Tuesday, December 1, 2020

PLAYER 1: You made it to December, 2020

DECEMBER 31, 2020

Happy New Year e... Zzzzzzz!!!

Minnesotans still ride their bicycles in snow.

Minnesotans still drink the large blue slushy from Holiday gas stations when it’s below freezing out.

Minnesotans still wear shorts at Target in the middle of winter. Don’t give a fuck. ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿป

DECEMBER *#@!!, 2020


I have to quarantine for 10 days upon returning to Los Angeles. Are those 10 days included in the 14 day quarantine if someone coughs or sneezes within 6 feet of me? In addition to the stay at home order? 

It all makes sense to someone. 

Why am I still wearing this? ๐Ÿ˜ท

I'm not trying to start a fight. I'm asking a legit question. These ๐Ÿ˜ท either work or they don't. If they're not preventing the spread of Covid, or preventing new strains from being born, why am I wearing this? ๐Ÿ˜ท 


Because there’s a 10 days quarantine upon re-entering Los Angeles. Fuck me. How is this enforced exactly? 

Because hospitals reportedly had thrown away cases of Covid vaccinations on account of no one knows how to properly store an unheard of vaccine. 

Because I’m (this close) to moving to Garnet, Montana. Which also happens to be my birth gem stone. Perhaps a sign?  

Because I’m leaving soon to get my Rocky Balboa workout in. I got the fingerless gloves and everything. — And yes there is a purpose to fingerless gloves. 

I’ll be in Dinkeytown NYE. 

Why are people not skiing? Y’all know it’s an outdoor sport right? I mean the likelihood of you catching Covid while going 25 MPH down a hill... No you’re right. Stay home. ๐Ÿ˜‰


In the face of (lets call it) a pandemic, I've seen the most ugly, and the most beautiful in people. I've reconnected with those I missed, and shook free those I once respected after witnessing their selfish, oblivious behavior to the pain and suffering of others. KARMA. When you are at your lowest, flat on your back, when you suddenly find yourself with no one, you will remember your behavior in 2020. May god help you, my friends and I will not. 

I am (this close) to severing ties with my childhood friend M. I've never done that before. I've never severed ties with a childhood friend. They are so dear to me. They were a huge part of the best years of my life. No one will know me like they do. But M cannot see the world beyond what she can grasp. She has no idea the position she put me in since she got evicted from her place. I gave her all I had, made no pretense about how little I had left to start with since not working most the year. Everything I gave her, she gave to her estranged husband who fist the money and ran. And now she wants more. She has two adult kids and a sister, and none of them will let her stay with them. This is why.

These are the choices people make. And I cannot afford to let my heart jerk me around anymore. I'm really diassappointed by Mondero. I looked up to him for years. He's a genius at what he does. Too bad he also exposed himself as a shitty person during the pandemic. No one went to him asking for help, but to then shove his wealth and success in the faces of mothers who can't feed their kids a decent meal, was disgusting. "I just bought two new convertibles!" Neat. Can you give your neighbor some money so she can feed her kids, you fucking disgrace of a human being.


If I ever get into a position where I can start a government housing program, I'm doing so for single women with no kids. 2020 taught me the government thinks single women with no kids are not a priority because "Why aren't you married? Why don't you have kids?" Because fuck off, that's why. I was married, and what a gem he turned out to be. He lost custody of his kids because getting nudes from women on the internet was more important.

I don't ask for much. I really don't. Can everyone just...

DECEMBER 29, 2020


Daaaamn AIRBNB

$45 cleaning fee for one night ๐Ÿ™„

Because you think this 52 year old woman is going to get all Motley Crue in your bedroom? Are you serious? This ain’t no 1987. I need a three hour nap after eating a piece of toast. 


People suck.


Beth and I yesterday gripe texting about people and their fake bullshit like


I’m fed up with oblivious people. I’m just completely fed up. America in ruin and people I once thought were pretty cool are now, and have been, doing nothing but posting photo after photo of their amazing success, wealth, and happiness while close friends around them have lost jobs, homes, and struggle every day to feed their families. I don’t understand you guys. How can you throw your success in the faces of those who are hurting for work and money? 

2020 pandemic has taught me more about people I’ve known for the past 25 years than the first 24 years I considered you friends. 

2020, an awakening. 

DECEMBER 28, 2020


To get rid of some stress I went for a hike in the snow. 3.9 miles. 

During my hike I picked up a bag of Cheetos flaming hot popcorn. These are good but I like the flaming hot crunchy better.


I love it when businesses ask "So when is a good time to reach you?" And then you tell them, and they just fuck all. Like they never asked you. If you're not going to call me, why ask? ๐Ÿ˜

Bashing WW84 is all the rage. Correction, men bashing WW84 is all the rage.

Men are entitled to their opinions. Just like I think a lot of American men over the age of 40 are cruel, useless, and lazy. Not sure why men over the age of 40 refuse to get gym memberships but they do. And they're the ones who need them the most. What I find interesting is, the men who hated this film, only hated this one film all year. And I know their asses saw like 500 movies this year along with the rest of the country that's been closed down, but this is the one movie they hate? The sexy powerful woman superhero? Huh. Interesting. You know Wonder Woman is a fantastic work of fiction, right? Ever read Carl Jung?

Today I have nothing to do but wait on emails, wait on phone calls, wait, wait, wait. It's going to be a long day. 

DECEMBER 27, 2020


So where are in the SEX AND THE CITY marathon? Oh right, Carrie and Aidan broke up. Dumb girl. Aidan was perfect when he was Chris Stevens in NORTHERN EXPOSURE and even better a boyfriend when he was Aidan. So unfair.


I have the most amazing friends. 

Tim and Ken have saved my life so many times I don't even think there's a number for it.

I've known Ken since 1992. He was the roommate of a guy I was messing around with. There were two guys back then, Billy and Paul. Ken was Billy's roommate. I always got along better with the roommates than the guy. Most of the people I knew from 1993-2003 until I got married, I met while hanging out with Paul or Billy. I knew Paul until 2017, he was my neighbor in Venice even. Didn't plan it. Just happened. But I was coming off my divorce and Paul's family are all individual train wrecks. I couldn't be who he wanted. 

