Tuesday, September 1, 2020




Bimbos. Bimbos everywhere. 


No wonder you cut it off with her. She’s had my phone number for less than 48 hours and I want to kill myself. MUTE, BITCH.

I don’t understand how you guys, you men, you fellas, can have these women in your lives for so long. 27 text messages later she finally realized I’m not texting her back. And then got super mad. πŸ˜‚

I made fish tacos and homemade fries. 


FIRST OF ALL every American citizen knows who they’re voting for loooong before that idiotic presidential debate. Looooooooong before. Everyone knew it was going to be a train wreck debate. Because there’s nothing I want to do more than listen to two old white guys get all scream-o at each other for an hour or two. πŸ™„ I’d rather listen to squirrels fight. Have you ever heard squirrels fight? Holy shit. They’re loud. Up until I saw this clip I had only heard them. This clip makes their ruckus worth being woken up at 4am three mornings a week. 


I hate to get all math at 7:12am but whoever these Proud Boys are, they don’t have the numbers. I understand they think they do because they never leave their sisters bedrooms, but they simply don’t have the numbers. This isn’t 1870, Mississippi. This is 2020, Shit got real a pandemic and 14 zombie colonies ago.

No. I watched a movie. The Grand Budapest Hotel. I saw it when it came out but not since. 


“Light as a feather. Stiff as a board.”



Chefs and cooks, cook for other chefs and cooks. Only restaurant owners cook for customers. 


Thankfully none of my close friends are voting for Trump. I really don’t think I could carry on a friendship with anyone who could vote for a guy who, along with all of Trump’s other crimes and sins against humanity, wants to murder even more people by ending social security, healthcare, and all social services during a pandemic he prolonged for almost an entire year, murdering hundreds of thousands of Americans. Only like minded monsters will want this orange moron another four more years. Karma. 



Huh. Trump’s 2020 ex-campaign manager Brad Parscale seemingly suffered a mental breakdown and was arrested by police.

The hell you say. 


Uncle Roger, and Gordon Ramsay tik tok cooking challenges are the best things on the internet right now next to baby kangaroos. 

Jamie Oliver! Oh he-lllll no!!!



I love my friends. LOVE THEM. Whatever you want to call it, everything happens as it should. At 51, 52 in January, I can’t, I won’t, I REFUSE to be with a man who can’t take care of me when I’m sick. I lost track years ago how many times I’ve taken care of men when they were sick, as if I’m their mommy or something, and not once has a man since (Perry) circa 1992’ish, has a man so much as microwaved a bowl of chicken noodle soup when I was sick. It is thee #1 thing I look for in a man. Can he take care of me if I get the flu? Your friends are busy, but at least in your circle of friends things can get taken care of. Friends take care of each other. Friends drop everything, get zero sleep, deal with the bullshit, because we only want the best for each other. Maybe it doesn’t make sense to you but I want a man to chicken noodle soup TF out of this country. 


We got rid of the bedbugs. Our friend is in the hospital. And I’m just waiting to see what happens November 3rd. In truth I’m good to sign up. What am I doing with my life? At least if I signed up I’m doing two things I love, I’m cooking and I’m helping to preserve ocean life, which by the way, up to 80% of the Earth’s oxygen comes from healthy clean ocean. I know there’s a bunch of flat earthers who will disagree but you would be wrong because science. 🀨


And we’re up. 

A friend of mine went into a state of hysterical blindness. Apparently this is a thing. It’s now called “conversion disorder” but really it’s hysterical blindness. It’s when someone goes into a state of such emotional distress they, in their minds, actually believe they are blind. They’re not medically blind, it’s purely in their head. We’ve been dealing with our friend’s hysterical blindness for about a week now. And this morning it got to the point where 911 had to be called. My friend went so out of control, not knowing who they are, or where they are, intentionally force gagging themselves to breathe, walking around in circles and falling to the floor, crashing into everything, purely πŸ’― all in their head mind you, but if they think it’s real, it’s real, and medics had to take them away. 

About a week ago my friend said they think they’re suffering from hysterical blindness but if you ever met this drama queen, they have a new disorder every day just for attention. But the game has gone on long enough. If they’re suffering from a hundred different medical malaise, they they should be somewhere medical professionals can care for them. 

And yes, I say “they” to protect my friend’s identity since, as I mentioned, it’s πŸ’― in their head.


That’s it I’m getting on tik tok. πŸ˜‚



“The carrots with the flavor, you donut!” 


