixed the thing that made them mad. I fixed it. Don't worry.

I'm really hot for some of those 70's/80's porn guys. I have no idea who they are but LOVE the mustaches. There's one guy who just, well he doesn't have a mustache but, there's just something so sexually primal about him. I love watching him have sex. I think these movies were shot in the 80's. Maybe 90's? He's very strong. Muscular. Thrusts hard. Solid rhythm. Speed build up. Uses a lot of sexy hip muscle. HOT. Yes, this is what I look at when I watch porn. He's probably 60 or 70 now. I'd still really like to meet him. 


Sharon Stone just compared sexual abuse to lice. 

And I'm the one who gets censored?


I read it. Yesterday.

Too bad you post this anonymously. Are you 18+? You can also reach me at where It’ll take me over two years to reply to that as well.

I suck at email, DM, and social media but for my IG account because I cook and it’s a foodie page. 

I also write stories elsewhere but most of them are rejected due to content.🙄🇺🇸 

Maybe I should make video games where I can pour gasoline over some dude’s head and set him on fire because I don’t want to pay for my gas?⛽️🔥


To the guy who commented that he loves and hates my blogs for it's horror and entertainment but will keep coming back regardless, thank you. That's exactly how I feel about Rob Zombie movies and internet hookups dating.


Ha ha-ha ha-ha-ha. See it's funny because cryptocurrency doesn't come from anywhere. It's a digital file that sucks more energy than bitter Aunt Margeret after her fifth divorce and whisky highball.


119/85 before morning meds.

I just recently read some of the comments I never post. To the young lady who called me "grandma" are you 18? Do you have legit proof of ID? Have you ever experienced the mouth and tongue of an older woman? Would you like to? 

Aaand Google will take down this blog again in 5... 4... 3...



Zoom meeting be like...




ME four days ago after getting liver test results: NO MORE BOOZE

ME last night:

I'm so gonna die soon.


Morning Zoom like...



Sheep brains! Sheep brain! OMFG Sheep brains!! Why do I translate?! All this time I though those girls were eating bull testicles which is bad enough but they’re eating sheep brains!! God damnit!!! Noooooooooooo!!!! 😠🥺😩😠🥺😩

Cute little Asian girls eat the scariest horrifying things. Whyyyyyyyyy?!!!


Bro? 🥺


This is y'all least favorite way of contacting me for some reason so just go to my twitter page, everyone has twitter, and contact me there. 



My girl BOKI did Korean corndogs last night and tteokbokki. 

LOVE tteokbokki!!

Changing the subject, is Solvang open?


Ah to be young and adorable again.


He's hot. He's 34. I feel like such a dirty old woman. His girlfriend is hot too. Now I'm just a pervert. If you ever wonder who makes the music behind Japanese anime, him, and a bunch of young adorable Asians and Europeans.



Fuck me. I'm up. I don't know why I bother trying to sleep anymore.

Tits and food. That's what this blog has become.


Can't sleep. Dry cough is back. Wakes me up at night like last Pfizer shot which lasted about five days. Drives me crazy. 

I love Angela Sato. I love her style. She usually wears a thin feathered headband but I like this what she's wearing here too. I think she eats like 40 of these. We call them Korean corndogs (so good!) but they might be called something else in Japan.


There's your way, and then there's my way which will look 100% cooler. 

Use of light and shadow is art direction 101. In 10th grade. 😏


I have incredibly sensitive nipples. They love being touched, pinched, licked, and sucked. 

They are also the most ignored part of my body.

Shadow dancing


My HARD EIGHT would be a different film entirely.


That film they'll remember you by. 

(I forgot Mark Wahlberg is in this.)


Smooth. 🙄

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I had more arrhythmia this evening but I’m sure it’s from stress. It doesn’t last long, but still. Since March 2020, I’m positive I lost another good five years off my life span which means I’ll be dead by 55. I mean holy shit. 


I’ve never understood American eaters with YouTube channels. What’s the lure? We’re Americans. We eat like pigs. Look at the food portions. When my beautiful skinny Swedish ex sister-in-law came to America for the first time she said, “Where are the fat people? I want to see the fats!” She was so excited. That’s how other countries see Americans. We’re a nation of eaters. 


The women from (tv show) FRIENDS all look the same but the fellas now look like their tv characters dads.😬


Zoom calls be like:

112/86 before morning meds.

The aches and pains of the second Pfizer vaccine have pretty much subsided today. Yesterday until about 6'ish I ached all over. And then after the doctor's office called about the high enzymes in my liver, I've been experiencing occasional arrhythmia. The BP monitor picked up an irregular heartbeat this morning when I checked my PB. But when I checked it again just now it was gone. 

Doctors stress me out. 

But I'm only 52? I keep questioning. And I know how jerky this is going to sound but I'm not in bad shape. Before when friends were like, "HOW did YOU have a stroke??" I could in my mind reason it. I have stress problems. I have hypertension and horrible stress issues. But now even I'm like WTF is going on here?? There are women in waaaay worse shape than me. 

EXAMPLE: The state of Nevada who aren't strippers. The entire Midwest. Texas. They like their women BIG.

You can't tell me all of these women aren't at risk of having a stroke. Yes I know that's a terrible thing to say, but the truth is those women are huge and over half of them smoke, drink, and eat fat like their lives depend on it but I'm the one with a shitty liver and had a stroke? It's just not medically reasonable. I'm just now seeing what my friends see. Usually I'm the one who's all "well you know" but now I'm like fuck that! WTF!

Women are at higher risk of having a stroke than men. Some 55,000 plus more women have strokes in a year than men, if you believe in statistics. Because you men drive us fucking crazy. That's why. Not all of you. But a lot of you.

And so... 

I have three more upcoming doctor appointments. I'm convinced they want to find cancer in me. What's that saying, if you insist on finding something wrong, you will. This can't be my new normal. 

I haven't had a menstrual cycle all year. It's been heaven! Additionally I haven't had a hot flash in months. I don't know if that's from the stroke meds or what, but I don't care. Yay!!

It's already shaping up to be a beautiful day out. Who wants to go to the beach? 



I got blood work done to find out why my legs are constantly in pain. It seems my liver may be a contributor. 


Never cared for pot. Just puts me to sleep. I like being wired. If they tell me to quit caffeine too, that’s it, I’m tapping out. 


