Thursday, October 1, 2020

Player 1: October



Landlords and their games. There hasn't been hot water all day. Mm-hmm. Girl. Day 1 no hot water. C'mon bitches. What else you got. 


NOoooo 007!!!! You were supposed to be indestructible!!!

I hate 2020. Fuck you.

Someone please check on Betty White!!

Rest in peace Sean Connery. You were the hottest James Bond (next to Roger Moore).


Don't worry, I'll still finish my book on 30 years working in restaurants, and general hospitality. It's just, I don't know how it ends. I fantasize it ends with me on the Trans-Siberian railway, drinking tea with a shot of vodka (I'm an Absolut gal FYI) aboard a one-way excursion into the sunset. It may sound tragically romantic but truer words have probably never been spoken. 

You kids can take this ridiculous seven year blog and steal it for parts (not that some of you less creative writers haven't already *cough * Mr Turner's rejects * cough

Life is an adventure, Forrest. Only sometimes do you never know what you're going to get. 

My friend M is still the social butterfly she was when we were kids, the hostess with the most'ess. She just does too many things at once I'm afraid. I suffered the same malaise until one day I just couldn't anymore. No more than two things at once. That's my limit. Two. Cooking and a good man. Cooking and a kitty. Travel and writing. Cooking and writing. Traveling and cooking. Two. No more. "Keep it simple, stupid." Wisest words I ever heard. All hail the god of thunder.

It's warmed up here today at the MN/WI boarder. I think 50 degrees F. Most the snow has melted. I've stopped pining for that guy I wrote about earlier. Good. Nothing worse than fantasizing over some guy and finding the reality of him - less than thrilling. See 80's rockstars for reference.

It's a long winding disastrous road getting to simple. Complete with $7 outdated gas station road maps, pulling over to the side of the road to vomit, pee, vomit and pee, and hitchhikers who assist in shaping the road you tread on. I'm still pulling glass out of my feet. But it makes life interesting. 

Happy Halloween, kids. Don't forget your masks, hypodermic needles, penicillin, and emergency contact numbers. 



Who remembers one of my favorite TV shows 'NORTHERN EXPOSURE'? The episode where Shelly can't stop singing. Remember? Here she dispenses advice to Maggie in song with THE SNAKE, by Oscar Brown, jr. 

And then in 2016 that orange moron used the same song comparing immigrants to snakes. 

It's important we reflect on this, ladies. You know what AND WHO Shelly Tambo was singing about.


M's couch is a giant sleeping pill. The moment I lie back on it, I fall asleep. This is a sure sign of old age. If I'm upright, I'm awake. If I lounge back, I fall asleep. Mid text, fell asleep. Drinking a cup of tea, fell asleep. The key is to keep grandma upright. And the strange thing about it all is, no one else my age seems to want to admit they're old. "51 isn't old. We're not old." Yes we are. Why can't you just admi... Zzzzzzz

November 3rd cannot come fast enough. Ok yes I admit I'm sick and tired of election bullshit and Covid. Not that I'm dismissing anything, I'm just sick of it. Balance. Like chatting with men who drink red wine and eat seafood, not paired together obviously, I mean we're not neanderthals. Just, balance. That's the thing Minnesota has California doesn't, balance. Here in the midwest there's batshit crazy people AND nice sane people. California just has long since the 70's run amuck with self medicating drug addiction, mental breakdowns, emotion instability, hysteria, and that's on top of traffic 24/7 caused by over population. Like (comic) Chris Porter says, "It's time to thin the heard. stop putting warning labels on things. "Do not eat paint." No, eat it! If you're stupid enough to eat paint, just eat it!" And, having 8 kids is unacceptable... unless you're farmer. 

Aside from M's wild kingdom of cats, M's house was pretty quiet last night. The landlords seemingly kept their distance. Nala didn't bark all night. 

My fellow (Youtube) foodie SIO is back to making eating videos. Good for you! Now it's your turn BOKI. You are missed! 