Omg YAsssss! Mmm this is so hot.

Hotter than ‘hot guys eating pizza’. 


I paid more in taxes than Trump. Motherfu... 🀬


It only took two years πŸ™„


Is there a wrong way to make green bean casserole? Nope. Why? REBEL! I made green bean casserole in baked green bell peppers. With extra casserole of course. I mean duh.


The only “Q” that matters to me is EriQ! The one, the only, the irreplaceable Q! ❤️


Trump is the epitome of all things about men/human beings I can’t stand. 


We need more men like this please and thank you. He plays piano. He paints. He has a cat. He acts. He...


Round cheese! Damnit Wisconsin! ROUND CHEESE!



Why do people keep saying Trump will walk out and leave us without a president? Um. Vice President? 




Notorious ACB? Notorious whore, they mean.

Trump and Barrett are disgusting filthy whores. Justice Ginsburg isn’t even buried. Never mind neither one honors Justice Ginsburg’s final wish of waiting until the next president is sworn in to pick her replacement nomination, Barrett praised Ginsburg’s lifelong hard work but will rip it all apart IF she becomes a Supreme Justice. 


I made apple sausage stuffing. Little gravy. No, it’s not Thanksgiving but so what. Rebel! No rules.

Iknowright 😏


Atlas Shrugged 


So let me see if I understand this correctly, one of her kids is handicapped like the reporter Trump made fun of, and another comes from what Trump refers to as a “shithole country”. Just how many times do you think she bent over for Trump exactly? 😏

I love how she praised Justice Ginsburg for womens rights Ginsburg fought her entire life for, but will immediately take away those rights if accepted into the Supreme Court, like abortion, if she gets accepted. πŸ™„


Sorry fellas. Sure you’re qualified and a better candidate but (tsk) you know how this works. Mister “grab ‘em by the pussy” has special vaginal requirements. 


Trump likes to “grab ‘em by the pussy“ because “they let you”. Is that true Ivanka? 


Oh sure (you could say) Trump only honorably mentioned Cuban-American Judge Barbara Lagoa to get the minority vote but I think a more realistic scenario is, since Trump likes to “grab ‘em by the pussy” I think it’s more likely Judge Lagoa wasn’t having any of it. But Amy Coney Barrett, maybe? 🀨


Trump can nominate all the soulless puppets he wants, male or female, Supreme Court or otherwise, just know the only thing Amy Coney Barrett represents are women who will bend over for a man because he tells her to.  





I made old school chicken and biscuits midwest style.

NO I will not obey your stupid onion rules! 


Being Asian wasn’t a thing when I was a kid, not in my home town, Minnesota. Today it might be a thing. I don’t know? When I was a kid, it only mattered if you were from my home town. If you were an outsider you were leered at, picked on, whispered about just like an episode of X-Files. We could have been cannibals. Aliens. Shape shifters. You don’t know. But then again I’m from that kind of town where myself and two friends could walk down every street, point at each house and tell you a story about someone from that house. Everyone knew everyone. 

LA had that lure of no one knowing who you are. No one caring who you are. Good weather and the ocean. 


It’s a culture thing. If I had spent my entire life, if I had grown up in a heavy Asian population it stands to reason I would be annoyed the most by people who happen to be Asian. As it is, as it was, the general population I happen to see are white people. I grew in the whitest white place to ever white the country. Had I grown up in East Los Angeles my scope of society would obviously differ. 

In what universe did Bonnie and Clyde, here, ever experience enough people of color to have a legit reason for this? That’s the difference. At least get to know someone before you hate them. 🀨


Welp, at least the coroner didn’t have far to go. 

Back in the AOL era I was in a chat room (god only knows which) and got hit up by a guy who said he was a grand wizard of the KKK. I wrote him, “You know I’m Asian right? So... WTF” To which he responded, “Yup I saw your picture. But your kind is the least annoying to us.” Then he proceeded to list in order from top to bottom via derogatory hate speak his list of rancor. Thus swiftly ending our AOL communication. 

To every Asian person, to every Asian American voting November 3rd which better be all of you, who thinks our minority group being hated “the least” by white people is ok, don’t be a fucking idiot. Be annoyed by everyone or be annoyed by no one, but bear in mind when your minority group is hated the least it’s STILL Asian specific and no matter what you do or say in life you will never be white andbegoddamnthankfulforit!

See what I did there? 🀨


Trump’s side bitch.