Ken and I stayed friends on social media. Billy too. 

I met Tim in 2007? Over the years I refer to Tim as Aramis because he looks like Santiago Cabrera who plays Aramis in THE MUSKETEERS and is the best brother from another mother a girl can have. We just click, on everything. And again, when Aramis and I met I was still married and foolishly trying to work it out with my husband but, how many people do you meet in your life where you can talk about anything and everything and just get each other? We have a million inside jokes to the point where we laugh over them but cannot remember why, which makes us laugh even harder.

And so yesterday as Ken and Aramis were saving my life once more, they both asked "What do you have against rich men?" And the answer is, nothing. I have nothing against rich men. Ken has been bugging me about getting a rich man since the 90's even when I had my own money. "What are you doing with Billy?" He firmly believes that women should be "Why spend mine, when I can spend yours?" And Aramis is very old fashion like me. Gender roles. Even among gay people. Gender roles. He does this. She does that. Which is why both men are in long term happy successful relationships. I don't even miss Aramis's smoking hot ex-wife anymore.

You have to negotiate terms of a relationship before you get into one. I firmly believe this. Men love to say "Look what I've done for her. I'm so wonderful." Oh really? If you're so wonderful then why is she always so unhappy? 

And then M tried chatting with me on FB chat. She's still having landlord problems and needed someone to bitch to, completely oblivious to the shitty position she put me in. I cut her off. I felt like saying, "So uh, what happened to the winter clothes you promised to drop off a week ago?" But no, she just went on about her her her her her, and her. Oblivious.

I don't ask for much. I really don't. But men have this attitude of "Oh I never financially planned on a woman being in my life" but they sure as hell want one, don't they?

It depends on what part of the country, and when, men were raised. And who raised them. My dad raised my brothers to have a car, and a well paying job, and manners, if he wanted a girlfriend. That's why I get on so well with Ken and Aramis, that's how they were raised. 

A man doesn't have to be wealthy. I'm not afraid of hard work. I work harder than most men. You bet your ass I do. In my marriage I did all the housework, all the grocery shopping, all the laundry, all the cooking, and I worked a full time job. And what did my husband do? He got himself girlfriends on the side who said "Why spend mine, when I can spend yours." And mine. He let them spend my money too. Joint bank account. Stupid. Never again. 

So yep I see Ken's point. 

Yesterday I ordered a pizza from a place one mile up the street from me. One mile. I've walked that mile. I've walked it in the snow (and my upper leg muscles are still killing me!) but after two hours, and two phone calls went by and no pizza, it finally arrived at the 2.5 hour mark! And it was cold. Ten minutes later I received an email from the restaurant offering me a free pizza for fucking up. 

See fellas that's all we want, an apology and a free pizza. Well no, tacos. An apology and a dozen tacos. 

With sour cream.

DECEMBER 26, 2020


FINALLY, it looks like I'm going back to work... some time next week? It'll be another three to four weeks after that I get a paycheck. But, going back to work nonetheless. No, no, federal government, don't worry we did this without you motherfuckers. Me and the state. I'll be sure to pay my federal taxes to you faceless cowards who slammed your doors on the American people mid pandemic for almost an entire year. I so wish we only had state government. We pay federal taxes for what again? Oh that's right so federal employees can give themselves multi million dollar bonuses and pats on the back for doing such a bang up job.

A wing and prayer, kids. That's all I've had for the past two months after M got me out to Minnesota under false pretenses. But maybe there's a plan in all this? Am I still friends with M, not in the way I would like. She digs ditches for people to fall into so she can chase after a man who thinks of her as fodder. An otherwise seemingly intelligent woman acting a fool so one man can have his own personal laughing stock. Taking me, and two other innocent people down with her. Are we still friends? More like well known acquaintances. I won't travel half way around the country for her ever again. 

Apparently Christmas brings out the horny in people. I heard people having sex all night long. It seems no one knows if you pull the bed away from the headboard the bed won't bang into it. But maybe that banging sound makes men feel like men, I don't know. I turned down Mr hot-guy with a four bedroom house and a puppy. He said he has a four bedroom house with two available bedrooms. I innocently asked him if he has a roommate already because basic math, and he got offended. Pass. You know that's just a ball of drama waiting to avalanche. 

Soooo here I am, back in Minnesota. There must be a plan in all this. My friends and my brother in AZ are AMAZING for keeping me out of the cold. It seems my brother and I are reuniting. Too bad we are once again in different states. I attempted to reconnect with my cousin but he hit on me rather quickly - and that ended that. Wow. Talk about season 4, WEST WING, the Kundu swapping family. 

Are American men really that sexually deprived? I mean, do none of y'all know how to masturbate? Free porn all over the internet and still you want to fuck your cousin? Marriage vows mean nothing. "Lets be swingers to fix our marriage. Yay!" Why then get married? Legit question. For tax fraud purposes? You can't love someone without that legal bind?

I really do wear lipstick and mascara just for me. As I've said before, my kind of old fashion unconditional love doesn't exist anymore. There's always conditions. But a girl's gotta eat so... we can "love" each other like it's a PS4 game. I'll be your player 2... until I get all the guns and cash power gems and life bars.

DECEMBER 25, 2020


In 9 months I could have made a baby. 

In 9 months a team of doctors and scientists didn’t accomplish Jack shit. 

In 9 months I could have made a human being. 


I hate that Citizen watch commercial where that guy slams the door on the cute little bunny. Fuck you Citizen watches. 


My moron ex-husband said he'd help me if I gave him nudes. Needless to say he lost custody of his kids to ex-wife number 4. Gee, can't imagine why?

No matter how hard my life gets at least I'm not him. How did I respond to the request for nudes? I sent him a giant photo of a naked fat man with a small dick and told him where to zelle me. He didn't reply or send any money. Weird?