Wow. They finally stopped fighting. This couple in the building next door have been screaming at each other for 30 minutes solid. Their little kid was crying the whole time and the mom screamed at the kid, “Shut up!! Shut up!! Shut the fuck up!!” Which you know he’ll be screaming that to women in about 13 years. Good job. I never had the energy to fight like that. Or desire. When my husband started making me that mad I was like — we don’t have to be married anymore do we. Clearly no respect or love left. And divorced him. 

So 24 hours after getting the second vaccine, I’m texting with my brother when my doctor’s office called me to inform me the results of my blood work came back. It seems I have elevated enzymes in my liver. Nothing too serious I guess since they’re mailing me yet another doctor referral to get an ultrasound. I’ve lost all but 5 pounds of the weight they wanted me to lose, I’m on medication, I’ve changed my diet entirely, the only thing left is alcohol which I probably should have stopped drinking back in 2006’ish when stress sent me to the ER because of an ulcer. 

I sit here and say, “But I’m only 52.”

You’re never too young to die, I guess. I’ll make a beautiful corpse. Apparently that was the deal I made with the devil back in the 90’s. 

Either that, or....

I’m being milked for my insurance. 

They’re going to tell me to quit drinking. And this is supposed to help me with my stress... how exactly?


Won't you take me down to Funkytown?


Crawled out of bed to...


Sore. Achy all over. 🥺😢


111/85 before morning meds. 

I'm sore. Like you guys said you were. Getting dressed was a challenge. I have no plans today. Will just work online. I cleared tomorrow too just in case.

Just took morning meds.


Sexy MF

Did you get both vaccines? Then you’ve also been informed it takes two weeks for the vaccine to be effective yes? For me that’s JUNE 3.🥺 You? 

The only side effects so far is a sore arm (from the shot) and a cough, just like last time. But keep in mind guys I also take three daily prescriptions.

I’m sure I’ll get bored enough today waiting for more vaccine side effects for this to happen to my hair...

Hair is about the same length. I own a flat iron. Could happen.

The reason for the 30 day mask mandate I suspect is because people are not going to wait two weeks after the second injection.



The upper respiratory cough is back. Just like the first time. 


My arm is now starting to hurt like after the first vaccination. We’ll see what happens after I take my stroke meds in the morning.🤞🏻 


Someone please save me. I’m begging you.


I was born too late. Everything is just so glossy now. There’s no vibe. Back when boys fought over who the pretty girl in the magazine was looking at.


Does anyone feel like I do? 



After getting second vaccination shot, “It won’t take effect for two weeks.” 


Ok 😔


Who’s Demi Lovato?


Thanks for the good luck wishes on my second vax shot. Not entirely sure what I need luck with. But I'm fully prepared. I have fruit, salad, water, for tomorrow and just plan on drinking water and sleeping for the next 48 hours. I know everyone got sick for at least one day. I'm prepared. I think.


I COULD send glorious poon pics to the same 10 people, or show the 56,549 people who come here, my being an exhibitionist and all. 


Revenge of the poon pics.😂

Take that dick pics!


115/83 after morning meds. 

I'm told I'll be laid up tomorrow from the Pfizer vaccine. That's fine. I'll just work online. Take pictures of my cooch. My cha cha. My glorious poon. And text the pics to friends. All day. 

Or you can see my Glorious Poon right here...


My legs don't work 100% but this works just fine. 


Or my favorite, “You don’t look that old.” 


My favorite part of that YouTube video is that she’s wearing sweatpants. That’s how you know you’re going to be doing some serious eating. Attire, sweatpants. 


Yay Vaccine day! It’s finally arrived. Now I can take off this mask and go to... 


I still have to wear the mask for 30 days and everywhere I want to go is still closed? 

Um. Ok. 👍🏻🙄

Moving on.

If you don’t understand something regarding culture, ask. But ask nicely. Did you know women in Asian society with naturally big breasts (like mine) are automatically deemed whores. If you’re an Asian woman with naturally big breasts you’re a whore. You won’t get work, you won’t get dates with the intent of marriage, you won’t get apartments or houses, you won’t get respect, you’re a whore just for having big boobs. Nothing you can do about it. Not your fault. And so, automatically many Asian women with big boobs turn to adult sex work because they can’t get work doing anything else. No one will hire them because they have big boobs. 

*And if you date white men, you’re also a whore.

American men however are boob obsessed 🤩 and god love ya for it. 

ASMR and big eats started in Korea as an act of rebellion against modern Asian society that pride themselves on perfection including how you’re seen eating. Modern Asian culture is very goddamn snobby. Like Asian women who dye/bleach their hair or get tattoos, all acts of rebellion against a society bent on uniform perfection. Here, it’s cosmetic, fashion. There, it’s rebellion, independence. You’re knowingly putting yourself in exile for freedom. And people like it. Myself included. 

Omg I love her. I need friends like her. Who likes Asian food? Who can eat? I mean EAT. Everything she’s eating here. Yum. 😋 

“I’ve never seen anyone eat fried chicken with chopsticks. Isn’t that what the black latex gloves are for?” No! Fuck that. You do you! ❤️



I've never met any of those guys. How/why would I? I'm 52 and I still get carded. I have amazing skin. Because Mr Turner, I'm made of magic. 

The youngest I can look on film, if I'm the one doing hair, makeup, and shooting it, I can make myself look 15. Easy. But why would I? 


Dear Alec Helmy,

I have no idea who you are. You have no idea who I am. We will never meet. But your bro over here greased his fat ass into my DM, and then name dropped you to try and fuck me.🙄 I’m sure you’re awesome. Your Buddy and stunts like this are not. 

P.S. Buy your friend a treadmill. 

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I'm an artist, not a director. I could never be a director. I take creating very seriously and I AM that asshole that says things like, "Perfect! Lets do it again! Makeup!"

A lot of my pictures were shot within the first ten minutes but I'll keep shooting until I'm satisfied I can't get better that day. Tomorrow however is a new day.


A little retro blue.

[click image to enlarge]


Daddy looking down on me with his handsome face hopefully feeding me something much bigger and tastier than this tiny carrot... 🍆🥛

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Fires on Venice beach boardwalk, critical race theory, mystery illnesses at the white house gates, I get my second Pfizer vaccine shot tomorrow, CA Supperlotto is 47 million, carrots and hummus for breakfast.... So pretty much nothing new.