My social media page is just the food I cook. We’ll see in 40 days what comes next. Food truck or the high seas. 


Last night I watched GOODBYE CHRISTOPHER ROBIN, the story of AA Milne and his son Christopher Robin, who you and I know as Winnie the Pooh. It was so good. English parents. God damnit. 



I’m a 1985 Republican and Midwesterner. I left for California in 1989. I couldn’t live in Minnesota now. Too many outsiders moved there and started killing off the foundation and wildlife which would be a part of wanting to move back in the first place. As for being a Republican, it would take a lot more than getting rid of Trump. All of Trump’s minions would have to go. And then some. 


Oh Republicaaaaans. Your moron orange leader told the cameras he wasn’t going to leave the White House when he loses in November. πŸ˜‚ like a fat Karen who will be escorted out by the actual manager. 



I’m too midwest was for this dish. Seriously dude. I mean, is this the appetizer? EntrΓ©e? Or? 


After fogging the apartment, after deep cleaning the apartment, after vacuuming the apartment, after 7 loads of goddamn laundry, MAYBE the bedbugs my neighbor’s idiot girlfriend brought to the building, are gone. MAYBE. 


Security walking Trump out of the White House like your ex-boyfriend who won’t face the fact it’s over. 


“I have to meet for an emergency phone call.” — TRUMP

Coward. Useless. Pathetic. 

No no by all means let’s listen to the cardiologist over the infectious disease expert.



Bullshit. Zero justice for Breonna Taylor. Way to get away with murder. Way to slaughter one of your own. 


One day this dumb bimbo will learn what cameras do.


Far beyond pissed.


For as much as I’ve traveled I’ve NEVER brought home bedbugs. Fucking gross. My whole entire day now is going to be cleaning and doing laundry. 🀬 What a filthy bitch. 



No wonder Fab dumped him. No woman wants a pathetic excuse for a man as a boyfriend. Or president. 


FAB (she’s Spanish I can’t spell her full name): “So, what’s new?”

ME: “Your moron ex-boyfriend’s trailer trash ho bag for a new girlfriend brought bedbugs into the building!!”

O’yeah you betcha!! Spilling tea.


My next door neighbor’s new girlfriend moved in because her place was “having work done” but really it was being fumigated for bedbugs. You fucking cunt. Aaaaand then she brought the bedbugs to THIS building without telling anyone! I’ve ran into my neighbor at least twice this week and not once did he give a courtesy heads up of “Hey sorry but my girlfriend brought bedbugs into my apartment while her place is being fumigated for bedbugs, and since you live across the way you might want to bomb your place too.” Nope. Motherfucker. Not one heads up. Asshole. I realize alerting your neighbors you have bedbugs is like announcing you have herpes but both are necessary courtesies you selfish dirty white bitch! 


This pandemic could have been resolved last March but Trump is a mass American murderer. Fuck this guy. 

Sharing your food is yucky bad Socialism because Russian (hello?) Communism? 😏 Trumpers Trumpers Trumpers. Trumpers are so Trumping. 


Hate the game. Not the player.




I baked. Kind of. Ok not really. But it was good.

And I made more meatloaf. Oh yes. Yes I did. If I ever get my truck, meatloaf sandwiches will be on the menu. Midwest staple dontcha know.



Hey Lindsey. Remember when you said this? 


I just want a good man in the White House. Justice Ginsburg isn’t even buried yet and Trump is politicizing her replacement like King Henry VIII, who was also fat and greedy. Anyone who votes for Trump deserves to go into financial ruin. Trump could have fixed this back in February when he knew it was an airborne pandemic but he recklessly decided murdering people with a plague would be more fun. 



Omg RATCHED!!!! On Netflix.


Hey Lindsey! Heeeeeey. πŸ‘‹πŸΌ 



Not now I’m building EMPIRE! 


Meh. 4.6. I’ve had bigger. 🍸


Earthquuuuuuake. Justice Ginsburg warning Trump from beyond. Heed, you orange moron. 


Damn right. Thank you Justice Ginsburg.


Fast Times at Ridgemont High, writing on the wall; Just yesterday my friend got busted; She came home smelling like smoke; It’s such a shame when you’re not trusted; She only had one little toke 


Good mor... no fuck it. 

Who’s looking forward to old white men yelling at each other on September 29th? Hands? 