So I guess the new online pickup joint for couples to meet single women is on couchsurfers.com. Because there's not enough websites that cater to you weirdos? How shitty is your marriage that having sex with each other isn't enough? 

HUSBAND: You know, I'm tired of fucking you. I want to fuck another woman. It's not cheating if you want to fuck her too or just watch us fuck. But I'm sick of fucking you. If you really love me, you'll want me to fuck other women. 

WIFE: Ok. I love you so much, I want you to throw our wedding vows out the window and stick your dick in another woman.


This meal. I can eat the noodles and eggs, but not the keilbasa. I've tried. And tried. And tried. She's so pretty. Look at that skin. Zero blemishes. Women in Asia with no blemishes on their skin are considered social royalty.


I much rather see a 19 year old woman playing a step-mom than some haggard looking 39 year old. I thought that was the lure of porn, the women get rotated the fuck OUT every three years, no?  

I'm 52 years old and it disgusts me when men want to have sex with me. I'm fucking 52! (In 13 days)


I had no idea German Freak has been around for three years. Why still so fumbly? He said he has 4 sponsors, so that's awesome. 

And why is it the women finish what they eat, and the men rarely ever do? ๐Ÿ˜’


I will never understand my out of work restaurant friends, and even those GM/kitchen managers who got to stay because they're on salary, would rather make $12-$17 an hour than a million dollars a year like these guys...

Unfortunately I cannot eat like them. I try eating, just casually, a meal like Boki, and I can't do it. I cannot eat 2 fully cooked kielbasa, 4 packets of ramen, an egg dish, rice and kimchi. I can't do it. I've tried, three times now, and I can't even manage to finish 1 kielbasa. Ramen is easy. I can eat big bowls of ramen, but that's where it ends for me. Whereas you guys, I've seen some of you eat, you can do it! 

I've got the face. I just can't eat like that. I'm better off making commercials. I can spit the food out during takes.


Girrrl, women hate women. And she's just a filthy whore anyway. 


He thinks I’m purdy. A hot strange man on the internet offered me a couch to crash on and thinks I’m purdy. I would be an idiot to pass that up. I love having hot male roommates. Or in this case a smoking hot guy house host (and he has a puppy!) How long before we’re having sex ya think? Me and the guy, not the dog. Linda Lovelace! 


Winter eh! 


Ah Christmas morning. The day when everyone is right with the world and our country is bright happy and cheery on social media. Aww. “Look at my perfect family in my perfect world. I’m so perfect. I mean, we’re so perfect.” Tomorrow y’all go back being angry at the world who doesn’t agree with you politically, religiously, non religiously, and monetarily. ๐Ÿ™„

Meanwhile it’s 5 degrees F out. And for the next two weeks I’ll be wearing this outfit. 

Steady fellas. Control your erections. It’s a sexy winter ensemble I know. 

DECEMBER 24, 2020


My wut? ๐Ÿ™„


"Speedy vaccine... more allergic reaction to Pfizer vaccine than earlier expected."

No shit. 

Can't you guys just give everyone a placebo, let them experience the placebo affect, and we can get on with living our lives. Or is it the federal government's intention to bankrupt the entire goddamn country because we're almost there. Good job. Can medical experts actually tell the difference between the flu and Covid? I did everything you assholes told me to do. I wear a mask, I social distance, I stayed home, and continued to stay home for nine months, and hey guess what, not all of us got unemployment. It's time to reopen the states. If you assholes can't figure it out after nine months, you're not going to! Let us live or die trying!


Um. Wut?


I love cheese ๐Ÿง€



VENMO @ Lesa-S
IG @ 1_stray_girl

DECEMBER 23, 2020




Well that just happened. Thought it felt a little chilly. 


No snow and very few house Christmas decorations. Makes me a little sad really. The economic turmoil of this country has even (one of) the most Christmasy of states telling Christmas to go F itself. At least the people here are still good at heart. 

Yesterday I walked around downtown Minneapolis. Downtown West to be more precise. It was very quiet as the winter icy winds howled through every brick in all the buildings. Afterwards I walked past First Avenue, gazed upon the building's cold quiet dark exterior walls and recalled a few concerts from back in the day when when the house of music was bright and alive with music from Doro Pesch, Danzig, and Soundgarden to name a few. And yes of course royalty, Prince. I had a Purple Rain purple concert tee, you betcha. Only a fool would pass up that tour. Ah the good ol' days. Now the city was just a big giant tomb. Except for the hospitals of course. 

I've said it before, I'll say it again, maybe you just can't go home again. Maybe the only time I ever felt at home, is gone. Long gone by the looks of things. It's sad. 

Home, it's an interesting word. So simple to say, easy to spell, but a world of difficulty finding. To wake up each morning knowing you are embraced with unconditional love. The only time I ever felt that was here, my childhood home. Not from my family, I was a latchkey kid, but rather from the land itself directly, even in the winter, Until now. 

Lets fall in love. Lets camp. Make art. Be creative. Invite our friends over for Sunday dinners. Fill the house with memories, and cats, and a dog. And wine.

Is that really too much to ask?

Feeling Minnesota 

First Avenue

The one and only, Band Box Diner. One day we’ll be able to eat breakfast there again. 

One day. (sigh)

DECEMBER 22, 2020


I’m not a real ho, I just play one on TV. It’s how I cope with all the sex I’m not having. 


You get your Christmas ๐ŸŽ your way, I get them my way... 


The look on mama's face... 

DECEMBER 21, 2020


German Freak, may I make a few suggestions? You have the setup. You get the concept. The camera loves you. You're well on your way. 

That said...

Move your glass out of view of the camera until you get used to eating with your setup. You're very fumbly. Also, get bigger utensils. May I suggest wooden ones. Practice using them. ASMR and mukbang don't eat in a natural way. Your food is above you. You have to practice eating with your setup. Practice eating with bigger wooden utensils. Keep the Fanta can, move your glass until you're more comfortable, less fumbly. Other than that you're doing great! One more thing, your viewers, your fans, are from all over the world, be more descriptive about what you're eating. Don't just say "tacos" say "beef tacos" "Cheddar cheese" and "sliced tomoatoes". 