Do they make vaccines for small box? Why would you want one? I wish every woman had a small box.😉 There’s no greater feeling sexually than an eight incher working his glorious magic on a small box. Vagina yoga.

How did vaginas get the nickname “box”? Just an 80’s midwest thing?


When men you’re not interested in say, “I’m worried about you” 
Translation: Return my text. Pay attention to me


Boys are dumb.


When you spell everything out in detail but they DM you anyway asking what “ur” interested in.😩 So it’s going to be that kind of day, is it?


Autocorrect strikes again.🙄



What next? Something new for summer.



I'm on Club Joi and Kasidie websites. And for whatever reason everyone wants to talk on KIK, which is fine but then no one's kik handle matches their profile handle, and no one puts their face on their KIK handle. Um. Are y'all robbing banks? No clue who I'm talking to anymore.

"I was lookin' for love in all the wrong places
Lookin' for love in too many faces..."

No of course you're the only one. Why do you ask? 😏

I get my second Pfizer vaccination shot Wednesday afternoon. Fuck these masks! Make me cover up my beautiful payday for 14 months. RUDE. 

Don't tell me vaccinations won't work unless everyone is vaccinated. FFS. I was vaccinated for small pox and have never been afraid of getting small pox even after they said our vaccinations have probably worn off. I didn't want want the Covid vaccine but I got it and that's the last thing I do for you (government) people on this matter. 

*Pox not box. Yay autocorrect you ducking little shot.




I don't know why but I love watching spam and kielbasa with cheese sauce. I would have to have pickles or sauerkraut, not rice. Koreans love it with rice. Yes, I'm Korean... But I also grew up in a place where kids tried to mangle one another by getting them to lick frozen steel poles in the middle of winter. 'Merica! 👏👍🔥

Yes! And not a container of ketchup in sight!! Mama so happy. Wiping a tear from my eye. Everyone knows ketchup is devil taint. DEVIL TAINT!

You're a good boy. A good good boy. ❤



Watching PellekOfficial Youtube videos and ordering my medical ID bracelet. I have no idea what to put on it. 


They make erotic handles too.


I don't know if I really want to walk with a cane to be honest with you. It's not a vanity thing, it just seems like it would be a lot more work. Aramis said canes are good for women to use because it can also double as a whacking stick if people start getting rowdy.

This one has a hammer handle. I also found one with an axe handle, and a stabby thing.


She's lucky she had family. But everything she said, I know it well. I had one stroke. A week or so later I was mid having a second, more massive stroke, and you don't know it's a stroke until they tell you. No clue. The silent killer.


Today is one of those days I want to stop taking my blood pressure meds and the statin. Just to see what would happen. My legs are killing me anyway. (sigh) At least I feel pain in my legs. It would be worse if I didn't.

Regaining my balance, strength training, leg strength, and overall ability to walk further than three miles without passing out for twelve hours afterwards is just frustration. I'm so tired of falling down and tripping. 

This is when I tripped getting out of the bathtub over a week ago. It was a rather nasty black bruise then. Not pretty. Almost gone now. Luckily I had a shower curtain to hold on to.

And these are just every day bruises I get when my legs don't want to turn the corner as my brain instructs and I bang my legs into every piece of furniture in front of me.

Aramis wants me to start walking with a cane for just around the house and when I go out for errands. After he broke his leg, and after all the leg surgeries he's had, he walks with a cane from time to time... and he still practices Krav Maga.

Aramis, my rock. 

I need more.  


I have to stop watching Doctor Mike and Legal Eagle youtube videos before I go to sleep. Those two men are friends in real life. I'm looking for two men who are friends in real life. And then I get these thoughts...

Three days until I get my second vaccination. I'm told I'll need about 48 hours to recuperate afterwards. Don't tell me, tell the boss lady. And by boss lady I mean my legs hurt so bad yesterday and after masturbating three times, still all I could think about was hot sex. Masturbated twice this morning, my legs are still killing me, and again all I can think about is hot sex with (at least) two men. 



This dude in the purple looks so angry. He’s angry swinging. 


Yasss!! MONSTERPEANUT likes my photo!! I do it all for you guys. I do it all for... Wait what? You only liked one of my photos? WTF!  I posted three.🥺 You guys just like the way I say “cock”. I know. I know. I like the way Jeff Anderson (Randal) says “cock” in Clerks II. He says it like four times in that movie and it makes my nipples hard every time. What’s that all about?

Ever notice how often I reference Kevin Smith films here? 🤔

I don’t want to wear a bra anymore. Random but true. Can I just wear my tops with no bra? Is it a crime in CA to go braless? 


One day I won't have to pay people to tell me what I cannot do. Not today but one day. 


Four more days until I get my second vaccination. 

In case anyone is interested...

KIK @ onedove310

Real deals only who can DP and DVP.


115/82 before morning meds.


Good morning starshine. 

I got the month of May blog back. Thanks Google, I guess. Y'all got rowdy on me for nothing.😏 Calling me a bad actor. RUDE. Do you know how many orgasms I've faked over the years? Spoiler, it's a lot. My acting skills are on point, thank you very much. No lessons! AND...

PST is in it's 8th year. That's eight years of spewing my (not always) nonsense and I'm the best free entertainment on the web complete with pics of my Fabulous Glorious Poon which will be a Twitter account I'll suck at like my OF page.


If I want a man's bank account number I'll suck his cock marry him for it. No wait. I mean I'll marry him suck his cock for it. 


I have always promoted consenting adults. I'm responsible that's why I opted for the content warning page before you enter here. It's all about consenting adults. CONSENTING ADULTS as in you, adult human over the legal age of 18, are responsible for all your pointing and clicking.

I'm with you (comic) Chris Porter, "It's time to thin the herd and get rid of some stupid!"




PST is hosted by Google. PST has never asked for passwords, CC numbers, phone numbers (I mean if Channing Tatum wants to give me his phone number I can't help that) and the only links ever to be posted here were to legit websites where you might have to log in to see something like a youtube video. Use your best judgement. I have no idea what that red warning sign was about. 


WTF is going on here Google?! Are you trying to break up with me?! Fine! Just take your records and... AND GO! 😭


Ok well it seems my blog got hacked into. This may be the end of PST. Way to ruin good writing. 🙄


The month of May got deleted. Don't know? I backed it up but who cares. It's halfway through the month.


Bro, you think 18 emails in a row might be a bit obsessive? I'm a smart cookie. I got the gist the first time.