Blacks only. Whites only. Interracial only? Hmm πŸ€” Can I have an LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 friendly only? If Trump gets re-elected we’ll see just how soon “whites only” signs start popping up everywhere. 


Totally stole this from Jason just now!


Deep down I think a great many white people in America would absolutely love to have “whites only” everything. 


I’m perfectly fine going πŸ’― vegan for 3.5 years. I wholly support Sea Shepherd’s mission and would still halt opening my own food truck for 30 days to volunteer even if Biden wins. But if Trump wins I’ll volunteer my culinary skills to any ship for 3.5 years. 


I’m waiting to see who wins in November. There’s no point for any new businesses to open if Trump steals the election. Re-segregation has already begun. There’s “Whites Only” restaurants popping up. And Freedom, Georgia is a black only community owned by 19 black families. Trump fucked this country like Jeffrey Dahmer. Re-segregation is bad for all business but let’s just keep “winning” ‘merica. 


Anything! Someone try something! Fuck! Love this guy πŸ˜‚


Anyone not Trump. 


Everyone knows this. Trump just wants to murder people and destroy America. 😷


Trump would evict his own mother. 

“The blue states are doing really bad.” 

And yet it’s the southern red states that infected 30 children with coronavirus on the first forced day back in school. Winning! 😏

“You don’t like me! Whaaa! 😫”

I don’t like anyone. FIX IT!!!! 


My social media page is my cooking. 

God help America if Trump rapes this election. There will be no work for anyone to get back to. 

I made cucumber rolls yesterday. 



I love you. I totally agree hate for profit sucks. But why do I have to freeze my IG?


If I made $200 that night my busboy was getting $50 of it. 25% even though the tip-out is 5% for busboys. Fuck it. If I made money my busboy was making money. Because of him my night went smoother. 

But what you DON’T DO is steal from your employees who aren’t tipping right. 


A lot of chefs were once busboys who felt they were not tipped properly. Back in my corporate serving days, Santos, yep I remember his name, was my regular busboy and I tipped him out about $40 a night, 5 to 6 nights a week, do the math, whereas most servers tipped Santos out somewhere between $8-$15 a night. Way under. And then those servers wondered why he wasn’t helping them. Fuck y’all. In the restaurant food chain, bus boys don’t have to help servers. It’s not their job. But money talks. 

If I make money, you make money. Come to work, do the job you were hired to do, and I will make sure the night runs as painless as possible. 


It’s on Netflix with English subtitles. I absolutely love the vibe of this place. My friend says I’ll end up giving away a lot of food because that’s just who I am. But when you’ve worked around food for so many years, and were forced to throw out so much food rather than give it away to homeless, or shelters because the owners were afraid of lawsuits, it gets to you. I’ve thrown out fresh made gallon pots of gourmet soup, pans of fresh made cornbread, pastries, etc., and I refuse to do it anymore. I refuse. Ask anyone who’s worked in restaurants how shitty they feel being forced to throw away at least two of those three foot Rubbermaid trash barrels filled with food made that morning, night after night after night. No more.

I want this...

I knew a night manager at a bagel shop in the valley who would take all the bagels and pastries they didn’t sell that day, made that morning, nicely bag them up securely and leave the bags in the back alley at x-time every night for a rep at a woman’s shelter to pick up. If the owner of the shop ever found out the manager gave away bagels to a woman’s shelter he would fire that manager and no doubt try to sue the manager. WTF is wrong with people. 


Crispy salmon, because that’s how I like to eat it. When you cook food at home you get to eat it the way you want it. πŸ˜‰ And steak with sautΓ©ed vegetables for my friend. 

I know I said 70/30 but I think I’m more 80/20. I really don’t eat meat that often anymore. I don’t mind cooking it. Some of it. Doesn’t bother me at all. I won’t eat it except to taste test a little piece. But I don’t mind cooking it. I just want a small intimate business. It’s not about the money. I want to make good food for my community. Watch MIDNIGHT DINER TOKYO STORIES on Netflix. I want that. I want my intimate setting. Regulars. Family. If a diner nothing bigger than 10 seats. Operate from midnight until sunrise. I’ll keep the menu small, affordable, and with real home cooked meals, not that bland conveyer belt franchised plastic.


