Monday, May 25, 2020

DOWN WITH KARENS!! (Update May 31)

May 31
Oh hey hi. Hello kids.

Didja know a sitting president cannot be removed from office during wartime, including civil war. 

Just putting that out there. 


I'm glad y'all like Hanoi Jane for her Black Panther activism. Oh hey, remember that time she did a photoshoot on a Vietnamese antiaircraft gun while American soldiers died by it. 

That was neat. 

Jane, what the hell are you wearing?



Julia? Is that your name? You're incredibly mindful, well spoken, and highly intelligent. You're what this country needs in leadership. I miss you already. 

Where are the "liberties and freedom" tough guys now? 

"Liberties and freedom!!!!"


Now you're happy to stay home? 


May 30

Love her as WW but...


Christopher Burns

Enough said


I believe these riot photos, specifically, were for Breonna Taylor. Not George Floyd. 

Same purpose. Obviously. 

I’m going to say this one thing and then I’m not saying it again. 

As a woman of color who grew up in the 70’s and 80’s in the whitest part of the country, while I did experience some racism, I did not experience racism to the extent what black Americans experience. 

For starters, I’m still alive.

I did not grow up in the twin cities. I’m a townie. One street light, no stop signs, small town. The biggest fear there wasn’t black people, it was outsiders. It didn’t matter what color. If you were an outsider, you were not going to be showered with welcome. 

It was a natural belief for his parents and mine who I was going to marry. My childhood friend Rick. Of course we should get married. Knowing him. Knowing me. Knowing our parents. It only made sense. It was that kind of small town. 

We, you and I, non black America, can argue back and forth about WHY it is black Americans are being murdered in the streets by police, which FYI, anytime white people give their opinion about being not white in this country, I just want to punch them in the nose, OR all of us in America can make the change and vote out the racists running this country. 

Yes, most of my friends are white. All of my girl friends from back home (MN) are white. I love them. I cherish them. I’ve known them since we were children and, they are very aware of how I feel about white people expressing their opinions on what it is to be a minority in this country. They have no say in this matter. None. Don’t say anything. You have no clue. That’s how I feel.

White people, you don’t have to love me. You don’t have to like me. That’s fine. I couldn’t care less. You don’t like my being Asian. I’m sick of your white selfish entitlement. Keep your opinions about me to yourself when I’m around. I’ll show you the same courtesy. If you really do care about being righteous, fighting racism, then do the right thing come November 2020. 

If rioting and looting is indeed the outcome of not being heard, well now you have America’s attention.

We hear you.

The stage is yours.

Will you now make your presence profound to the world 


Will you just keep setting fires and looting? 


I grew up in a very different Minnesota, during a very different time. We grew up with a solid recognition, practice, and understanding of right and wrong. The generations following mine were not raised the same way. My friends and I, now in our 50's, have remained silent for the most part regarding George Floyd, because it's our understanding that rioting and looting stem from those not being heard. 

You have the world’s attention now.

We're listening.


You know it's about to get real when Minnesota's Amish come out to stand in protest against the police for George Floyd. 

May 29

The morning of 9/11, I was ending my night shift on the 4th floor CNN building. I received a phone call from a CNN head who told me if I didn't feel safe I could go home but they felt I was in a safe place because we're a news building.

CNN is your friend!! Stop rioting them!!


Everyone is reporting on George Floyd, Minneapolis, and Chauvin.

Trump was on TV just now bitching about his hot girlfriend, China. Not one comment about Chauvin. Not one.

"When the looting starts the shooting starts."-- Trump



My fellow Asian Americans, it's time to get rid of that idiot currently in the White House. We're over 18 million strong. Come November vote Biden! 

May 28

FFS stop saying Hennepin County. 

No one outside of Hennepin County cares about Hennepin. They won’t relate.

Say Minneapolis!!!


May 27

Never give up the fight, Mister Byrd. 

May 26


“Following our internal review of the incident in Central Park yesterday, we have made the decision to terminate the employee involved, effective immediately," Franklin Templeton said in a statement. "We do not tolerate racism of any kind at Franklin Templeton." 

Good job everyone 


This was the last thing he text me...


That’s his white privilege showing. To think he can speak to minorities that way. 