This nurse was amazing! "Ok you got some nice pale skin but I can't see veins. You make fist and pump, pump, pump, pump, like this, pump, pump... Good!... Pump, pump, pump... Ok I start to see something... Ah! Wait! I see scar from IV! Lucky me!... I use scar to locate vein... Ok there! There!... Now make fist and keep fist. Little pinch. I take your blood. I take your blood. You're beautiful. Fantastic darling. I take your blood. Wonderful!" 


I could never make porn I'm too old. My body is too broken. I could make smut. I like smut. I'm into that 70's retro smut. Where the film is a little less hi def and more about taboo scenarios looking and feeling real. Taking your brain into those dark dirty little corners your brain isn't supposed to go. It could never be sold in America. Generally speaking, Americans are too dumb for dirty porn. Americans are too dumb for sex. I gauge what I consider hot porn this way, the less words I understand in the movie, the better the porn is probably going to be for me. I always thought Germans made the best porn until I saw Russian porn. Goddamn.

It's been proven time and again, Americans can't take accountability for their own actions. It's always someone else's fault. Even on sex sites, where you think you're going to meet like minded consenting adults for sex, NOPE. It's politics, football, (and my favorite) guns and ammo. FFS. Because they don't know how to handle sex. They don't know how to behave towards it. 

"Sex nuts and retard strong."

I've had this conversation with people from all over the globe why they think Americans are so terrible at sex and the response is always the same. Religion. We're great at murder, war, making weapons, we're terrible at sex. Americans are THE WORST at sex. 

In the past (I don't know how many years) I've met one man in recent days who keeps me sexually intrigued. One. He's turned me on to things I didn't know I was turned on by. One. And we haven't even met yet.

Aramis and I have had many talks about many things during our 14 year friendship. He knows me, my family, I've met his parents, we know each other's ex-spouses, went 20 rounds side by side through divorces and health issues, I trust him with my life. His opinion means the world to me. Platonic from day one. He is my brother from another mother. If he approves, it's go time. And he approves.

The question now is, who brave among you is willing to trust my creative direction? Who's ready to go down this rabbit hole?

Something to help you get into the mood. She's so badass.

*The first porn I ever saw was called Hot Lunch. Holy shit. It was crunchy AF 😂 I'm 100% certain lots of drugs might have been involved. Lots and lots of drugs. 



I can always count on Aramis to talk me off the ledge. 


Sometimes spell check is necessary. I'm not entirely sure sucking his clock is going to make her jealous.😏 


Blood test. All good. May 19 I get my second vaccination. May 20 & 21 I'll lay low for a few days, and then...

I'll need to feed.

I've been mostly without for over a year.

One man will not do.


“Even Elon Musk left California.” 

Huh. Zero fucks given where Elon Musk lives. 


Deep state theories. I would love to think Liz Chaney being ousted from the number one republican senate seat as being a small part of a larger plan to remove Carlson and Trump from ever having a snowball's chance in hell of being president again thus regaining the moderate conservative vote, BUT even if that were true guys like McConnell will fuck that up like a stoned online grocery shopper who thinks swiss cheese is the equivalent to baby formula.


Paul Ryan gets a congressional pension yes? He's laughing all the way to the congressional bank. Smartest dude in politics. I have more respect for him now than when he was speaker of the house. I totally would have voted for him and Romney over that moron Trump and the republican party would have kept their dignity and (more importantly) the moderate conservative vote, like mine. 


How old is Cox's campaign manager? That person is either 6 years old, or 86 years old with Alzheimer's. "Newsome is the beauty. Cox is the best" What the serious fuck? And by beast we mean a sedated trained bear, because we know how much Californians love it when old white men sedate and use wildlife for circus tricks. Never mind the fact Cox is using a children's fairy tail to describe him and Newsom. Again, what the serious fuck?!

I think Cox might have a little bit of a man crush on Newsom. I get it. Newsom's a very (very!) attractive man. But chin up little bear, Newsom didn't know she was your prom date before popping her cherry at the lake. That was 100 years ago, sweetheart. Let it go.

"If you're ugly and you know it vote for Cox!"


The National Heart Association has a commercial out right now with a fit young woman who looks like she’s in her 20’s recovering from a stroke. She’s going through physical therapy and learning to walk again. I feel that commercial. My legs feel that commercial. Atrophy, constant leg pain, and walking 3 miles exhausts me like I’ve never known. “Your body just carries your brain around.” Yes, it really does. When your brain is injured so is your body. When you injure your body, unless it’s severe, your brain is fine. It’s amazing. 

The woman in the commercial is so young. I feel for young people when stuff like this happens. 

Strokes, aneurysm, heart attacks, brain cancer, really can get anyone at anytime. Never dismiss head pain. Better to have a little fear and check things out than let it go like I did with my first stroke, then having to call 911 ten days later when a second more deadly (and very painful) stroke was about to happen. The woman in the commercial did the same thing I did, dismissed the head pain as a migraine and wound up on the floor several hours later. Had someone not found her she would have died... like my friend Derrick whose poor girlfriend found him on the floor when she got home from work. He was 42 years old. 

Take care you. Live life. Live it your way. Live well. Just... live. 

And laugh. A lot. 



I don't know who this is but I love her necklace.


“I better scribble out my face but not attempt to hide any of my ten tattoos friends, family, and coworkers all know I have.” 🤔


When Donna Summer sang, "Wanna share my love with a warm blooded lover. Wanna bring a wild man back home." I thought she was singing "Wanna bring a white man back home" and thought heeey girl, heeey. You go sister. 👏👍🔥 Because where and when I grew up interracial sex was taboo then. So much so Spike Lee made Jungle Fever in 1991.

My dad (the one who raised me) loved Donna Summer & Marilyn McCoo. Age of Aquarius! (5th Dimension). My mom loved Patsy Cline & Elvis. And that's all you need to know about my parents to understand.


Can't eat it. But I want it. 



You know what I would love to make, find a 40 or 50-something year old man with retro mustache and small beard, manscaped of course because whoever started doing that was a genius, and shoot a 70'ish retro...

A little old. A little new. Daddy still comes on her face.



Took a nap from 7pm-9pm and now I'm still awake promoting myself and just for giggles maybe starting a spoofy twitter account for Glorious Poon. Nope! Too late! I did it! This is my "porn" name. Glorious Poon. 



Asian people are adorable. 