If you’re heterosexual over the age of 45 there’s a 95% chance you’re an asshole. It’s why single heterosexual women over 50 stay single until we die. We don’t want to deal with your bullshit either. I tell my single het male friends over 50 to date 30-something year old women who have their shit together. But no, they usually want 20 year olds who will bankrupt them and then move on to the next guy. And then I have to hear, “I don’t understand what went wrong.” Oh lord. πŸ™„


It’s their mindset that makes them scourge of the earth. Gen X’ers are the most selfish assholes on the planet. All they think about is “me me me”. When was the last time they did anything for other people without wanting something in return. Gen X’ers ALWAYS want something in return. Boomers are the most hate filled motherfuckers on the planet. Not all but most. The Mitch McConnell generation. Fuck you. This planet will be so much better when both generations die off. 


Your bougie coffee is made out of caged animal poop. Google COFFEE PALM CIVETS sometime. 

I too love animals way more than people. Worry not, when all the boomers and Gen x’rs are dead this planet and all it’s inhabitants can finally rebuild. Until then, don’t give up the fight. It’s your world now. Fight for it. 



I REFUSE to cook anything still living breathing ALIVE. I can cleave a lobster quick and fast but prefer NOT TO. There’s nothing wrong with a frozen lobster from the store. If I was on a deserted island with a bounty of fish and ability to make fire, but no knives and nothing to quickly kill the fish with, I would allow myself to starve, whither and die. I have that much respect for animals. Human beings on the other hand, I could (movie) PURGE a few motherfuckers. 


Other countries rub their ready to bake chickens with flower 🌸 pedals, and infuse flower 🌸 pedals in their rice when cooking because that’s their culture. That’s just their way. And I’m sure it’s wonderful. But when Americans do it I just think they’re bougie assholes.  


I’m probably 70/30. I eat far less meat as I get older. I do know how to make soy based burgers and other mimicked meats but for myself I’ll eat a cucumber sandwich (my version of a cucumber sandwich) with a cup of tea and call it lunch. 


I had frozen spinach and made a creamed spinach. Meatloaf. Corn. Creamed spinach. So Midwest.


My IG is my cooking. For example...

This goddamn pandemic has reconnected me with a dear friend, and reconnected me with my love for cooking. 

I’m not a chef. I’m a cook. I don’t mind people calling me chef when they don’t know my name, that’s cool, I do it too. But chefs want Michelins, accolades, recognition, I just want to feed people good food. If you want to pay $45 for a hammered steak that’s your prerogative. But I too know the different cuts and grades of steaks, marbling, density, and I do the same e.v.o.o. season rub, garlic butter baste (with my own tricks) just like the big boys. I also know how much food costs. FYI that’s not a $45 steak. 



Peeeeeeeeeeeps!!!! NOooooo god WHYYYYYY!!!! 😭😭😭😭


SOOOooooo a California man in a red MAGA hat jumped onto the hood of a moving cop car because why?



A pedo says what?



Every intelligent decent thing Trump is politically forced to read he doesn’t believe one word if it. I have more enthusiasm doing my taxes. 


Better late than never I guess.



Dear Paul Watson, if Trump steals this election I would like to volunteer my culinary expertise on one of your Sea Shepherd vessels. American, Dutch, French, any one. You can have me for the following 3.5 years. I’ll make a full vegan menu as it is my understanding most, if not all, Shepherd crews are vegetarian. 


Steak and seared scallops. Yes? YES! 


I cook steak. But only if someone’s going to eat it. I won’t. I’m done. I grew up eating steak at least four times a week from the time my teeth started growing in which is what, four years of age? Until I left MN just before my 20th birthday. That’s over 3,000 steaks. No child should eat over 3,000 steaks.πŸ₯΄

Ever watch Midnight Diner Tokyo Stories on Netflix? The only sit-down restaurant I would have is something like that. A tiny nook you would have to be in the know. Sits a dozen people only at one time. I’d have three things on the menu but be open from midnight until sunrise. 


Hey Ellen, you can check out anytime you want but you can never leave. πŸ˜‚ 

Call Exit Tax what it really is, millionaires 10 year alimony to the state of CA.


Sums it up. 


The exit tax will only apply to millionaires. Are you a millionaire? It’s like you’re divorcing California and will be required to pay it alimony for the next ten years. πŸ˜‚ Holy shit. That’s cra... 🧐 Then again, some y’all lived here for 30 plus years and have done some “things”.



Still funny πŸ˜‚



The White House doesn’t belong to the president. It belongs to the people. We just allow the president to preside in it while s/he serves term.


If Romney was president I’d still be a Republican. 