He snaps his fingers and I’m supposed to bow down.

And that was after repeatedly saying I was diseased because of who my friends are. 

White privilege.

Nice huh?

Maybe he was always racist. 

Maybe he always felt white superior.

Oh Jimmys.

Going after everyone now. Fuck it.

I can't stand Sarah Silverman, anyway. Never could. She's always been a disgrace. She has zero entertainment skills. It's widely rumored she gets work via casting couch (not a secret!) And plays bit parts for being vulgar. The last comic who pulled off vulgar stand up, was Eddy Murphy.

Vulgar comedy these days all just look and sound like a desperate middle aged Sarah Karen.

May 25

Here we ho! I mean go!


DEMAND Amy Cooper get FIRED from her job at Franklin Templeton! 


Thursday, May 14, 2020

Just shut up and draw! (Update May 22)

May 22

How have you never seen an episode of SNAPPED?? WTF!

Here, watch this. Your first episode.

(Click the link)


UNTIL ONE OF HER BOYFRIENDS ENDS UP DEAD IN A FIELD with two bullet holes in the body, and one IN HIS FACE.

Woo! Good times!


She is right about Jewish women though. Crazy women aren't Jewish. Watch all 70,000 episodes of SNAPPED. How many of those white women are Jews compared to how many of them are WASPY/Catholic.

I'm Daniel BrΓΌhl in The Alienist. I absolutely must disect the white crazy.

I mean we all know later in life its pills, religion, fear, abandonment, lack of labor and education, lack of sophistication, etc. But the origin? The path? The commonality? When did the final thread of sanity unwind?

What's the go-juice to your loony toon car made of??


The people patroling sidewalks like death camp storm troopers screaming "liberties and freedom" have obviously been mentally/psychologically compromised. It's not normal behavior. They're crazy. Their weak minds have allowed them to behave like lunatics.

My friends in MN are pissed the state fair is closed this summer, but they still wear masks to grocery stores until their governor says it's ok not to. Why? Because my friends aren't crazy.

How much has big pharma invested in marijuana? Anything? 



Even Hitler made his soldiers take LSD because he believed the drug to possess heightened human abilities. And look what happened. Reportedly those who took the drug went into profound states of paranoid schizophrenia and they just shot each other. And before you celebrate nazi soldiers shooting each other just remember they were equally delusional with mind control as North Korean soldiers. It's not the soldiers. It's never the soldiers. Soldiers don't start wars. Their leaders do.

Remember when Lester Holt went into North Korea, some ski resort, to report on Pyeongchang winter Olympics, and everyone was dressed in identical ski clothes. Holy shit. What kind of republic forces skiers to dress exactly alike? Hmm. πŸ€” And why was Lester Holt's reading material inspected?


Hello? Otto Frederick Warmbier!!

It's not that every country doesn't try some kind of psychological warfare on its citizens, it's just that some countries are waaay better at it than others.

There's a very strong pattern with older white women and pill popping. Older white women and fear. Older white women and inability to cope. Older white women and SEVERE desperation.

Some can argue its genetics but I have white middle aged (and older) girl friends and they're not crazy.

But then again, my girl friends and I were all fundamentally raised the same way. Tough. Strong. I have girl friends from different parts of the country, and the world, but you would think we're all from Minnesota.

If a white woman is between the age of 45-55 and she tells me she lives in Minnesota, I can tell after 10 minutes talking with her if she was actually RAISED there. Would that be classified as a type of social conformity? Of course it is. But none of us get angry and crazy when instructed to wear face coverings to buy groceries.

I have to be in unbearable pain before I take two advil. Unbearable pain.

This country's leading medical professionals know about the opioid, pain killers, Ritalin problem in this country. It's a concern because of its side effects. You cannot take lab made drugs like Methelphenidate or any type of opioid, or pain killer, and not expect harmful side effects.

First of all we're not mice. Drug testing on animals is ridiculous. The human brain doesn't transmit drugs or food or drink the way a monkey would. Our brains are far more complex to begin with. The psychological outcome would reasonably be just as complicated.

And being the complicated thinking creatures we are, before the medical condition, before the drugs, humans have to posses a state of mind to require them.

How do they get that state of mind?