You're the man, man. ๐Ÿ‘


Waiting for the sun to rise like...

December, 20, 2020


No 60 Minutes because ... football. ๐Ÿ˜ด


Pfizer's Kathrin Jansen on 60 MINUTES tonight, channel 4, 6:30pm Minnesota time. Ask her why they're withholding up to 30% vaccines otherwise promised to some states. 

I think we already know the answer. ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ

DECEMBER 19, 2020


I like German Freak. He’s a total foodie. A little uncoordinated but give him time. He’s doing really well. 


He was 46 years old in 2012 and now he's 41. ๐Ÿ˜


DECEMBER 18, 2020


Biden and Harris are spacing out their vaccines in case of side effects. Just say that's why they're doing it. Because that's why they're doing it. Just like no two royals next in line can be on a plane together. Heir and spare. Can't have them both in a plane crash. 

Doesn't matter anyway. Pfizer is now reportedly withholding up to 30% of the vaccines they promised per state. 

Lets move to Garnet, Montana. Two bathrooms in the whole town. No running water in the homes. No electricity. Camping 24/7. Pioneers. Amish. The Village. Someone call M. Night Shyamalan!


Conservatives don’t support Trump. That’s why he didn’t win. ๐Ÿ˜


What’s the number one rule in politics? Stay out of the media. 

Like that moron can stay off Twitter. ๐Ÿ˜


Martha Stewart might happily pay your legal fees. She went to jail for MINOR inside trading. If Trump doesn’t serve jail time, Martha’s friends will never hear the end of it. 

Let’s see if Trump flees the country.  


Men on swing sites are the most annoying human beings on the planet. 




Do none of you guys know its Christmas? Jerk off. It's the exact same thing. Better even. I'm the best sex I've ever had. I cum every time. I'm good to myself. Best sex ever. 

I'm bored. That's why I log on. It's entertainment while I charge my phone. 

And fellas, that whole sock puppet frontal junk shot in a fishnet man-sling, is disgusting as fuck. No one wants to see your hanging balls in a grocery sack meant for oranges.

This one guy said he was married for 30 years and it shows. He has no idea how to talk to women. The smack of desperation in his internet voice is pathetic. 

The problem is, single men think everyone is on the same lack of sex level as he is. Yeah. No. That's why they're so annoying. We've had sex. Lots and lots of stupid sex. And now most of us are just tired. I'm exhausted. I have a 2 email limit and then I'm out.


So... even after you get the vaccine, you still have to social distance, you still have to wear the mask, AND you could still be Asymptomatic and pass Covid along to others even after they themselves get the vaccine. ๐Ÿ˜‚


"Everyone needs to get the vaccine for the vaccine to work."



Pfizer reportedly announced they don't have enough vaccines for everyone. Only essential workers and those most susceptible will get the vaccine for now. 



๐Ÿ˜ท <---- Do these not work anymore?

DECEMBER 17, 2020


I haven't logged onto Kasadie in forever, but good news, everyone who was 35 years old in 2012... is still 35! 


I don't hate Malania Trump the same way I hate her husband, but she was the most useless First Lady, ever. Usually First Ladies use the power of their office to combat drugs, start education programs, combat hunger, assist in world aid, but not Malania, nope. She was defeated by Christmas decorations year after year. But then again, in her defense...

Common side effects of Xanax include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Tiredness
  • Dizziness
  • Sleep problems (insomnia)
  • Memory problems
  • Poor balance or coordination
  • Slurred speech
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Irritability
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Increased sweating
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Upset stomach
  • Blurred vision
  • Appetite or weight changes
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Muscle weakness
  • Dry mouth
  • Stuffy nose
  • Loss of interest in sex


Our government thinks a $600 stimulus check should make up for closing down the country for nine months. That's what our government thinks of us.

$600 and a diluted vaccine shot for ruining our lives.

Seems fair. ๐Ÿ˜’

*On the plus side placebo > Pfizer vaccine


Apparently there's too much vaccine in Pfizer's vaccine therefor to double the amount of vaccine they're going to dilute the current vaccine... to... make... more vaccine?

Yeah. No.

Enjoy your diluted vaccine shots, boys and girls. By the end of the year it'll be a placebo. 

At this point I'd rather get a shot of ketchup, and everyone knows how much I hate ketchup. 

DECEMBER 16, 2020


Seeing Anthony Bourdain trending on Twitter right now. ❤️

“Goodnight you Princes of Maine. You Kings of New England.”


Mmm Wil Willis. So hot. 

So I guess HISTORY CHANNEL is airing reruns where Wil Willis is hosting, and the newer episodes with Grady Powell, air at night. Okay. I can live with that.

"Wil Willis can't even forge!"

Yeah, like that matters. ๐Ÿ˜

Wil Willis is a military veteran shooting in a controlled environment with all the safety precautions and hey can someone ask him to please take off his shirt?

Awesome! Thank you.


Can we please eat together some time! ๐Ÿ˜‹


I’m obsessed with how Koreans (Asians) eat fried chicken. They eat it so clean, cartilage and all. Right off the bone. ๐Ÿ– Cartilage is very healthy for you. Americans eat cartilage in Jello form. Acid wash the cartilage off the bone into a powder gelatin, add water, and then refrigerate. Whereas Asians are like “Fuck that, I got things to do!” And just eat the cartilage off the bone. I tried doing that with chicken wings and, yep, I’m a Jello eater. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ 


For those of you unfamiliar with this part of the country, Minnesota, during the winter months like today for example, there is daylight for approximately 8.5 hours a day. And by “daylight” I mean not pitch dark. It’s more of a hazy thunderstorm grey. 

It won’t get much warmer than this. 27 degrees is the reported high. 

And for reasons unknown I got my period today. There is no schedule anymore. At my age it just comes when it comes. Which explains why I was so horny this past week.

In three weeks I’ll be 52 years old. 


52 and still getting my period. FML.