What did I say? 10th of September? Dude, I have no idea what month it is. I haven't heard anyone butcher Auld Lang Syne so I know New Year's Eve hasn't passed yet. 10th of November. I'll be pressing on 10th of November. I started chatting with a fella, something I haven't done in a loooong while, but like I knew it would, the midwest makes me want to be in a relationship. It's this part of the country, especially this time of year, that makes you wish you had someone. And he's kinda kinky. He's one of the few men out here who likes women in skirts and heels. Back when I was a little girl, all the blue and white collar working women went to work wearing red lipstick, skirts, and heels. (Minus) - 20 degrees F out, skirts and heels. My kind of fella. Robert.


With 27 days to go to get M packed and moved, I once more found myself at a crossroads. Do I only know people who don't have their shit together? Everyone has troubles, yes, but I've learned if the troubles are brought on by another person, that person has to go. I can't help any more people. I can't listen to any more drama in other peoples' lives. Selfish? Yes. At 51 years of age all I want to do is get back to work and cook. My childhood friend is obsessed with the separation with her husband and I get that, but if he's not going to help her move, then what good is he? And still, she's consumed with getting him back to the point I worry she's not taking seriously the immediate situation at hand, she has 27 days to pack up her house and move.

M's landlords' new game is walking the property every two hours at night, of course passing M's house, thus making the trusty watchdog, Nala, bark like crazy, waking up the house. That's their new game. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Wisconsin Trumpers. 

I'm going to have to insist crazy people be hotter. You can almost forgive crazy hot people "they're eccentric". Crazy not so hot people, just plain crazy.

On the 10th of September I'm going to press on. Who knows where? I'll have M packed up except for her personal belongings which she can pack herself. From that point on, I have to work on my happiness. Or is it happyness? I forget what the cool kids call it these days. Not miserable. I have to work on the opposite of being miserable. 

At least one thing never changes here in the midwest, I'm still considered pretty hot even at 51. So there's that.



I lived in Southern California over 20 years because of the weather. Nothing more. I love the weather. I love the beaches, the mountains, I love that it rarely gets below 60 F, and above 85 F. Everything else about LA drives me crazy. Aramis is my only true friend and he’s from Wisconsin. I don’t relate to the one dimensional ego-centric control freaks, and that’s 90% of LA. Which is weird to me they don’t love Trump, being as how they’re exactly the same. Most men in Los Angeles are Trump. 


Since the landlords couldn't legally evict M from her home being as how she's a good tenant who pays her rent, no criminal activity, etc., the landlords finally figured out they could simply dissolve their rental agreement with M. She pays month to month, and for reasons beyond my understanding M and her husband did not ask for a paper lease. Their lease was a handshake and verbal agreement. Always get a paper lease agreement, kids. Put that shit on paper. Make sure you understand the terms of your rental agreement. Landlords have the right to dissolve a month to month rental agreement anytime with only a 28 day notice. So 28 days now and counting until M has to move. 

The landlords, or whoever, walk around their property a lot until 3:00am sometimes which always makes M's dog bark. She's a good doggie who hates the husband landlord. Maybe he was mean to Nala, the doggie. Nala loves everyone else so who knows. She's a good watch dog. Anyway, some guy just walked by again. And Nala went crazy barking... again. 

I appreciate the innocence of Wisconsin/Minnesota, but sometimes people who don't get out long enough become worse than naive, they become targets. Since I've come to visit M, two weeks tomorrow, the landlords have legally shaped up with her. For the first time since M and her husband rented the place, 4 months ago I think, the husband landlord gave M a copy of the utility bill. Before now, the landlords were just telling M and her husband what they owed and M and her husband simply paid it without question. The husband landlord stopped by last night, twice, once with the rental dissolution, and again with the a copy of the utility bill. "I'm not going to evict you. I'm dissolving our rental agreement. You have 28 days. I'm just trying to be fair." And that is fair. He's within his legal rights to dissolve the month to month rental agreement. 