We all knew coronavirus (hello VIRUS!) was airborne just like we knew cigarettes cause cancer ergo we called them “cancer sticks” loooong before the official surgeon general’s warning on the package. Thank goodness for Newsom. Had Trump just said back in February when he knew covid was airborne, “I’m advising the nation to take precaution by wearing masks and social distancing until we’re able to contact trace...” etc., this bullshit would have lasted maybe thirty days instead of six months going on seven, and tens of thousands of people wouldn’t have died.

Here’s a tell, boys and girls. When the federal government closes its doors due to coronavirus, it’s pretty goddamn serious. 



Right now I’m only doing test kitchen. That’s when I give food away to knowing test subjects for feedback. 

Meatloaf pita sandwiches 
$1 taco
Mac and cheese 
Side salad 
Choco muffin 
Bran muffins 
Choco chip cup

Fresh ingredients 
Home recipes 

And items not on the test menu like steak, rice balls, hamburgers, etc, in case I want to change the test menu. Even without covid you still have to test-kitchen your menu waaayyy before a soft open so you know what kitchen appliances need to be in the food truck. 

If that moron Trump steals this election I won’t even bother with the food truck. We almost went to war because of Trump’s relationship with North Korea. If Trump somehow manages another four more years we very well may be headed for war by 2023 because A) He’s already turned United Nations against us. And B) He won’t want to leave the White House. A sitting president during war cannot be removed. Trump would start a war just to stay in power. You know it’s true.


You’re beautiful just the way you are. But why not be better? Treadmill! 


Dinner. Meatloaf. Corn. Midwest girl. 


I like spam. 

Spam in the morning. 

Spam in the afternoon.



I’m so grateful for my friends. I love you guys. It’s not my fault y’all gaining weight and bought treadmills. You’ve been talking about buying treadmills all year! 


One day, when all the boomers and Gen X’ers are dead, things will get better. 

I made spam. 

I like spam. 




Made stuffed peppers for lunch. I’m reminded why I don’t grocery shop at 8am. No matter what you’re getting some little old lady is going to stand in front of it and refuse to move until she figures out why what she’s looking for is not on the shelf. 

Smart kitty. Smarter than humans. 


Finally turned the news off. Watched Mulan, and Bill and Ted Face the Music.


Oooohhhkay they had daughters. Mystery solved. 


Just once I wish Asian actors were portrayed like “regular” people instead of asinine crazy/rich assholes or period piece ninja warriors. Some of us have Chevies and barely affordable OTC substance abuse problems like half of America, but no, we have to be seen in films defying gravity with our tiny feet and non existent mystic culture. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to sharpen my eight blade shurikens so I can mortal combat my enemy tribe in Marina Del Rey before the raven meets its shadow, WTF that means.



Make no mistake, Trump and his followers are not Republicans. They don’t have a clue what Republicans stand for. There is NOTHING Republican or conservative about Trump. His followers are just as stupid as he is. I’ve been watching Team Trump scramble and back peddle all afternoon. 


He murdered all those American people. Trump did this. The president of the United States murdered Americans. On purpose. 

Hold Trump responsible to fullest extent of the law. Put him in the same prison cell as Jeffrey Epstein.

Now, Ghislaine Maxwell, now would be perfect time to bargain with US attorneys. 

Bravo governor Newsom. Well done. 

So what criminal charges are you gonna bring towards the people who started the El Dorado fire with their gender reveal pyros? 

What are gender reveal pyros? What happened to the “You’re invited to yet another baby shower you couldn’t care less about” party invites where you bite into a party cupcake and the filling is either blue or pink? 

Yes. It’s been a decade at least since my last baby shower invite. May that be the last one. 



Suddenly 7 minutes doesn’t seem so long, eh Michael Moore? Trump knew this virus was airborne, and would infect younger people, back in February. FEBRUARY. Trump would have started a war with China to hide his lies. 

One day someone should explain to Trump and McEnany what recording devices do. 

Sadly Trump could have saved so many people back in February, March at the latest, but intentionally chose not to. 


Go ahead McEnany, do your best but regardless of your back peddle Trump admitted the virus was airborne which he later lied and continued to lie TO THE PEOPLE.  

Lawsuits! Like I said lawyers, muscle up.



15 billion for Space Force.
30 billion for the Space Force Gold Dancers. 


Thanks people for eating my test menu. I’m sorry y’all gaining weight. It’s my job to feed you. It’s your job to get on treadmill.😜


Not now. I’m building EMPIRE!