DECEMBER 15, 2020


The slow tear of reality that Biden is the next president of the United States. Holy shit, McCarthy. You lost. Let it go. The only president to seriously change my life (for the worst!) is Trump. That asshole is the only president to ever seriously fuck me in a not so happy fun good time way. I’d like to punch that moron in the dick — every day for a year. 


Ate five choco cherries ๐Ÿ’ for IG content and now I’m a fatty that has to hike 2.5 miles tomorrow morning in the frigid 18 degree F temp like I’m Rocky (freaking) Balboa.  

Bosses be like “When you coming back to Cali? I’ll give you money!” 


There’s something I have to do here first. And has everyone completely forgotten its Christmas? 


“Come. I’ve been waiting for you. We can be together... forever.”

Typical MN farmhouse basement. Only the lucky ones get out alive. 


Now they’re saying businesses should mandate proof of Covid Vaccination before allowing anyone into restaurants and gyms. Look nutjobs, you said obey the shut in orders, I did, you said social distance, I do (happily), you took my job for nine months, thank god I have AMAZING friends, you said wear masks, I’m ๐Ÿ’ฏ with you... But after 9 months of this bullshit and one measly stimulus check, y’all can go fuck yourselves. Let’s see what happens three weeks after 50,000 white people take your vaccine. 

In the meantime I’m happy just getting groceries and contactless delivery. Why couldn’t I have this option before Covid? Do you know the number one risk for restaurant employees is hepatitis. Hepatitis! I wanted to wear face masks YEARS ago. But oh no, that would hurt your little feelings. Fuck your feelings! It’s about my health and well being! — Oh wait, NOW it matters? But I could fuck off before now, right? ๐Ÿง Riiiiiiight.

“Only a small percent will get side affects from the vaccine.”

Side affects?? Like what??

“Sure there’s a risk getting the vaccine. But there’s a risk getting in your car every day.”

Huh. Trump made the same moronic argument for Covid, and again for hydroxychloroquine. And you guys called him an idiot both times for making the exact same comparison — because it’s stupid!

Me, watching everyone scramble to make sure big pharma gets a payday.

*Okaaaay Google video-play sucks. Click the link below.*

DECEMBER 14, 2020


Because your first trial run did such a bang up job? No thanks, Pfizer.

I so wish I was a lawyer right about now. 

For the first time in history, white people are going to be lab rats.

Moving on...

Nothing unifies people like a mutual hatred. And I for one couldn't be more grateful. So, thank you. Thank you for being a dick. At last you finally served a purpose. 

DECEMBER 13, 2020


White Supremacist Jews? I thought White Supremacists hated Jews? Goddamnit 2020.


*Sigh* ๐Ÿ˜” 

I just don’t know where I’m supposed to be.

My cousin in CO tells me Vail is about to go bankrupt. I hate Trump. I hate him so goddamn much. 

Help me ghost of Anthony Bourdain!! Guide me like the spirit of Jim Morrison (only cooler!)

DECEMBER 12, 2020


Sound on ๐Ÿ“ข

Click IG link

DECEMBER 11, 2020


Reported partial facial paralysis and spinal chord injury. Fuck it. We survived 2020. Let’s take the vaccine. 


My college kid driver doesn't know who Pigpen and Charlie Brown are. FML.


It's about rebellion. 2020 and Korean girls are still supposed to be hyper demure, dainty, tiny, bony, eat small, drink small, eat clean and without sound. For a Korean girl to get a bread crumb on her lip is considered rude. Meanwhile in America, women are changing their babies diapers on the restaurant table they're about to eat on, in front of other people eating, like that's normal. 

This is why EAT WITH BOKI is so popular. It's about rebellion like defying Governor Newsom. I'd like to defy Governor Newsom. I'd like to defy him hard. It's about rebellion like the KAREN haircut. KAREN's a bitch and she wants you to know she's not leaving without talking to your manager. Be that, BOKI is a pretty girl. And she falls in line with golden rule of young pretty girls, they can make money doing anything, and right they should. It's all downhill from there. 




If I find my way back to Vegas the ONLY place I would live is Summerlin. The ONLY place. Everywhere else is such a dump. I'm not even in Vegas and I have a job waiting for me. That's how easy it is to get work there. And my TAM license is still current for the next seven months. Christ, all this bullshit and I could end up right back in Vegas, where I was before the pandemic? I'd rather be a hobo in Vail. It's just, 27 degrees F in Vail right now. 

It's only 30 degrees F in Brooklyn Center right now. I miss LA weather.

I'm writing my food show pitch today. I was on social media with Chef Isiah and we're both lamenting the loss of Anthony Bourdain who went above and beyond what I want to do but bleeding from the same vein nonetheless. I want to cook historic foods, meals from generations past, from all over the world. It's a historic cooking show. And educational. Nothing you eat today is new. Nothing. Anthony Bourdain meets that one girl you tripped acid with at an AC/DC concert in the 80's. --- Sure you could get someone else to do it but I would make it fun and interesting. Plus I'm a cook. And I know a little something about culinary history. It puts the lotion on its skin....!!

Wha... WHAT happened to Wil Willis? The only reason I watched Forged In Fire was for Wil Willis. Where is he?????

And holy shit Sofia Coppola talks even faster than Dax Shepard! 


Move back to Vegas until the next mugging... or be a hobo in Vail and date aging ski instructors named Preston and Tanner?

DECEMBER 10, 2020


This made me laugh harder than the last five years of my life.

KAREN metal 

His name is Andre Antunes on YOUTUBE. Brilliant.

DECEMBER 9, 2020


I got a temporary ATM card good for 30 days but since it doesn't have my name on it the hotel won't accept it. ๐Ÿ˜ถ 

If you need me I'll be getting drunk behind the dumpster.

This is the best thing on the internet right now.


I'm Olivia in FRIENDS WITH MONEY. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Just to recap...

There was fraud with my ATM card. My bank caught it and assured me another card would arrive in time before I left the location I was at. The card never came. One bank rep said I couldn't get a temp ATM card because my bank stopped doing that November 30th. Another bank rep said they could FEDEX a bank card to my new location but that turned out not to be true. ๐Ÿ˜  Another rep said I could in fact get another ATM card with my bank through appointment only. Today I have that appointment. It took 3 days I'm assuming because of Covid, but I have an appointment today. Will I get a new ATM card? Only time will tell, boys and girls.