"How long are you going to be staying?" The husband landlord asked me.

Until M gets packed, moved, and re-situated. I'm the only one here helping her. 28 days, right?

"So, indefinitely?" He asks again.

28 days. Is that a problem? Is it OK if I help my friend? She's got a full time job. No one else is here to help her.

The husband waves like "no problem" then smiles and gives a thumbs up. 

So here we are. Lets get you moved M.  

Love this! You know when MOMA and CHUCK E. CHEESE shade you, you’re really being a dick. 

Love these two men!



YES! Crunchy fried chicken is always my favorite. Thank you SIO for not quitting. 



I see now what I'm doing wrong. 

(11:55am) Because I'm in the midwest and we're 2 hours ahead. 

Today is day 5 of M's landlords "5 day eviction notice" and after contacting the Wisconsin Eviction Legal Action Defense dept of the Milwaukee courthouse, oh yeah, I'm in it to win it! And after further reading what those idiot landlords THINK constitute an eviction notice, my friend M paid the landlords what THEY THINK she owes them in pet deposits. Now...                                                                                                                   If the landlords want to further proceed with their illegal eviction of my friend, they have to go to court and get a judge to sign off on their eviction. And being as how M paid the landlords ransom this morning, I don't know what judge in his/her right mind that would sign off on an eviction over (a since paid) $150 pet deposit. Meh, that won't stop the idiot landlords from trying, I'm sure. BRING IT ON! I'm in it to win it!                                                                                                                    Apparently that moron Trump was in Wisconsin recently. M's landlords are DEFINITELY Trump supporters. Just a few more weeks and America will elect someone qualified for the job. Thank god. Go back to your whores Trump. Its where you belong.                                                                                                                                                                                                      


I can't believe I've been in WI/MN for 9 days already. Wow. Still doing the HATFIELD & MCCOY fight with M's landlords. Only now with Aramis. He lives for this type of battle. God bless him. I think Aramis and I are more in it to win it, than M. 

I'm still peeling potatoes for IG. If you would like to be a patron of my culinary adventures towards owning my own food truck, I started a Patreon account. It's what all the cool kids are doing these days. And of course I have a paypal. I've been lucky to find a few people here & there who have generously supported my foodie adventures thus far. THANK YOU!


PATREON: Auntie Lesa's food truck

I would much rather have my food truck in CA, San Francisco or Los Angeles, but if I fall in love out here in the midwest, food trucks run 24/7 all year long. Any midwest chefs want to fall in love? ;)



Potato pancakes... with char.


So many feelings during this visit. (la’sigh) 

I can’t get my mind off this one guy... His brother wants to take me out on a date. It’s always the brother of the guy, never the guy. We had something back in ‘85/‘86. It wasn’t something that would ever last or be anything more than what it was, but whatever it was, it was pretty amazing. Weird how that works out. I once married and divorced a man I have no desire to ever see again but this brief affair back in the late 80’s is all I’ve been thinking about HARD for the past 3 days. I wish I could see him just one more time. 

Also my dad’s birthday is coming up in a few days. He’s been gone now five years. I carry with me my papa bear. It’s a stuffed bear made entirely out of one of my dad’s favorite shirts, right down to the button eyes. His widow had it made for me.

IG stories. I look like a Peanuts character. ๐Ÿฅบ


Nope I did not watch the debate. I have NO INTEREST in what yet another old white man has to say. Good grief. Every time a white man over the age of 60 starts talking to me I automatically start pondering just how painful it would be to chew off my arm if it means I can get out of this death trap conversation. Because lets face it, men don't know shit about women, and y'all especially don't know shit after the age of 60. 

I will not abandon my girlfriend. She's in trouble and yet another useless man (her estranged husband) will not lift a finger to help her, yet he wants to make their marriage work. (la sigh)

God bless my friend Aramis, and other friends I made in Los Angeles who also came back home to Minnesota & Wisconsin. Midwesterners, WE take care of each other. We're able bodied. Just tell us what you need. We'll get the word out. Put us to work. 