Listening to him panic. If only he was president. Oh. Wait. 

White House security escorting Trump out of the White House like a 50 year old man out of Chuck E Cheese with no children.


Trump is just trying to stay out of jail. The moment Trump gets escorted out of the White House, he’s going to jail. Half his administration are already in jail.


Trash Panda is already taken. I would have loved calling my truck the Trash Panda food truck. 



What happened to the murder hornets? I’m starting to think the murder hornets were a good plan.


I’ve test eaten like 20 of these tacos by now. But if I’m going to sell them the quality has to be there even if they are $1 each.

I made chocolate chip muffins I’m selling for $1 each or a half dozen for $5. They’re smaller. 

We’ll see what happens in November. If that moron Trump wins this election I’ll start a bomb shelter business. It’ll serve my community far better than a food truck. This idiot will start a war with China. Mark my words. I actually know how to build and stock bomb shelters. We have them in the Midwest. Either that or maybe cook on one of the sea shepherds. They posted an ad looking for cooks. We’ll see. 


You’re my guy! I mean Biden for sure. But you’re my guy! 


Labor Day. You mean like honoring, or at least being thankful, to people like farmers and immigrant workers in the field? No? Didn’t think so. By all means just keep bitching about the heat — that we have in LA maybe ten days out of the entire year. 


Nope. Not racist. Not at all. πŸ™„




Like that time every liberal was praising Candace Owens, only to, oops, learn she’s a Republican now working for Kirk. 

Is Owens going to return the $37,500 settlement for the racism she thinks doesn’t exist? Someone should look into that. πŸ€”



I wish every person who said they were going to move out of Los Angeles dating back to the 2008 presidential race would just LEAVE. You people and your empty threats. πŸ™„

“LA sucks. I should just move.”

GO! No one’s stopping you. I’ll help you pack. 


I got skills! 


I don’t have to like you. I was married for nine years and didn’t like him for the better part of it. I divorced him when I got to the point I woke up every day inventing new ways to kill myself. 

You’re new around these here parts, yes? I’ve been doing this dumbass blog for something like seven years. You’ve got a lot of catching up to do. 


I’m not a fan of the Lincoln Project. There’s strong undercurrents of anti Asian American messaging in some of their videos but - currently my enemy’s enemy is my friend. When this election is over they can F all they way off. 

Actually, why wait. They can F all the way off now.



Bill & Ted had little Bill & Ted’s. What happened to them? 


I had leftover rice from last night. Ladies & gentlemen I give you trash panda loco moco. I don’t have gravy but I do have beanless chili. There’s burger patties in there too. I freeze a gallon bag of burger patties every couple weeks.

I wish I had sauerkraut. I’m out. I grew up in a heavily German/Irish part of Minnesota. I have the taste for sauerkraut, preferably raw onions, pickles, and raw cabbage with all red meats. 


If Trump is elected four more years I won’t even bother having my own truck. Trump will do some stupid ass thing like start a war with China and we’ll be right back where we are now. Right back here. Most likely worse. I won’t waste loans on a business that never had a chance.



The coronavirus calendar, and the orange buffoon in his own words. 


This perfectly describes what’s coming for him.


Once again, wrong. I’m not a fan of CNN. I’m not a democrat, never have been. I like some CNN anchors, their reporting has improved and they currently have a firm grasp of what cameras do unlike Team Trump who has no idea and think Americans don’t either. I lost count how many times Trump and McEnany have gotten in front of the PRESS CORP, you know the people with recording devices like cameras and tape recorders, and spewed a bunch of incompetence, then the next day try and say it was someone else who said it. Holy shit. In addition to that, half of Trump’s administration and lawyers are in jail or awaiting trial. The other half are writing books and telling republicans what a complete buffoon Trump is. As if we didn’t already know. Never mind all the other horrible shit Trump has done against god, man, and nature. Trump and his family are an embarrassment to this country.

Welcome to 2020. We all have cameras. We see you. 

All Biden has to do at this point just listen to his advisors and stay on course. They won’t steer you wrong. They want you to win. This is how they make their political bones. It doesn’t matter on their resumes who they got in the White House, it’s how many.


Remember when we joked all will be well in America once all the Boomers and Gen X’ers died. HAHAHAHAHAHA hahahaha ha ha... ha... ha... heh. Hmm. 🧐

If by “herd immunity” you mean CHILDREN OF THE CORN, I’m not entirely against it. 