I'm very fortunate in my friends. My LA friends. My Vegas friends. My MN friends, eeeehhh, not so much. But my LA friends have bailed me out twice now including this morning. All I needed was a card to reserve a room. That's all I needed. I have the money. I just don't have the card. AND SO ๐Ÿ˜ all my LA/Vegas friends were like "Do you need money? I'll zelle you money. How much do you need?" GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU. Friends with money. I've always had them. And you would think some of their genius ability to make money would rub off on me, but no. Be that, I don't need money, not now anyway, I need your credit card. 

I never realized how important my bank card is, until now. I don't even need a bank card to withdraw money. That's electronic ingenuity for you. But holy shit just TRY paying for a room you're already in without a credit card, and wow, you'd think we were inventing a time machine. Cash is no longer king, boy and girls. Cash has no value in America. They want plastic. And yet... what's with all the pennies?


"I can take your money but I can't service your request. Does that make sense?"

No bitch. No it doesn't. 


Dax Shepard had BRAD WHITFORD on his podcast Armchair Expert and it was brilliant. I love Brad Whitford on West Wing. His character was 25 heart attacks in a row per episode and I so get that. But he's got that same energy in real life it seems and is equally as fast a talker as Dax Shepard. Seriously, do you guys practice talking that fast? I could listen to Rob Lowe and Brad Whitford stories all night. Great stories. 

Last night I renewed my love of vodka but think tonight will be a wine night. Another vodka night and I might cut all my hair off. Again.

It's a balmy 27 degrees F, here in Northern Minneapolis. I finally get my bank shit cleared up FFS. Or at least I hope I will. My fortune cookie from Leeann Chin (a shitty Panda Express) told me Now is a great time to explore. Yeah well I don't have much of a choice now do I? Even people with jobs are displaced and broke. And I'm seriously considering breaking my stuff down even further to just a backpack and head off to France to care for horses. 

For those of you with nothing to lose, there's a website called WorldPackers.com 

Aramis has almost all of my life's artwork and so if something scandalous were to happen to me abroad just make sure to hype a crime. You know art doesn't sell without something violent to tantalize the sale price. I mean really, WTF do I have to lose anymore? Nothing. I have nothing to lose. 

I had this great idea for a food show where I cook historic foods from many different eras and generations from around the world. From the farmhouses to farmers markets. Kind of a reminder of how simple, inexpensive, and delicious food actually is. But no one wants to do it. No one. We could make it ourselves but I'm once again plagued with knowing a bunch of talented and out of work cooks and chefs who don't want to take a chance. I mean, WTF do we have to lose?? You guys are so thirsty to get on the food networks instead of taking a chance doing our own thing, I just can't wrap my head around it. It's not like we have jobs to go to! --- I miss you Anthony Bourdain.

So what now? 

What do we do now?

Because lets face it, we can't wait any longer for this pandemic to be over. It'll be another year, and NO ONE is badshit crazy enough to take a new never before experimental vaccine that initially had some pretty fucked up side effects. 

Our federal government did not take care of the American people. They did not take care of us -- and they never will. 

So what do we do?

DECEMBER 8, 2020


I'm in Minnesota. Aramis is in Hawaii. I have to text him. He has to call her. I gave this dumb twat my ID and she still got the room wrong. "How do you spell your last name?" Well I bet if you looked at the ID in front if your goddamn face you could see how my first and last name is spelled. This chick's incompetence is off the charts! From day ONE these people have been nothing but incompetent. From day fucking one! 



When you have literally done the exact same job for two years as the buffoon in front of you who is now telling you, “Sorry I can’t do that.” 

Yes. Yes you can you stupid motherfu...

DECEMBER 7, 2020



I'm back in Northern Minneapolis. Brooklyn Center. Arrived yesterday. Thank god. So many old feels. This morning I went to my bank, Walmart, walked around. The neighborhood is different but better. The people are nicer. I sprained my wrist yesterday getting my suitcase out of Jeff's little car, because he's one of those guys who won't lift a finger to help a girl, or talk to her, or buy her a drink, or hold the door open for anyone, you know the Rush Limbaugh types, ya bunch of animals, and so today while putting a case of water into my shopping cart, the case of water slipped out of my hands and bottles went crashing onto the floor. In seconds three people were suddenly on the ground with me picking up water bottles. How nice! I'm thanking people like I just won a million dollars. When people are nice like that, that's what it feels like, like I just won a million dollars. 

I really miss Jeff's cat, Baby. Poor thing. She's so ignored. She was my constant companion the moment I arrived at Jeff's house. She never left my side except to eat and use the litter box. Everyone was so into doing their own thing, with their doors constantly shut, this poor house cat slept and roamed around the house mostly in the dark, around 50 degrees F, by herself, all day, all night, day after day, night after night, with no one playing wither her, petting her, giving her treats, no one loving her, no one. In seven days I was the only one who did any of those things with her. I almost cat napped the kitty. Poor little girl. She would be better off running away from home. 

She’s a total lap cat. She loves to lay on you. Poor kitty. All alone again. ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ˜ญ

It's interesting spending time with people under one roof you only knew prior outside their homes. Adulting past your 20's can be a challenge for states like Minnesota I suppose. Much of the state is farm land, swamps, lakes, creeks, the river, and it's winter 7 months a year. Unless you're active in a scene, the art scene, music scene, the foodie scene, and surround yourself with groups of people a few days a week, I can see how being so isolated makes you forget how to be with other people... and cats. Poor kitty. Run away kitty! 

My friend M is in a new location also. After being evicted, after mostly winning in court, and after a short stay in a hotel, she's renting a room somewhere near Saint Cloud. I like Saint Cloud. Or I did. I haven't been back since the 80's.