Phase one: Psychological Warfare.

Who are the easiest targets?

Those who are strong will? Strong mind? Laboring?

No. Of course not.

You need older, insecure, fearful, uneducated, unsophisticated, lazy, or a combination of all of those things, but most of all, you need subjects to "need" a quick painless easy fix.

Like pills.

But first, you have to fuck them up mentally. 


Because they don't know what hard living is. They don't even know what camping is!

Hard living = Oh you're cold? Here's a tree trunk. Chop it into firewood and build a fire.

Hard living = Oh you want to leave the house? Here's a metal shovel. Go outside and shovel the three feet of snow from the driveway.

Hard living = Oh you need to use the bathroom? Here's a snowmobile suit, winter boots, and snowshoes. The bathrooms are a 1/4 mile up the road.

Hard living = Oh you're hungry? Here's a fishing pole. Here's a hand auger. The lake is behind the house.

FYI, the hard living I just listed, to us Minnesotans that's called camping. And we did it for fun every winter.

Until Karen and Aunt Becky "hard live" for 18 years, they need to stay home and detox off their godamm Ritalin.


Nope. Disagree. I'm going through perimenopause too, and I'm not on camera fighting with a Gelsons employee, Costco employee, cutting holes in my mask, screaming at people, coughing on people, throwing my poo at people (starbucks!), or going outside to white female rage with signs and semi automatics in the streets because I need my roots done. -- My hair is fabulously grey thank you very much.

I asked Beth, being as how she's white and all, why she thinks those white women are acting so crazy over being asked to wear a face covering and she replied, "None of those women are Jewish."



Fair enough

What confuses me most is when white people go outside with semi automatics, taking protest to the streets about bars not being open.

People have been packing coolers full of beer and hitting the beaches since the begining of May. Maybe sooner. No masks. No social distancing. Do I approve? No. What do you want me to do about it? My point being they too protested the shut in order... by going outside and having fun.

These nutjobs protest the shut-in order by going outside awaiting combat (in Calabasas) with heavy artiliary guns, walking up and down the streets like angry hookers in riot gear.

No. It's not menopause. It's something else. I have theories. Don't I always?

If you think my theory of children growing up in states/countries where the temperature regularly gets below freezing being in direct relation to studies of human cryogenics, is impossible ... you'll probably have doubts regarding my theory on white female hysteria and why its ever growing for the past 25 years.


Oh  My  Gawd  Becky

And notice how majority of the freak out videos being posted are of white women of a certain age?

Oh sure there might be the token black girl, because white people feel a token minority makes their crazy equal πŸ™„ but mostly its white women of a certain age acting certifiable. They're the ones spreading the virus. And you know those nutty bitches wake up crazy, eat crazy, drink crazy, breath crazy, and sleep crazy. And then they wonder why their husbands left them for a woman of color. Heeeeeey.

But in all fairness I never wanted them within 6 feet of me to begin with.

Most of my girlfriends are white, yes, but not anyone new in the last 25 years.

I can recognize white female hysteria the moment I meet them. My dad's first wife suffered with it for the whole of her life. Her own mother told me she was always that way, and I'm like you should have had her committed sooner! There's places for dangerously disturbed women like her.

Now there's an X-File, Chris Carter! Why white women started acting crazy in the past 25 years. I'll write it! I have theories!

May 21

I'm borrowing against my social security. Borrowing. As in I have to pay it back or it gets taken out of my retirement should I even live to see 62.

I have (at least) 12 more years of work ahead of me.

Do I understand why I get my social security last after all the old people? Nope. They're not paying theirs back. I am. I've earned my social security just like them. But somehow they're more important? More deserving? πŸ€”πŸ€¨

And the argument that they have medication to buy, I have tampons, advil, pads, and extra clothing detergent to buy. If I can money manage, so can they.

So yes in that regard I see their point. I'm tired of bowing down to other people too. As if I'm less deserving.

I went out this morning and among the ten people I saw on the street three were wearing masks myself including. Everyone I passed who weren't wearing masks laughed at me. They don't approve my wearing a mask. Their mentality is survival of the fittest. Most people think the virus is gone. Let's not get carried away.