My childhood home city has a webpage dedicated to neighbors helping neighbors. How cool is that! I've seen people posting home cooked meals to deliver, baby formula, essentials, essentials for pets, lost and found pets, etc. Awesome. Minnesota nice. This is what I came home for. 



How unbelievably petty. M's landlords can't evict her because they have no cause so they invented one.

M's landlords are are wanting money for a few extra cats. They want (specifically) $250. Two of the cats were because the woman half of the mighty DERP landlord couple wanted to adopt them, but then the woman changed her mind and is now charging M with pet rent -- or M must vacate the property in 5 days. Fucking greedy slimy petty assholes. 


This guy ๐Ÿค


I have officially stepped into the Wisconsin version of a HATFIELD & MCCOY situation minus guns, so far. 

My childhood friend had some issues with an estranged husband, who her landlords also has issues with, and is now taking out their issues with her estranged husband out on my friend even though the estranged husband doesn’t live here anymore. 

I used to wonder why I was forced to experience the shittiness of my last two landlords, and now I know why, to arm myself with knowledge to combat future asshole landlords, be them mine or someone else’s. 

EXAMPLE: It snowed in Wisconsin last night. About half foot of snow. Like many other people on the road last night, M’s car got stuck, and is currently at the bottom of her 1/4 mile driveway. The landlords, who live in a separate house on the property, petty as they are, ran out of their house this morning soon as they saw M going to check on her car. “I hope you got someone to help you pull your car up to your house. The garbage men come today and you better hope they can make that corner with your car sitting down there!” Didn’t offer to help her. Nothing. Just yelled at M about the garbage truck, and then walked back up to their house. Motherfuckers. I’ve been back home now 5 days, currently visiting my childhood friend in Wisconsin, and of those 5 days the landlords have created at least three days of drama. 

There’s a right way, and a wrong way to do things. And America is fed up with those trying to do things the wrong way. 

Come at us! Go ahead. Spend the money. Take my friend to court if you dare. Just see what happens. I’ve been there. Done that. Bring it on. C’mon let’s go. 



Oh yea now there dontcha know!



Oh yea snow.


It’s snowing out. 

And only one of us is happy. 



Krys Baratto, my Tower brother from another mother! He’s not Canadian. He’s American, dontcha know. Minnesota, eh. 

I love it. 

Preparing fer winter. Oh yea?




The lack of leadership ruined America for all of 2020. My friend’s fur babies are the best thing to happen to me all year. 


Saturday morning good life. Playing “get the ball!” with a puppers.



A room with a beautiful view of how more of the country should look. 


I don’t know how she does it but Melissa has not aged one day since high school. She truly looks amazing. I have a theory about being brought up in a state where it’s winter 5-6 months out of the year - in addition to having Norwegian Viking bloodline, of course. Why is it so hard to believe? Cryogenics, right? 

Wait until I shoot images of the property. Just beautiful. It’s Autumn ๐Ÿ‚ here after all. The trees have begun to turn color. 

I was generously given this corner space as my work station. I’ll be shooting food stuff from here.

And you thought the kids not knowing how to use a rotary phone was amusing. Show ‘em one of these!


Danger lurked behind the curtain as two wild cats plotted world domination!

Nope. We have no idea what day it is anymore. We have no idea what day it is, do we puppy? ๐Ÿพ 




Two movies that portray exact feels on coming back. 

I crossed the Minnesota state line. I’ll be dry humping Missy’s leg by 6:30.

Country road, take me home to the place I belong....


Miss Miss Missy! 

I’m dying for a cup of tea. 


Iowa. Won’t find any good sushi here but that’s ok. I’ll give it up for peace and quiet. Not like I knew anyone dating wise (other than my ex husband) to eat it with anyway. 30 plus years in Los Angeles and the only person I ate sushi with since 2012 was Aramis. 