And speaking of the 80's, I checked out podcast ARMCHAIR EXPERT with DAX SHEPARD, for the first time last night. His guest was Jon Bon Jovi. He's still dreamy. I love Jon's grey hair but it's that smile that gets me. Wow. And is it podcast policy to talk as super fast as you can. Because Dax Shepard, and Rob Lowe on his podcast LITERALLY talk unbelievably fast, and so did Jon Bon Jovi. Don't get me wrong I appreciate people who talk fast, because M, like my dad, will start a sentence and then pause somewhere in the middle for ten seconds, and it drives me fucking crazy. I type fast. I talk faster. And I hate repeating myself. So maybe that's why I'm into podcasts now. Everyone and their mother has a podcast and being a visual person I was never into podcasts. That's why I don't listen to hockey games on the radio, or music (unless I'm getting ready to go out, working out, or having people over) I need visual. Pure audio doesn't usually work for me but I like Rob Lowe's LITERALLY and DAX SHEPARD's ARMCHAIR EXPERT.

I FB message with my cousin in Colorado pretty much every night now. It's nice to have family again. I've been without it since my dad died in 2015. We have 30 years to catch up on. 

I'm going to start applying for work in Vail. My cousin lives about 2 hours from there. 

In the meantime I'm here. It seems I can get a new ATM card at a bank with an appointment. I have an appointment for Wednesday. Until then, since I don't have a kitchen to cook in right now maybe I'll pick up my pencils and draw something? 


You know what it is, I really like BOKI's hands. She's got great hands.

DECEMBER 6, 2020


White people supporting white people. That's adorable. What about all the other people who lost businesses this year? No? Fuck them? Yea that's what I thought.


If all the "men" who are crying about other men wearing dresses for a cover of a magazine, would get off their asses and be the real men they claim to be, instead of total complete failures, and fix this pandemic, fix the economic collapse, and fix the division in this country, maybe then you dandies can have the fancy hair salons re-opened you all crave so badly. ๐Ÿ˜


Isn't it neat when one person complains on social media about being out of work. Guess what BITCH none of us are working. Haven't been working all year. Oh, I forgot, the industry revolves around you. ๐Ÿ˜’ What makes it even funnier is, for the last hour every night it's all industry food workers in her bar catching last call after ending their shifts. I would know, I was one of them for almost four years back in my restaurant managing days. And this cunt has the audacity to go on social media in DECEMBER 2020 and cry about her bar being closed. Fuck this entitled cunt. We've all BEEN out of work ALL YEAR. 

She's white. Shocking, I know. 


DECEMBER 5, 2020




2020 “Republicans” are fighting among each other. Crackerjack leadership NOT happening in the party. 

Paul Ryan is laughing his ass off all the way to the congressional bank. 

Rightfully so. Some people politic better than others. 


"I sent you a Zelle request."

Do you have the cash on you?

"No. Just send me the money now. I'll give you the cash later."

Um. No.



God bless you Aramis. My brother from another mother. You are my Jesus. Next time I ask, “What would Jesus do?” I’m talking about you. 


Passive aggression my old friend! Someone once told me if you ignore your problems long enough they just go away like magic. 





Still there


Welp if ignoring your problems don't work maybe being angry at them will.





Still there

My friend is one of those guys who likes creating drama. That's how he gets attention. I'm trying to understand his mind but I cannot. We're wired differently. 

EXAMPLE: Last Monday I received an email from my bank regarding suspicious spending behavior. And sure enough there were some purchases not mine. My bank cancelled the purchases and my friend said it was ok to have the bank mail my new ATM card to this address. Great. The card got mailed out same day, Monday afternoon. I informed the bank rep I'm leaving Sunday so I need the card to be here. They said no problem. It'll just take a few days, technically 5-7 mail days, but really just a few days. 

It is now Saturday morning. Day 5. I'm supposed to leave tomorrow. Last night I called my bank to see if they could track down my new ATM card. The bank rep said I should have it by now being as how the card was sent from South Dakota, and I'm in Minnesota. We double check the mailing address, it's the right one. I inform the bank rep I have to make reservations, I'm not staying where I am past Sunday. They said the best they could do is fed-ex express a new bank card to me but that would take up to 48 hours to receive it. Meaning I would probably get it Tuesday. Fuck.

My bank rep informs me that as of November 30th, my bank stopped issuing temporary ATM cards. It just keeps getting better.

My friend's 24 year old son is autistic. He lives with my friend obviously and every day his son checks the mail. And every day, no card... or so he says. 

So now I'm stuck and I go to talk to my friend about it. I feel bad but what can I do? I can't make reservations anywhere. I can't LYFT anywhere. I can't even withdraw money. Luckily no one can use my new card until I activate it at an ATM. 

I update my friend regarding my ATM card situation. My friend however, is unresponsive. He just says, "My son is freaked out you're here. So it's up to him how he feels about you being here a few more days."

(It's up to your autistic son? (Is he not the father, Maury Povich?)

My friend knew I was coming before I came obviously he's the one who invited me there. Did he not talk to his son?

So now I'm scrambling. I'm trying to find someone I can zelle or paypal money to who will make/pay a hotel reservation for me. Once at the hotel I can have my bank fedex my new ATM card. I mean, Jesus Christ.

And all the while I'm wondering what's going on with my friend? He seems very internally shut in. I've been here with him (today will be) 7 days. And for the past 5 days he's just been very unresponsive, not wanting to talk or hang out, and being very passive aggressive towards me. Ah yes, we know passive aggressive men. They're the guys who can't express feelings to the girl they have specific feelings for. And every time he says something to me that just comes out of nowhere, I agree with him. I mean what else can I do? It's his house. I'm not going to argue with him which it kind of seems like he wants me to. Why? who knows? I don't get that way of thinking. 

So now what do I do? 

I sent out a wave of texts to people saying look, I'll zelle you or paypal the money to you, I just have to leave where I am because I'm not getting my ATM card. Things are weird here, I don't know why.

If I had a dime for every guy who went out of his way to make me feel bad because he couldn't express his feelings to me... Or a dime for every man who pulled so overtly unnecessary passive aggressive stunts at my expense to make himself feel better...