I have a life membership on [click the link] SWING LIFESTYLE

I'm also on [click the link] KASIDIE.COM 

I'm also on Joi. For now.

But I started on AFF way back in the day. And apparently this is now the top swing site in the country on all adult entertainment sites. So who knows? Maybe I'll check it out for a month?


If you're going to look young forever, might as well capitalize on it.


We'll see if he admits to acting in porn for a living, or had acted in porn. I don't think he will. Then again B didn't admit to acting in porn either. A friend of mine told me who recognized him. Then I asked B about it and he said "it was a long time ago" a galaxy far far away? And by "long time ago" he meant the year before. Why lie? We had fun though. He was a nut.

I just like taking pics of my glorious poon.

(I totally made myself laugh just now.)

That would be my porn name, Glorious Poon. That's not how it works is it? What is it? The name of your first pet and street you grew up on? Brook Woodbine? Boring. I'm going back to Glorious Poon.


Dear Yahoo, 

How DARE you put a message from Taco Bell in my Spam folder! How DARE you! 


This is the best thing on the internet right now.

[Click the link]


I appreciate men wanting to attract women in a "normal" setting, or as normal as it can get on a sex site, but sweetheart... I totally know who you are. Just be real. If you think your occupation will wreck a chance with a "normal girl" or as normal as one can be on a sex site, then you're kind of off to a rocky start yea? Like the guy I met at my work back in the day who told he was a musician. Which he probably was. But that's not how he made his money. I recognized him too. And I didn't go out on a date with him because he voluntarily lied about something that hadn't even come up in conversation. I mean, I'm on a website where I'm showing the internet my vagina, soooo...  


Marriage is a contract to get couples to procreate under the guise of a religious institution that teaches holier than thou. When in actuality Catholic men, Jewish men, MEN like getting their dicks swallowed by sugar babies, naked, on their knees, with their mouths hung open, like every other red blooded man on the planet who can still get an erection.

What? Too early in the morning?



My girlfriends and I have had this conversation a few times now since it was reported Tawny Kitaen died. If the cause of death is never released it was most likely overdose or suicide. Neither one is surprising given her crazy abusive behavior towards Chuck Finley in the past when he dumped her. 

No woman over the age of 40 should ever feel secure in her marriage unless she’s hotter than his net worth.

Kitaen was not hotter than Finley's 2021 net worth. She got old and rather haggard looking. 


Guns & Ammo on a sex site. I saw this episode on SNAPPED. Spoiler: it doesn’t end well for the husband. 

SNAPPED Has 493 episodes with no end in sight. Still going strong since 2004. Bitches be crazy.


Vanilla men on swinger websites 🤪😜🤪😜

I love her. [Click the link]


“No money. No honey. You know the rules.” 
— Sergio


Yes! MONSTERPEANUT likes my photos. I'm going to have a beer, masturbate, and call this a good day.

But seriously though, do you like having the shaft of your dick licked up and down? Long, lingering, mouth milking blowjob. 

Just curious.


After 14 months or whatever it's been, I miss having cum jerked on me the most. I miss milking cum out of a man's dick. Just a few more weeks I'll be fully vaxxed, recuperated, and then I'm making a phone call. Or two.

Do you like having the sides licked up and down, back and forth. I love doing that. Size queen. Spit queen. Oral fixation.


(sigh) No Aramis. THIS is not the most disgusting thing that I do. And you know this because we lived together while I was going through my divorce. 

I had to stop eating sunflower seeds for a while because there's something like 1,200 mg of soduim per serving (3 servings per small bag) that's why they're so good, but Spitz now makes low sodium seeds so now I'm back to making piles of seed spit all over the place. 😂

At least now I put a napkin down first. 


Hey! Whatever sex I have is just between me and my partner, his wife, the camera, Twitter, OF, and....


Once upon a time in my younger years it bothered me when people copied my images. I'm older now. More mature about it. Besides...

Now this looks like a job for me
So everybody just follow me
'Cause we need a little controversy
'Cause it feels so empty without me

Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah... Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah


"Your wait time is 1 minute" 27 minutes ago. 😏




You know what makes the world a better place? Tacos. Tacos makes it all better. All a gal really wants is tacos... And sunflower seeds. I love sunflower seeds. Spitz. Dill pickle and cracked pepper.  

Met a friend for lunch yesterday @ King and Queen Cantina, Santa Monica. It's my second time being there this year. Last time I had their street tacos. This time I had their fried avocado meatless tacos. It was amazing. Fried avocado. Genius. 

My friend had a California burrito. Anything with french fries in it is awesome.

All I need is a man who can put up with my sunflower seed spits and bring me tacos and hugs when I'm all kinds of feels... my world would be perfect.

Not talking to you Brick, 'cuz you guys don't read my blog.😏



Oh. But none of you guys read my blog, remember? 😏

BTW your dad says hi.


Hey AZ Viking Queen, Heyyy!!

You're not the only one who comes from the land of ice and snow. I too was preserved in cold for the first 19 years of my life.

Remember last year when I was 51 years old? 😏


Things you find on your nest cam. Me putting your kid to sleep with Prodigy like...


Every morning around 10am I thought a little cosmetic building construction was going on. Never bothered me. I'm happy people are working. This morning however the people directly next door were irate about the construction (it was interrupting their terrible sex apparently) and they made quite a fuss. Following their fuss I looked out the window and saw it's actually a bunch of kids playing on their skateboards, not construction. Not sorry, kids playing on skateboards is more important than whatever sex you're having that makes her sound like a cow passing a kidney stone. I mean normally I love listening to people having sex but not when blue ribbon Betsy is giving birth to a twenty pound rock.  


I blocked him from one sex site because he blew up my inbox several times. Instead of going away in peace and living his life, he blew up my inbox on a another sex site, because that's what sane people do.


West side morning weather gloom. 

Did laundry yesterday at the mat. Completely wore me out. I forced myself to stand the entire time I did laundry. By the time I got back to my room my knees were just buckling and shaking. Took a nap in the evening and didn't wake up until 10pm.

I'm going to force myself to be social today. Pretty much everyone in the know has been informed I had a stroke and recovering my strength. Naps. I love naps. I have now entered the nap stage of my life but they work. I actually stayed up until 2:30am on a Saturday night like an adult.