Cows! Missouri cows!

Oh my. 


Casualty! Lost my earbuds in Kansas City.


Haven’t checked IG in a while. 

Food, booze, cats. Thanks for getting me, social media. 


Hello and goodbye Kansas City. Thanks for the trees. ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ‚



Just left Vale Vail. Let's live there. 



The purddiest farmer you ever done see.

On the road again....


I don’t help anyone who can’t be bothered to help themselves. 

“Look at me, I’m doing laundry!” 

Well you’re only 67 so, good on you. ๐Ÿ™„


The one thing about Californians, especially in Southern California, I will never understand is how so many I seem to meet absolutely hate being outside. Why live in Southern California if you hate good weather? That’s the whole point of living in Los Angeles, to be able to go outside and play any day of the week all year around. That, and, why is it I‘m constantly meeting people who hate eating fish? That’s like 70% of my life right there, outdoors, eating fish. I must have been a bear in a past life if you believe in such things. 

I love you, California, but I miss so much of the Midwest. I miss my childhood friends, I miss working and playing with others outdoors, clean air, I miss hanging out on the farms, I miss home grown healthy food...

I left my CA life with Aramis, who, by the way was born and raised in Wisconsin, and am on my way back to Wisconsin/Minnesota. If I stay there, Aramis can bring me my stuff some Christmas or Thanksgiving when he comes back to visit the family. By then I’ll have a spare bedroom in the cabin fer ya. Your girl’s not allergic to cats is she? 

Country road, take me home, to the place, I belong....



One of the few photos I have with my actual hair color. 

Don’t get excited. I’m a minor here. I’m a minor wearing a tee-shirt with the word “fuck” on it. Crackerjack parenting. 

(Sometime this morning)

“There’s no crying in coronavirus!”

—Kim Jong-Un’s life coach



The Lakers. Basketball. Yep, still don’t care.



Andy Warhol 


Can I use this as my passport photo? 

Who did it better?? Me! I got that onion mid flight! C’mon that’s pure art!


My political due diligence.

Flu shot ✅ 

Winter coat ✅
Winter clothes ✅
Winter boots ✅
Gallon drum cough drops ๐Ÿ˜ท✅
Nasal spray ๐Ÿ˜ท✅
Inhaler ๐Ÿ˜ท✅
No one wears masks in Wisconsin or Minnesota, so throw those out ✅๐Ÿค”
A few Hail Mary’s and I’m good to go!✅

Oh lord, who art in Heaven... 


Thank you Aramis!

Holy shit. I’m gonna die. That’s below freezing. Prepare to hear me cry like a little girl. ๐Ÿฅบ Remember when most of us used to wear just a hoodie and a leather jacket? Oh no my friends. I’m putting on a fully inflated Michelin suit! 

But I’ll be glad to be there. My first home. I’m looking forward to it. Good drink for the soul. I just wish I didn’t have to go to so many cemeteries to visit friends and family. 



Calm down, I voted for Trump.

Yeah no. ๐Ÿ™„

Of course I voted for Biden. Even though Buttigieg is my guy. 

And then this morning I found this. You know what this is, right? It’s the last writing I received from her. For years I carried this letter pondering whether or not to show the people she wrote about who caused her so much intentional misery. But after a long while I accepted the fact those assholes seriously would not care. And put it away.

Those who were closest to her, who should have loved and protected her, did this. 



Oh wuuuuuut ๐Ÿฅถ



What step/father murders the guy who knocks up his 16 year old daughter? I mean, think it probably, say it yes, but physically commit murder? ๐Ÿค” Not in our home town. Could you imagine?

“What the hell? This town used to have 425 people in it? Where is everyone? What happened?”

“The 80’s.”

Yeah right.


Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!

Thank you Pedersen, for sharing. 


You guys so don’t get ASMR. 