Adulting is hard.

So anyway, 24 hours and counting. 

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick....

My stress eczema is in full force around my neck. 

I think my nose mole has gotten bigger too.

Mmmm. Sexy.

DECEMBER 4, 2020


All you did was throw prosciutto on it. ๐Ÿ˜‚ 

Goddamnit I miss LA. ๐Ÿ˜‚

$27 a plate. Box pasta.


Dear California breakfast cooks, this is how you fry home potatoes. Don’t argue with me, I’m a Minnesotan, I cook and eat more potatoes than you breathe air. Regardless of the other ingredients you put in here, this is how you fry breakfast potatoes. 

Threw some frozen corn in there today.

DECEMBER 3, 2020


Aaaand the sun is gone again. Dark. Cloudy. Cold. Doom. ๐Ÿ˜– 

This is where goth is made. Right here. Where the sun don't shine. 


Last night my cousin Danny messaged me back. He lives in Colorado now. Not Vail. (damnit. Snaps fingers.) But we messaged for an hour catching up on what we could in an hour over messenger. Of all my family, he's the only one I wanted to reunite with. He told me he thinks my dad's first wife died. Ah. That explains why my oldest brother moved his family to Arizona. He never would have done that if his mom was still alive. She depended on him too much. Enjoy the freedom, brother. Enjoy it.

No idea why my brother didn't just tell me his mom died. Maybe he thought my joyous singing of, "Ding dong the witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch!" might be inappropriate?  

It's actually sunny out this morning. One morning out of five. Not bad for Minnesota in December. There's no snow on the ground so that's good. Mother Nature is a tricky lady. She made it snow days after I arrived but that's long gone now. 

I'm going to visit my cousin. I can't wait. We were so close when we were kids. We both thought our families were crazy and we were right. His mom, Valerie, and my dad's first (ex)wife, Vickie, were sisters. After a lifetime of bitterness, jealousy, and sibling rivalry the two sisters finally buried the hatchet and got close. Aaaaand then Vickie fooled around with Valerie's husband. 

Danny and I haven't seen each other in 30 years. I mean we know what the other looks like through social media but the last time I saw my cousin he had long ratted out bleached platinum blonde hair. Ah the 80's. Now he's bald. By choice. Oh how we loved our hair in the 80's. Loved our hair so much we destroyed it night after night with poison. Artists used Aqua Net hair spray as cheap substitute varnish matte spray to hold charcoal and graphite drawings to paper, but the fancy boys and girls of the 80's used it to make themselves pretty. Good times. Not me. I suffered from mousse-abuse. Google it. Whitesnake, forever! 

Reuniting with my cousin is the best thing to happen to me in years. Definitely the highlight of (my) 2020. 

I leave my friend's place Sunday for Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. Unless, of course, I get a wild hair and travel to Colorado early. I swear, I could be a hobo in Vail. Why not? I was a hobo in Venice Beach, CA, and managed to get a studio apartment. 

Have you been to Vail? It's beautiful. I don't ski but I drink wine in a hot tub, one of the likes you ain't never seen!

DECEMBER 1, 2020


The best thing on the internet right now. ๐Ÿ˜‚


"So what's the safe word?"


I’m confused. You charged me $2.50 to use your ATM, so why did you charge me another $2.50 separately? ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ™„


My Instagram is just food I cook, and cats.  


Back in Minnesota. Hanging out with my good friend Jeff, from both the Los Angeles and Las Vegas days. He's got a renovated farm house out here in Northern Minnesota. Standard haunted basement. Pictures coming soon. No really, standard haunted AF Minnesota farmhouse basement. Holy shit. Anyway. Three of his four kids live with him, all in their early 20's -- as I was reminded last night with the screaming and fighting at 4am. Jeff is at work.The morning after bathroom looks like my bathroom circa 1995 after a three day bender with wine, coke, and a half dozen naked ex coworkers. Sans vomit. Thank goodness. Once vomit dries it's not coming off with a Sand Blaster. Not. With. A. Sand Blaster. 

M has to be out of her house in 30 minutes. We chat yesterday. I feel for her. I really do. I did the best I could to help her. I gave her money and packed up her house for her. I directed her to free legal aid. I found a cafe by her house where lawyers give ten minutes free legal advice. But did she go? Did she contact the free legal office? Nope. I mean, she took the money I gave her and gave it to her dead beat husband who lives with his parents, but these are the choices she makes. "Here's $200 get a storage rental. Save your money and put it towards a place however temporary at first." -- And what did she do with the money? She got a nice hotel room because her asshole husband told her to. He wanted to spend "quality" time with her he said, then he flaked after the room charged her. And did he offer to help pay for the room? Of course not. These are the decisions she makes with him over and over, and over. The outcome is always the same. Her deadbeat husband says jump, and she flies to the moon for him. But. What can you do? Move on.

Both Minnesota and California are under new shut down orders after 10pm, or complete shut down orders until December 18, or until December 21... does anybody know? (fucking sigh)

On the plus side, in 2015 the Minnesota Farmers Market Association passed The Cottage Food law with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. What does that mean? It means after paying the government $50 for an online training course I can sell certain foods from home without a license. There's a very detailed list of what foods I can and cannot sell. For example I cannot sell my AMAZING meatballs, which are just smaller versions of my AMAZING meatloaf into individual meaty big balls. 


I can sell popcorn balls, caramel apples, and Christmas cookies. I can sell anything that does not need to be refrigerated or frozen. And so boys and girls, I'm going to play with corn syrup, only this time sober. Semi sober. A few shots of vodka here and there... and here, and there... and possible six more shots over there. Pictures coming soon. Of my holidays popcorn balls and caramel apples. Not me drunk. Pictures on the internet last forever. Enjoy.

Lets see, what else.

It's 19 degrees F at night time. Meh. You know that already.

I'm madly in love with Jeff's family house cat, Baby. 


Anything interesting happening in CA? I'll be back shortly after New Year's Eve. Unless the state remains closed. Which is likely.