No one won superlotto. It's now 45 million. Yes Aramis, I got more lotto tickets (drives him crazy I sometimes play superlotto) but he plays scratchers.😏 Something about better odds and... Hey look, I won two dollars on the Mega. Of course I got six tickets at a dollar a pop but you can't win if you don't play. Bite me.

I still haven't shot pics using that big fat horse hung didlo but I'm thinking it's going to be a video for my OF page I horribly suck at. And/or maybe today I'll shop for my big fully vaccinated Covid free playdate at the end of the month. Aaand let's not forget the nap. 

I gave myself two pretty decent orgasms this morning but nothing replaces being fucked by a man. NOTHING. 



3.6 🙄


Has anyone else ever experienced their vagina falling asleep from sitting too long, and as it wakes up you experience something close to an orgasm? (Asking for a friend) 😕

I need sex. Or just to sit in this uncomfortable chair longer.

If it takes drugs and a yacht to get laid you have zero skills as a man.




It kills me. There's two of you. How is that the best photo you can take? One person is actually looking at the other person holding a camera. This is why I get frustrated.


YAS!! He's eating German sausage with sauerkraut and mustard!! I'm so happy I could cry. Last month I had a fit because he was eating kielbasa (or sausage) with ketchup and neither should be eaten with ketchup. 

I grew up in a very German part of Minnesota. Every other house in my town was owned by a family whose last name ended with 'man. I grew up eating, and still love eating, kielbasa, and German sausage... and Polish sausage. That's what I had at Pink's the other day with Aramis, Polish sausage. We had German markets in my home town. And I was taught early on by the old Germans in my neighborhood the only way to eat German sausage is with mustard and sauerkraut. Additionally fried onions and relish if you're feeling fancy. But mustard and sauerkraut is the proper way to eat sausage. Those two sides enhance the the flavor of the sausage. It's the only way I've ever eaten it. That, and ketchup is the blood of the devil. I'm pretty sure it says so in the Bible. 😉

YUM!! Thanks for the video! Totally reminds me of being a kid. I could eat another Pink's hotdog right now. 


This makes me laugh so goddamn hard. I can’t even tell you.



Right here is when I should have just stopped. I think I'm actually biting the back of the chair out of sheer frustration.😅


Fuck me.😂


There's a point where every artist needs to step away and reassess. I said FUCK THAT! and kept going. I stopped to eat, have a cup of tea, and went on shooting because I have issues.  

I want DP and DVP after I get my second vax. Just a night of ridiculous sex. You married people have no idea how awful it's been for us single people these past 14 months. NO. IDEA.


A strap-on is not the same thing as a cock. For starters it's attached to a woman. I don't understand wanting to fuck another woman with a strap-on but I don't have to. You do you. The answer's still no.


MONSTERPEANUT doesn't like the picture I posted. Normally I'd be like 😭 but why not? (sigh) I don't blame you. It's just not happening today. I'll break, eat my salad, go for a walk, clear my head and try again later. Fuck.

I'm craving a long hard DP DVP session after I'm fully vaccinated but not with these pictures. I wouldn't fuck me. I wouldn't fuck me hard. Goodbye horses. Cue the music!


I been at it all day. Fuck it I quit. And I'm hungry. Headache. 

And by all day I mean since 8:00am.


I'm mainly on but I also have a life membership on SLS. 

I'm on other sites too but those sites have a facebook picture "likes" kinda vibe. Men don't want to connect with me offline. Whatever. I post my pics and leave. I appreciate the photo love regardless especially when it's a photo I think turned out well. 

My second Pfizer shot is May 19. Apparently we have to wait two weeks after that before adventuring outside our bubbles? All good. Whatever. 14 months of scramble and tow. What's two more weeks. 

I just looked back at my Teddy bear who's now hiding under the covers. Don't worry Teddy. I'm not that desperate yet. (YET!)

"Woman arrested for violating Teddy Bear in hotel room"

Mm-Hm. Then we'll see how many friends say, "I don't read your blog" after that headline. 😏





Aramis and I at Pink's. We're so gonna die.

Before we eat this should we write a suicide note to your girlfriend ya think? At least mine has tomatoes and lettuce on it, which I ate separately because no decent Chicago style sausage dog has lettuce and tomato on it. I mean. 😒

"Please remember us as we were. Not the bloated corpses before you now." 

That's not a political MAGA shirt. It's a KRAV MAGA shirt which Aramis trains in for the past seven years. 

Yes, I'm wearing a mask. Aramis is fully vaccinated. I have only had one shot. Getting second shot in two weeks. I have pre-existing health problems and we're in public.



I can't promise to be anywhere on any given day or time. I had a stroke two months ago. Almost had a second stroke a week or so later. I'm in recovery that requires medical attention as needed. I had some issues come up last week that almost sent me back to the hospital. Because of that I have several doctors appointments next week. I document my blood pressure for my friends afar, and in case I forget to write it down for my GP who needs to monitor my health and medication. That said...

What I can do is live stream, OF, or be anywhere that does not require a set schedule effecting the paycheck of other actors or a crew. That's why I tend to do things solo on my time. 

Yesterday I strength trained. My stroke affected my legs. I have about three weeks left to build up my leg strength. Prior to my stroke I could walk 20 miles a day easy. After my stroke I can barely do about 3 miles a day, of which I'm grateful. Commonly people suffer paralysis. I did not. But I had to work up to 3 miles a day. First week out of the hospital it was hard to walk.

Yesterday I did 4.5 miles. The most miles I've done since my stroke. Trust me when I say there was blood, sweat, and tears. So much so I slept for twelve hours afterwards. 



Looking at photos this morning, some y'all have watched too much porn, some y'all have not watched enough. And some just make it more complicated than need be.

"If she's licking a chocolate ice cream cone, does that mean she sucks black dick?"

Maybe. For now, it just means she likes chocolate ice cream. 

Personally, I like the heavy girl's lingerie pic the best so far. The look on her face is so rare. She's happy, enjoying her photo shoot with confidence. More that please. More nice looking people enjoying themselves. 


Please... please do NOT offer me drugs, or invite me onto your yacht, or ask me if I'm bisexual, or tell me what a great photographer you are, or send me pics of you hunting.  

Reading morning emails like...

It's really not that hard fellas. Here, let me help you, "Hello beautiful. My name is (insert here). I like what I see and read. Would love to get to know you better. Are you available to meet me for drinks in the next few days at a place of your choice?"

So easy. What kind of women are you dealing with where drugs and a yacht impresses them? And with me, never send a woman to do a man's job.