Grapefruit? ๐Ÿฅฑ


You’re doing it wrong by talking. 

God bless you for trying. 


That’s right. This is my guy. This one right here. He’s the one I wanted. But oh no, y’all wanted the old guy. 



Do they have to be naked tho? I mean, like Naked and Afraid, do they have to be naked tho??


The only man in LA I relate to is Aramis. Because he was raised the same way I was. Men need to pay the bills and keep steaks in the freezer. Women cook, clean, and be kind. That’s the foundation. Regardless whatever goes on top of that, the reliable foundation will never fail you. Who the hell raised men to want lazy, bitchy, dumb hot pieces of ass, only to later complain how she’s lazy, bitchy, and dumb. ๐Ÿ™„ Seriously Los Angeles, how the fuck did your moms raise you??? 

Aramis and I are from the Midwest. We get each other. I need more than anything to go on a date with a boy who reminds me of home. A lumberjack. A forrest ranger. A conservationist. A scientist. Just, no idiot LA guys. 


I don’t know why youtubers like SIO and BOKI feel the need to explain themselves. They didn’t go against anyone’s policies. They just made money. You’re mad because they made money eating. When you’re young and adorable, you can make money doing just about anything. And right you should.


Midwest people (where I come from) do what they say. They may speak a different diction but once you learn the language, it’s genuine. I can always tell when people didn’t grow up in a Minnesota town. For starters, when the money runs out, when times are tough, only outsiders hover like vultures, picking away every last crumb in your pocket. Only outsiders turn their backs on you. It’s in our Midwest nature to care about those less fortunate. It’s not a political thing, it’s the right thing. So when people turn their backs on our care, we stop. There’s plenty others who need care and a friend. 

Do the right thing. 

I’m less annoyed about my time being wasted as I am more annoyed that he wasted the time of others just because he’s irresponsible. A grown ass man. Ten year olds are more responsible. 

You’re the last good guy, Aramis. I’m headed to your home town next week. I need a break. Help put seeds in the ground before winter. Get the coops winter ready. Build some shelters for the rabbits. Flu shot and I’m good to go. 


When you pay more in taxes than a multi millionaire reality star nitwit president. ๐Ÿ™„


Plus the food and drink. Midwest home cooked food. Stock and sauce, baby. Smokey rich stock and sauce. The Gasparo da Salo stand up bass of bbq. 


I’m almost certain network station tops know exactly two songs by Van Halen, and one of those is JUMP, quite possibly the least favorite song among fans. Electric keyboards in the same song as Eddie Van Halen, just seems so, so very wrong. 

This death shook me. The first time I heard a Van Halen song was Christmas Eve, Auntie Val’s house, just a little girl dressed up in my pretty red velvet dress, black shiny shoes, white ribbon in my hair, walking down the hallway and hearing ‘Running With The Devil’ blasting out of my cousin Jeff’s room. Years later records turned to tapes, pretty red velvet dresses turned into leather jackets and there we were five teenage hooligan friends (Shelley, Dave, John, Laura, and myself) driving John’s van down the remote roads of corn fields after school. There was one abandoned farmhouse in particular we’d hang out in because there was a swing rope hanging from high beams that swung out of the barn’s open attic. We would get high and Tarzan swing on that rope without a care in the world. The likes of Van Halen blasting from John’s Van. It never occurred to us what that rope was used for or why the farmhouse was abandoned. We didn’t care. The innocence of it all. We were teenagers.

Minnesota still holds a dear spot in my heart. That’s where my childhood is. That’s where the best years of my life were spent and where many of my childhood friends still live today. I spent yesterday chatting with my friend Melissa (Missy). We met in 7th grade. She threw that party where (certain) girls deflowered poor Troy in the woods behind her house. 

I watched THE DRESSMAKER with Judy Davis and Kate Winslet. Deep sigh. That’s how I feel sometimes when I go back. Still... I want to go back. For a little while. 



Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ I think this might be an advertisement for McDonalds. ๐Ÿค” I’m not sure though. Don’t see any dead giveaways. ๐Ÿ™„


Do people really not know this video is an advert? C’mon.


Please stop explaining yourself. I’m begging you. All you guys. Just stop. Be you. Eat. Make money. That’s showbiz. 


Goddamnit google fix this hinkey shit! 

Van Halen is not Sammy Hagar. Not Hagar. Zero fucks given. Not Hagar. 


I’m doing my best to not get offended that people are playing/paying tribute to Eddie with songs off albums other than this one!

Do not pay tribute to Eddie with VH songs that have electric keyboards in them! ๐Ÿ˜ซ


Eddie Van Halen ๐Ÿ’” 

It never occurred to me that he was mortal. ๐Ÿ˜ž


It’s a theory. You probably don’t agree with it. But couples, not roommates, not siblings, not friends, but real couples save more money cooking at home, using a clothes line in the summer, putting fans in the windows and dimming the shutters rather than air conditioning, and washing dishes by hand, than of she got a $15 hour job and is too tired to clean the house and make dinner.

Yep. See. 1987 conservative. I’m a dinosaur. Men don’t agree with my theory so I stay single. Meh. What are you gonna do? 


Oh lord. White House bimbo press secretary couldn’t google what a Rhodes Scholar is before embarrassing herself on national television, yet one news anchor I’ve never heard of mis-tweets, didn’t spell check after auto correct, and everyone on Team Trump loses their shit. What a bunch of ducking assholes.


I‘m a 1987 conservative. I guess that’s why I love Buttigieg so much. He and husband have a 1987 conservative relationship that’s popular with young people today. A little bit of old. A little bit of new. Maintaining tradition values in a relationship, in society, with money. There is nothing conservative about Trump. Obama was more conservative than Trump. 


Men today want a woman to work, as in make money, to help him pay for three cars, a boat, a motorcycle, a four bedroom house, a housekeeper, going out to eat every night, and a bunch of other unnecessary extravagance for two people, rather than finding a smart woman who knows how to maintain a home so less money is spent, so more money gets saved. 

The reason for her “cookie jar” is because men will take the money saved and buy something stupid, something that will no doubt make life harder for her. 

Men today make life harder for women. That’s why women prefer her pets, family, and friends, over being in a mentally exhausting, back breaking relationship. ✊๐Ÿผ


I prefer cooking outside over fire with cast iron. Back in the prairie days during the winter they cooked inside in/on a wood oven burner stove that also doubled as a furnace. Warmed the whole two floor cabin. And you think how we live now is easier? ๐Ÿคจ


Because it’s due north of the Mississippi River. In 1858 the mighty Mississippi was the fastest means of travel. Continue due north and you will arrive. When the first language is no longer English you’ve gone too far. Of course, being able to read one of these helps. 


Don’t ask me. Google keeps messing with the blogs. Just roll with it.

Not quite the rally Trump was hoping for. 



Yes please. Aren’t these beautiful? 


Yes please.


I could live out here. Grow corn. I’d be happy for the rest of my life. Which would total less than one winter. Maybe two. 




Auntie Lesa’s food truck will have steamed white rice on account of being (kind of) Asian. The rice is just a thing. Furikake of course.



Auntie’s meatloaf Food Truck

2 Meatloaf slices 
Meatloaf pita sandwich
Stuffed peppers (meat and meatless)
$1 taco
Fruit salad 
French fries (not yet pictured) 
Dinner salad (not yet pictured) 

I don’t have a deep fryer yet. YET.

Choco chip muffins (six for $5)


Remember when I said the last man to care for me when I was sick was Perry circa 1992’ish? We’re emailing right now. I Re-watched CLERKS II and thought about him all throughout the movie. Lucky for me he’s a lawyer and easy to find on the mighty internet.

Internet is your friend! 


What Google? What! Stop being wonky with my blogs! I'm old. I'm still having nightmares about not being able to open high school locker! Fuck! What the hell was my locker combination? Why am I still dreaming about it?!