It's not a Democrat or Republican thing. It's a "we're sick of bowing down to old people" kind of thing. Me too!! Old white men are creepy AF!!! But I wear a mask anyway because I think it's the right thing to do. I don't care if its appreciated. I don't do it for them. I do it for my own sense of righteousness. Doing what's right. When I no longer feel wearing a mask is righteous, I'll stop.

If less than 50% of America is wearing masks, my wearing one is moot.

May 20

It's not disrespectful. Old people want the world to revolve around them. Young people know it just does. The world revolves around young people. It just does.

What do you think the Kardashians are going to be like 20 years from now? God willing I'll be dead.


There's two guys outside my window right now making fun of Trump. "It's going to go away like a miracle!" They're joking.

"Just take hydroxychloroquine!" πŸ˜‚

You know, it's not so much that Trump is a buffoon as it is he's just old. These young guys are making fun of Trump for being old and senile. Can you blame them? I make fun of old senile men too!


For all the people who call themselves artists in this town, where's your art??

We've been shut in, solo, for the past two mother F'ing months, going on three! Where's your godamm art?? What the fuck have you been doing all this time??

Keep pounding out art! Who cares if it's good! Just keep creating! Keep making!

This is why dumb whores like the Kardashians are what little girls strive to be!

Tell 'em Jon!

May 19

It's the not knowing if my period is coming or not that makes me pull my hair out. So far in 2020 I've only had my period once, in March. Today however I'm all bunged up like I'm going to get it on its scheduled arrival date, Thursday. πŸ˜«


What's the point? 

I'm 51 years old dammit. The baby factory is closed indefinitely.

Quarantine log week number 10

One more month shut-in you say?


We kind of already knew July 1 was the goal date. 

In the meantime Trump continues being an unpresidential douchebag. And still, with all Trump's disrespect, disdain, and incompetence, if Trump were to look into the camera, face the nation and admit he was wrong, admit he was in over his head from day 1, and ask the former presidents for help, they all would do it because that's what real leaders do unlike Trump who is currently grinding the nation down into one giant cemetery. 



May 17

Leslie Jordon, is the best! Thelesliejordan on IG. I just love her. You too @Dylan.Mcdermott you saucy minx.

Damnit Karen!

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother what will I be
Will I be pretty will I be rich
Here's what she said to me
Que sera sera
Whatever will be will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera sera

White people don't pandemic well. All the freakouts being recorded on social media are all white people. Mostly white women. And people over 60.

What's going on here folks?

Settle down Karen!

Just chill out. I'm broke and out of work too.

Acting crazy isn't going to open the state any faster. 

SNAPPED the pandemic series. All new episodes.

May 16

Let's just get in the car and go. I don't care where. Road trip for the next 6-8 weeks.

Come and get us zombies! 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️

May 15

Me after one bottle of wine..

Me completely sober..

"There is no getting out of this town, Scully. Not these days." -- Mulder (ep. Mr Chuckle teeth)

May 14

"Shut up and draw!"

I know. I should. But I can't. Maybe tomorrow.

I swear to Starbucks, ever get that feeling like how am I the only person who sees how wrong we talk and treat each other? HOW? 

Yesterday I drank a bottle of wine and made a YouTube, not that anyone cares...

Did we grow up the same way at all?

I once ordered a LYFT and without thinking I started getting into the passenger seat. The driver, a young guy, very politely said, "Please sit in the back." And so I got in the back seat. No need for drama. I just got in the backseat. We had a nice chat during the drive. He explained he doesn't like people sitting beside him unless he picks up a ride share, and this wasn't a ride share. 

He didn't need to explain. 

No need.

He made a request. I honored it. Grateful for the ride. 

What's the big deal?

Why make it hard?


Sure, I could have gotten offended, pissy, cop an attitude, thought about only myself, make a ridiculous Rosa Parks comparison, cancel the ride, order another LYFT, fucking drama, but why? What does it accomplish? Did it kill me to get in the back seat? No. Of course not. 

Now had the LYFT driver bitched nonstop during the entire ride about how dirty he thought his passengers were, that's something else entirely. But he didn't do that. 

If you ask me to do something incredibly simple that will give you momentary peace of mind, ok sure. No big deal.

Just don't then go making it a big deal.

Some people don't know when to stop.