F you murder hornets, Cicadas!! 


113/83 before morning meds

Woke up from the most ridiculous sex dream. I was with a man I was presumably seeing. He arranged a big sex party night at his place without informing me. It quickly dwindled down to half dozen people and those I played with had weirdly shaped sex bits.😆

Total fallout being single during a pandemic.  



Usually men his age buy a Bentley and get a few hot 19 year old mistresses to prove their "manhoods". This dude commits animal cruelty and got himself a sedated circus bear. And this has (what now?) to do with being governor? 

Additionally I like how he insults Newsom for being attractive. 

"If you're ugly and you know it vote for Cox!" Everybody sing!

Well done. 😂

Moving on.

Melrose blvd in the 90's was nice. Clean. Pretty clothes. Pretty people. Went down there today for the first time in years. Holy shit. Looks like the place been nuked! The nicest thing I saw down there was a mural of the Iphone 12. 


Never piss off the powers that be.

EXAMPLE: They’re trying to send Garcetti to India.

So who did India piss off?


I was a registered Republican for the whole of my adult life until Trump. And (that!) fucking bullshit is why I'm not anymore. Calm down, I'm not a Democrat either.

At this point all California Republicans should vote for the bear. You can you know. Just pencil it in. 

What a complete embarrassment the Republican party has become.   


So your two candidates to replace Newsom are... these fucking two?? 

The guy who sedated a bear to prove what a tough guy he is, and... I don't know any person who will vote for Jenner and I have a very much loved (female born) nephew in my family. 

Way to hit hard, Republican'ts 😂  


125/87 before morning meds. 

Need ginger honey tea. Gotta find it somewhere today. That bottom number just won't stay at 80. 87 is still ok. If I can get it regulated at 80 however I can try incorporating the herbal pills with my meds and ween off. 

I have nothing but doctors appointments next week. 



Population: 5 man chain gang, your grandpa, two pedophiles, and this lady.


Um. WTF is she shooting at? "Take that blue sky!" Pow pow. 😂

Hard pass on crazy people. Is she married? That husband is definitely gonna die getting murdered in his sleep.


I psychologically assess everyone these days. Gotta. And that crazy bitch is a HARD pass. (Certain) women of a certain age get scary AF. KAREN!!! And then they wonder why men cheat? Gee I dunno... ? 


I almost missed it! May the 4th be with you! And now I need to take photos of my butthole apparently.

I’m bringing SMUT back! 


Gordon Ramsey: "No, you doughnut!"

I find insulting people by calling them food, utterly funny. 


You want to replace Governor Newsom, with... with this fucking guy??

Way to not even try to hit hard. FFS

"I'm going to put a sedated bear in my commercial because I'm 100 and have no idea Cali (vegan and/or animal lover) voters will hate this ad." Which equals, oh I dunno, almost the entire state of California, you stupid drumstick.


121/84 after taking morning meds. I hope those numbers go down. That's usually what I wake up with.

When all the glitter, gold, and faux fur are done flying through the air...

This is why we live here my fellow Angelenos. 

We can at least agree on this.

MAY 3, Monday


He said you have a pretty mouth and he wants to get to know you better. Oh no wait. He said that to me. Tell your dad I said hi.

Has the meaning of MWM changed since the days of AOL or does it still mean MARRIED WHITE MALE?

Why no response? Because you're a dick. That's why. I wasn't interested the first time you emailed me, or the second time, or the third. [Click to enlarge]


Are you American? Are you eligible to vote in this country? No? So what you're saying is your political opinion on this subject doesn't really matter then.


I'm waiting for a 9am zoom call. Wasting time.

Whenever MONSTERPEANUT on doesn't instantly like one of my photos I get all 😢 but why not?? 


Agreed. Worry not. My generation will all be dead soon.


And then point out to cunts like them that your breasts are real and you look pretty even without makeup. 😂


You gotta laugh. Just laugh. Those bitches are so unhappy. They feel like they should be superior, like they should have more than you, be happier than you... when in fact they are the most miserable people in America.


Don't forget to flip your hair. 😏 It's a Karen move to feel superior. Which is fine her boyfriend's been texting other women since 6am. How do I know? ... 😉


Nausea. I have to get more ginger tea.

I love her. I just love her. 

Anyone who can wear white while eating splashy food and not get any on their clothes has mad skills. Respect. 


Why would you risk your life to come here? Why? Do you have TV in your country? Internet? 


Is it really necessary to notify me when someone likes a photo? As if we don't look at our photos to see who likes them.😏 I don't like photos because I want to fuck them. I "like" photos because I like the photos. Maybe consider a "fuck the people in the photos" button. But then you would have twenty subjects in the forums starting with, "What does fuck the people in the photos" mean??!!

I totally made myself laugh just now.


Damn statin. My legs are killing me. Muscle pain and weakness are side effects of taking a statin but why then is it just in my legs? That's the only reason why I think it's from the stroke. That, and and my legs got instantly thinner. I'm going into BH today and my legs are killing me. If only I had a GP to ask these questions to.😏

I have a nice big fat bruise on my leg from getting out of the shower. The shower is in a tub. I've stepped over the side of a tub getting in and out of the shower a billion times in my life, but I still think I have auto ability with my legs, which I don't, and tripped over the side of the tub. Luckily there's a hand rail on the tub wall or I would have gone crashing to the floor. 

Getting vaccinated matters to those who work in society, or is looking for work in society. There's an election coming up and once again the division of country will heighten affecting mainly us who need paychecks. Getting vaccinated is a requirement to work in society, don't fool yourself. Just play the games. Every work place has them. Even I submitted and I don't submit easily. It's always people who don't have an investment regarding your immediate welfare with all the screaming opinions. Like abortion. 

Everyone uses everyone for something. Just get make sure you get yours, preferably first.

MAY 2, Sunday


When Aramis first started dating his now long time girlfriend, she would threaten to pack her things from his place and leave like every other day. It was ridiculous to the point he was like, "Fuck you. Go." He's super good looking, has money, fine, go. And she would always call him within the hour, hysterical and crying, wanting to come back. He put his foot down not long after and said, "You do this again just keep going. Don't call me. Don't come back." And I agree 100%.  

You bet she never did it again, and they've been together now for (going on) nine years. 


I can sum it up best this way...