Good morning America. Trump agrees (with Howard Stern) his daughter Ivanka is a hot piece of ass. There’s your president, suburban housewives. 



This is what Trump thinks of the U.S. military. From his own orange mouth.


Air fried some onion rings. No grease. On the plus side I could bite into the onion and it stayed in the batter instead of pulling out of the panko. 

I use panko batter. (Flour, seasoning, eggs, and milk dredge) 


Ivanka is fair game. She’s an adult. She’s never once disputed the “relationship” with daddy Donald. What housewife, especially one with daughters, wouldn’t want a man who makes sex jokes with his daughter in the White House? 


Trump is having a total complete meltdown on camera!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£


I appreciate the idea men have wanting to “save her” with his love, but at 30 years of age, at 20 years of age, she’s not a helpless kitten anymore. 

Why don’t you find a woman who already has her shit together? I foolishly ask him. Her own place. Her own car. Her own life pre-pandemic. It’s a stupid question to ask men. I know. So go. Go on then. Go save the world of wayward women. πŸ™„


I am constantly reminded why I don’t invest in many male friends. They go off with women who have zero ambition, zero hobbies, zero friends, zero work ethic, and then two years later when he’s completely broke, wonders what went wrong. 


All I truly care about right now (aside from my friends on two feet and 4 paws) is getting a vaccine for Covid. If that’s not going to happen LOGAN’S RUN the fuck out of this country and get it over with. 


When Alex Guarnaschelli goes on Food Network and tells Bobby Flay “don’t get fruity on me” someone needs to tell Guarnaschelli to (for the love of god) not get any fatter. And to get her kid a treadmill. No 16 year old girl should be that huge. 

Where does food network find these people? 




Oh FFS. Kayleigh McEnany has no idea what cameras do. So it’s the Democrats pushing herd immunity? Um. No. 


I was gifted an air fryer. I’ve never used an air fryer before, because, well, I have an oven. It was a very nice gift nonetheless. Thank you. I made fries in the air fryer to test to it out. 

These are my seasoned home fries baked in the oven. 

They’re both good. Different. But good. The potatoes/fries on my truck will be deep fried. πŸ˜›

Practice. Practice. Practice.


Yer right. I’ll pay the tax on the tacos. I’ll run out of tacos every day anyway. The meatloaf pitas will run out too. I don’t know how the muffins and chocolate chip cups will do but... it’s a mystery. It’s all a mystery. 


If California ever reopens for longer than 31 days, if I’m able to get it together the way I want, this is my one dollar taco. For $3 (plus tax) you can get two tacos and one can of soda. These tacos are good. Trust me. I just ate four of them. πŸ˜‹





Dark Shadows and Thugs On a Plane. Worst Tim Burton film ev... πŸ€” No actually that sounds like it could be pretty good. 


Dark Forces on a Plane. Worst Tarantino film ever. 


Trump wants Biden to take a drug test because Biden can ride a bicycle and knows words that are “biglier” and “bester” than Trump.


No cop is afraid for his life if the suspect goes down due to seven bullets in the back. 

Common sense.

Security walking Trump out of the White House like a mom trying to breast feed her baby in an IHOP.


Firefighters run into fires. FIRES. Are they afraid for their lives. On occasion I’m sure. But they don’t run around killing black people. it’s not fear that makes cops kill black people. 

It’s not fear.



It’s been a busy day. 

Trump has to go. How can any sane person think Trump isn’t suffering from mental illness? He thinks “dark forces” are everywhere. πŸ§πŸ€”


What does an orange idiot say? This.


Making my $1 tacos again. A few different ingredients.


Trump is telling stories about ninjas on his airplane. Grandpa needs a nap. 



THEM: I love watching my white wife being taken by black men. 

ME: Just black men?

THEM: Just black men.

ME: Huh. Well. If she’s into it. And he’s into it. I guess. I mean, consenting adults. Seems kind of.. not my thing. 

THEM: You’re a racist! 


ME: Black lives matter!

THEM: All lives matter! You’re a racist! 




Two positive things happened. I reconnected with an old friend. And I started cooking again with a goal to open a food truck. It’s possible. It can be done. I have the skills and know-how. More importantly are those who believe in me. That said...

It’s SEPTEMBER and we’re none closer to a cure. It’s SEPTEMBER. SEPTEMBER! Do we test? Do we not test? What?

Will I have a reason to take off this bathrobe by October 1? Is Halloween cancelled this year?