Texting with my brother who recently moved to AZ. My nephew just turned 6 but he looks like he’s 14. 

Uncle Roger! When I get my food truck please come work one day! 

Watch all the way to the end ๐Ÿ˜‚


The following is dedicated to my long time dear friend Eriq. Feel better, love. You do so much for everyone. Relax now. Caring for others is a thankless job. I’m knitting ya’ll capes for Christmas! This is for you padre.

(What does that say??)

Q! The loosest Q to ever Q this here blog!



Why? Why is this still a thing? Just come back. Do what you do, girl. You can eat my cooking, chew and spit it out anytime! 


Just saying.


Hmm ๐Ÿค” 


In Los Angeles if you sincerely ask someone how they’re doing they’re like “WHY? WHAT HAVE YOU HEARD?!” 


Testing positive for covid is how Trump politicizes sympathy and quite possibly may be the excuse he uses to bow out of the election. 




Yep. Ungrateful. “All my friends left!”

Hmm ๐Ÿค” the hell you say.


When supposed friends treat your caring nature as if you’re “the help”. Just walk away. Save yourself. And people wonder why civility and kindness are both disappearing. I’ll be the bad guy. Fine. It’s funny. It’s funny when friends give you a laundry list of things to do like you’re the (unpaid) housekeeper and caregiver, only to be yelled at by the patient for cleaning their house, making meals, being a friend, saving their life. 2020!! Of course the patient will wallow in self pity in a few months about how no one cares for them. Of course. 

I need a night out with a nice man. At my age however dating is a negotiation check list of physical, emotional, and mental conditions over a low sodium, low carb meal. 



When you get yelled at for saving someone’s life. 2020!


I think I’m done saving peoples lives. I don’t even get a cape or anything. 


The hoax timeline 


Aaaand we’re up again. It’s about that time for me to walk away. You guys go and have your seances and rub crystals together and ghost hunt. I’m told by a very credible witch doctor all those things cure mental illness. ๐Ÿ™„



Holy shit. She caught the hoax? That’s awful. It’s too bad masks haven’t been invented yet. 


Here we go. Here come the big fights. I know this one. Been here before. What’s in the best interest of a loved one who can no longer care for themselves. Here we go. My favorite is the knowitall friend who has all the answers but will do none of the heavy lifting. My oldest brother did that with our dad when our dad was dying of cancer, and I don’t talk to that asshole brother anymore. 

I think she said “You should...” to me about 20 times but didn’t offer a finger to help. Then when I suggest she lifts a finger, she went silent. ๐Ÿ™„

Our loved one has psychological problems. Deep psychological problems too many people have pandered to and made excuses for especially these last three years. Enough. 

The sister wants to help. Let her! Stop fighting it.


“This letter is to notify you that your machine may be malfunctioning.“

Oh. Well. Good to know your company opted to notify us by way of the speedy U.S. postal service ๐Ÿ™„ rather than using the four pesky telephone numbers we provided you.


Misery does love company. But likewise those who want to recover from misery will find those who want to recover from misery. 


I think it’s really brave of Chrissy Teigen to come out with her baby loss story. There are tragedies better recovered when shared with others facing the same thing. Back in 2000 when my ten year party drug habit days came to a screaming stop it was harder psychologically to recover than it was physically. You have to relearn how to do... almost everything. Luckily I got help. I found people who also wanted to recover. 

You can’t explain to someone who has never experienced it, what it’s like to lose a loved one. 


Who’s seen ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ already? Hands? ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿป 


Here we are. We made it through another month. I moved back home, Los Angeles, March 12th, 2020, after 2 1/2 years living in that dump town called Las Vegas, Just in time for a two week quarantine that has now lasted seven months, going on eight. But at least I’m among friends. I’m home. Thank goodness.

Who thought we would be building bomb shelters in 2020? Hands?