I was at Taco Bell, waiting for my order. An attractive white couple in their 30's walk in, order their food, and wait next to me. I'm like, "Six feet back motherfuckers!" Kidding, not kidding. And then the guy turns his back on his girlfriend, faces me, and stares down into his phone. The girl, annoyed AF that he turned his back on her, gives me wicked stink eye. (Bitch, he's staring down at his phone!) So she starts kissing on him. He jerks his head away from her. So she gives me the evil eye because he continues to face in my direction. He ignores her and continues to stare down at his phone. She then pulls his face into hers and kisses him on the mouth. He's now pissed that she does this, pulls away from her, takes two steps back, and continues to stare down at his phone. So she gives me hate-eye because it's apparently my fault he's staring down into his phone, then walks over to him, screams at him to kiss her and yells at him if he doesn't she'll leave. He considered her threat for about ten seconds but ultimately gives her a quick peck and then continued staring down into his phone. All the while she's blaming me for him humiliating her in front of me. 

Look here honey, the only reason he's facing me is because I don't want anything from him.  

Men go where they don't have to work hard just to have five minutes to read a fucking email while waiting for food. Savvy?  


Oh people care if you're vaccinated. They care. They 100% care. The politics of this will go on for a while yet. Don't forget there's another election coming up.  


I shoot pics just for MONSTERPEANUT likes on 💓 I love their profile pic. It's so hot.


Following my stroke two months ago I am unable to perform any job in my industry. They need me to be top gun at least ten to twelve hours a day, I can give them (maybe) four. The state of CA does not recognize strokes as a disability unless you're in a wheelchair or paralyzed. I'm neither. I have muscle damage in my legs from the stroke but I can still walk albeit limited. My speech came back (doctors said it would) but my legs didn't, or rather they haven't yet. I have to accept the fact that they may never. The only thing I have left is my face. I almost lost that too when I fell. Luckily my arms and hands were not affected by the stroke and broke my fall on the sidewalk. 

Do people know I had a stroke? Not unless they read this blog and/or we're doing something together where full disclosure is necessary.

"I don't understand HOW did YOU have a stroke?"

Smoking (from 17-30 years of age)
The 90's
High blood pressure
Mostly stress

I have hypertension. My body cannot maintain a low blood pressure on it's own anymore. Not for a long time according to doctors. Never ignore head pain. 

Check your blood pressure regularly. A mobile BP arm cuff is $40 a Target. 

All I have is my face. Well not just my face.😏

And just like that, all the colors of your world can change. 


She's mad. I'm 52 years old and still get carded. She gets asked if she has AARP. Not bragging. Facts don't care about your feelings. I can make myself look 13 on film if I wanted to. (Why the fuck would I want to??) 


This is my profile photo selfie now for everything.😏 Shot yesterday. Good morning. 

MAY 1, Saturday


Calm down. It's movie magic. Vanilla yogurt and water.


Depends. How old do you want me to be?

Both shot today.


I met them on a swing club website. They wrote me. I wrote back. After exchanging texts they, or rather he, looks about 10-15 years older than their swing club profile. Typical. I'm willing to overlook it if there's potential for hot sex. Only now they're saying they don't like the swing club, that they have a profile on, where they met me, and would I rather meet them for dinner. How can I say this nicely? Fucking no I don't want to meet you for dinner. I want to meet at the club where we both have profiles on! 

It's like an ad for a hairdresser chair rental. Then you call the salon and they say, "Yes we have an ad for a hairdresser chair rental but what we're really looking for is a mechanic. Are you a mechanic?" 

Saturday. And so it begins. I get my second vax end of May. I'm making connections now. We'll see who's still standing when the sun comes up Saturday, May 22.

Is it too early to start looking for NYE plans? 😏


I can't tell you how much I enjoy watching him eat this. 

I haven't wanted a steak in 30 years, but now that I can't have one, of course I want one.



Dads from my generation had zero problems taking a belt to their thirteen years old daughter's ass if they felt she needed a smack. But men today won't take a belt to a grown consenting adult woman's ass even if she's asking for it (literally). 

I think women who enjoy a good paddle as an adult experienced it young from their fathers and got intrigued, excited even. Like a first kiss. But what happened to you men? Where does your head go now? Have you watched so much spanking porn you're now afraid of turning on your daughters by spanking them? Or are you afraid of getting turned on yourself?


120/87 before morning meds. High bottom number again.

Last Wednesday, March 28th, I got the first Pfizer vaccine shot and I've been dry coughing ever since. Making me crazy. I dry cough, every night, in the middle of the night, for about five minutes as is because (among other medication) I take Statin following my stroke. It makes me cough. But since getting the Pfizer shot I dry cough once every three hours in small fits. Making me nuts.

Where did I leave off from last month?

I shot this photo. Made a few people edgy. 

I shot it. It's me. No one else in the room. 


As I've said many times before, if you don't know the difference between art and pornography, you're doing at least one of them terribly wrong. This is porn. Not good porn. But porn. I want you to look at. I want you to have fantasies. I want you to jerk off having fantasies while looking at it (that's hot! I love that!), cum, and then go about your day as a nice, normal, upstanding citizen. But American men, generally speaking, not all, but most American men cannot see this image without having a negative opinion about me regardless if it makes your dick hard or not. And that's why American women can't go topless at beaches and pools unless it's a (oooh) "naughty" adult pool. And it's also why women get frowned upon for breast feeding their babies in public.

I would love to have this fantasy woman in my bed right now. That's why I made her. Top pulled up, bound and gagged, naked from the waist down, submissive, pure fuck fantasy. Nothing less. Nothing more.

Americans are awful at sex. Even on sex websites they're awful at sex. Just so fucking awful.

I still consider myself an artist. I still create. I still make things with my hands. But man, what I wouldn't love more than anything to make my kind of porno movie. Pure smut, banned in the US for sure.

High res glossy photoshop pretty poser sex. Boring!! It's why pervs like me love amateur, vintage, handheld porn over your high budget porn. Enough with the gloss. Give me real. You see these women on sex sites and they're posing like they're going to be the next top model. If I wanted to see E! type tits and ass I'd watch those BORING AF women on E! FFS America! Edge it up! You have a brain, y'all think you have creative style, show me something!! Make my pussy twitch!! 

In other PST news, I bought lotto tickets. Of course I have about as much chance of winning as I do finding hot sex, but I keep playing anyway, hoping. It's Saturday night, fingers crossed.